My Journey into AI

Matt Blum
Kinomoto.Mag AI
Published in
4 min readMar 31, 2024


From the “Far West Movement” collection by Matt Blum (@iammattblum)

Embarking on this journey of creating imagery with artificial intelligence felt like stepping into a secret garden; a place where the wild, untamed flora of my imagination could finally bloom in the physical world. It’s a path I’ve walked with a mix of awe and apprehension; a blend of excitement for the possibilities and a healthy respect for the challenges.

Let me draw you into my new adventure…a tale spun from dreams and digital threads, where my words become the brushes I use to paint something into creation. It’s whimsical, sure, but it’s also profoundly personal. Imagine sitting down at your desk, not just to write, but to weave magic. Each phrase I type is a stroke on an invisible canvas, each description a dab of color on a palette that exists somewhere between thought and reality.

From the “Far West Movement” collection by Matt Blum (@iammattblum)

This isn’t about throwing words into the void and hoping for the best. Oh no, it’s far more intricate and intimate. I find myself in a dance with an unseen partner; one whose language I’m still learning, whose moves I’m still trying to anticipate. There’s a rhythm to it, a back-and-forth of trial and error, where I spin my words in various ways, hoping to communicate just what I want from this digital entity that both assists and challenges me.

It’s not straightforward. I think the majority of people imagine AI as a cheap gimmick — typing “pretty sunset” and POOF, there’s your magic. Others think it’s a shallow, kiddie pool for making bad political pics and memes. It is an ocean…one that we have yet to understand the true depths of. There are days when it feels like trying to teach a very literal-minded child to dream. I say, “Paint me a sky ablaze with the last fiery kiss of the sun,” and what comes back is sometimes astonishingly close to my vision… and other times, it’s as if the machine decided to run off with the concept and create something entirely its own. Yet, there’s beauty in the unpredictability, in the surprises that emerge when you least expect them.

From the “Far West Movement” collection by Matt Blum (@iammattblum)

The work involved in this process is unlike anything I’ve ever undertaken. It’s a blend of being an artist, a storyteller, and a bit of a technologist, all rolled into one. I’m not just creating; I’m learning a whole new way of seeing the world, through the lens of an AI that interprets my commands in ways I couldn’t have imagined. It’s a journey filled with moments of pure joy, when an image materializes that captures exactly the essence of what I envisioned, along with episodes of sheer perplexity at the unexpected interpretations my instructions can spawn.

But let me tell you, every step of this journey, every challenge, every delightful surprise, has been worth it. I’m exploring uncharted territories, where the language of my imagination meets the logic of algorithms, creating art that is as much a discovery for me as it might be for you.

From the “Far West Movement” collection by Matt Blum (@iammattblum)

This adventure, this venture into creating artworks with artificial intelligence, is not just a run at some “shiny new thing.” It’s a realization; a profound and personal epiphany, that through words, through this dance of communication with a machine, I can push the boundaries of creation. I can take the ephemeral, the imagined, the felt, and turn it into something tangible, something to be shared…and in sharing, perhaps, draw you into this journey with me, into this new world where imagination and technology intertwine to create art that speaks, not just of my dreams, but of the endless possibilities that lie when we dare to venture beyond the familiar.

