How Technology is Eroding One-to-One Engagement.

Rik Blunt
4 min readJul 1, 2023


In today’s hyper-connected world, technology has become an integral part of our lives, revolutionizing the way we communicate and interact. While technology offers numerous benefits, it is essential to acknowledge the unintended consequences it has on one-to-one engagement. There is growing concern that technology is eroding the quality of personal connections, leading to a decline in meaningful interactions and the need to reclaim genuine human engagement.

With the advent of smartphones and other devices, our attention is constantly divided. The temptation to check notifications, browse social media, or respond to emails while engaged in conversation diminishes our ability to actively listen and fully engage with others. This distraction fosters a sense of disconnect, leaving our companions feeling unheard and undervalued. We don’t look and listen to each other anymore.

Online platforms and social media allow us to connect with a vast number of people, but often at the cost of depth and authenticity. Many interactions have become superficial, reduced to quick likes, emojis, or brief comments. Shallow online connections lack the depth and intimacy that can be fostered through face-to-face interaction, preventing us from truly understanding and connecting with others.

Technology-driven communication primarily relies on written words, emojis, or abbreviations, leaving out the rich context of non-verbal communication. The tone of voice, facial expressions, and body language often play a significant role in effective communication, conveying emotions and understanding. By losing these vital cues, we risk misinterpreting messages and missing opportunities for empathy and connection. The ease of online communication can often lead to a lack of empathy and understanding. It becomes easier to distance ourselves from the feelings and perspectives of others when interacting through screens, resulting in a loss of connection and a diminished ability to relate to one another’s experiences. Empathy, a crucial driver of human connection, suffers in this digital landscape.

Technology’s pervasive presence in our lives can encroach on our ability to allocate genuine, uninterrupted quality time for one-to-one engagement. Whether it’s constantly checking smartphones during social gatherings or being absorbed in screens during shared activities, technology hinders our ability to be fully present with the people we care about, preventing deep connection and meaningful conversations. To counteract the erosion of one-to-one engagement, it is crucial to be mindful of our technology usage and prioritize genuine human connection. Setting boundaries with devices, practicing digital detoxes, and embracing technology-free moments can help create valuable space for meaningful interactions. Engaging in activities that foster face-to-face communication and active listening, such as shared hobbies or simply having deep conversations, can reignite the joy and intimacy that comes with a genuine human connection.

While technology has unquestionably improved our lives in many ways, we must be cognizant of the unintended consequences it has on one-to-one engagement. By recognizing the impact of distraction, superficial interactions, diminished non-verbal communication, eroded empathy, and reduced quality time, we can take deliberate steps to reclaim genuine human connection. Balancing technology use, practicing active listening, and fostering deeper, more meaningful interactions will allow us to rediscover the power of genuine engagement in our increasingly digitized world.

I can’t remember the last time I sat at a dinner table without someone’s phone ringing or someone being on social media. We are all guilty of this at some point but in my opinion, if we are going to move forward from not just a high-tech life we can better ourselves by doing both. Yes use technology when it’s needed but also take time to have one to ones with people. This is important to human existence. Even though we are moving forward in a high-tech society we are taking steps backwards on a social level.

Once again I thank you for reading and it will be a great help if you follow.

Much Love.

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Rik Blunt

Research, Writer and Blogger. Motivation. Also 10 Years as a personal trainer.