Jungfraujoch, The Top Of Europe

5 min readAug 31, 2018


To many of us, we often think that Switzerland is somewhere far, unreachable, and a place where we only visit when we get rich enough. Adding Switzerland to be part of our Europe itinerary is definitely something very brave we had ever done in our life. Even up until now, the breathtaking sceneries still make us dream about visiting there again.

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Heaven Exists — Interlaken, Switzerland

We hopped on a night bus from Paris to Zurich Hb and took a 2 hour journey train to Interlaken Ost. By the time we arrived it was already afternoon. We stay in an airbnb at Hunibach Chartreuse which is about 30 minutes away from Interlaken.

The view from our window and balcony. As you can see our airbnb was actually located on a mountain beside lake Thun. It took us quite a while to walk from the nearest bus stop to the middle of the mountain. We did not mind the walking at all because the magnificient view made up for everything!

Switzerland is by far the safest country we have been to, even safer than Singapore. Our host was out for vacation, so they left the house unlocked for us. We had stayed at many airbnbs before and none left their house unlocked for their guests unless they are at home, or usually they would just keep the keys in a passcode protected box or hide it somewhere. Moreover, they left all their expensive gadgets (ipads, laptops) at home just like that even when they were expecting strangers to stay there overnight. Thats just too much trust haha.

We spent the afternoon walking aimlessly through all the pictureque streets and fields, set against the stunning backdrop of alpine mountains and the bright blue sky. It was also happened to be sports day or family event there (I supposed) as you can see some tents being set up and we saw parents and kids playing games together and some competitions were going on.

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Prize For Being Adventurous! — Lake Thun, Switzerland

We went back to the bus stop where we alighted, planning to board the same bus back to our airbnb at Hunibach. Unfortunately we did not see our bus coming even after waiting for more than 30 minutes. So we had a crazy thought — why not walk? ( We just get used to a lot of walking in Singapore.)

It was kinda crazy because we were walking on a high way. People driving past us gave a puzzled and judging look haha. Guess what, we found a secret lookout spot for lake Thun along the high way.

We encountered zero tourist here, the entire lake all by ourselves!

About 30–40 minutes of walk later, we found another bus stop and waited for our bus (If not, we would have to walk for another 2 hours). Luckily this time round our bus came!

Cut down budget by cooking own meals. We even bought all the ingredients from a supermarket in Paris because it was so much cheaper than buying them in Switzerland.

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Our First Snow In Life! — Jungfraujoch, Switzerland

Jungfraujoch — one of our highlights in our Europe trip! It is also called as top of Europe becase of its highest train station at 3454 meters.

After getting our tickets to Jungfraujoch from Interlaken Ost Station. We grabbed some light breakfast at a cafe before boarding our train.

The cogwheel train which brought us through the Swiss Alps to Jungfraujoch. There are 2 train transfer along the way — one in Lauterbrunnen and one in Kleine Scheidegg. The views on the way were extremely spectacular. Exactly what you see from travel magazine! Too bad we did not capture much photos back then because we never thought one day we would be blogging about our journey.

There are many activities available on Jungfraujoch such as skiing, snowboarding or foxflying, or you can visit the sphinx observatory, ice palace, or alpine Sensation (a moving walkway with photos and videos). The best entertainment for us was throwing snowballs!

The Alpine sensation.
The penguins in the ice palace.
We were completely sold with our fist snow experience — so unforgettable.

Flying fox rope slide (CHF20/pax).This was so fun! After buying tickets and collecting our safety belts, we climbed up the staircases on the slope and the staff then ‘hooked’ us on the rope. there we goooo! The 360 degree view of the snow mountains was so stunning and all beings looked so tiny from above.

  • Visit https://www.jungfrau.ch/en-gb/ for forecast and live cam before booking your tix!
  • Bring some snacks and water ( a cup noodle there priced for SGD9)
  • Dress thick! (I wore ripped jeans there and my knees was numb for the rest of the day haha)

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