The Only Thing That Will Ever Stop These Bad-Guys-With-Guns…Is NOT a Gun

The Amazing Miracle and Inspiration That is Malala Yousafzai

T. M. Urank
6 min readMar 9, 2016

Today I saw one of the best and most moving Zen Pencils I have seen. I got goosebumps and tears in my eyes. People of the world, imagine your own child as Malala in that moment, the gun pointed at her head, targeted because she wanted an education.

So, you want an education? Would you still fight for it, if this was your world?

I often think about Malala Yousafzai, because she is my hero. One of the greatest this world has seen. Do you know who she is?

Malala was a an 11 year-old kid when she took the huge risk of writing a blog about living under the Taliban while trying to pursue her education despite their banning education for girls in the Swat Valley in Pakistan, where she lived at the time.

Imagine that. Just think about yourself at that age. Think about the kids you know. My friends, this is not a Hollywood horror movie, this is the world we live in. And it is getting progressively worse. Malala was a 15 year-old girl when she was shot point-blank in the head. Imagine that for a minute.

I have the right to speak up. Does she? Do you? Who will stand up for the children of our world?



T. M. Urank

Life is beautiful; when you really look, you can find bits of beauty everywhere. Sharing the beauty we find is like a little act of kindness, pass it on.