The US Does Not Benefit From Sustained Immigration. It’s An Elaborate Pyramid Scheme.

Brett MacDonald
7 min readJan 31, 2017


What follows are some of the observations I made about how liberals are handling the Trump Administration’s recent EO halting travel and immigration from nations deemed ‘of concern.’

Chief among their concerns is the United States identity as a “country of immigrants.” I’ve decided to take this talking point to task.

I’ve framed my analysis with some simple questions that have answers every sane person should inevitably arrive at after a brief consideration:

Can the United States remain a nation of immigrants indefinitely while still remaining a superpower? (No.)

Can the United States expect immigrants to lose interest in moving here while it retains it’s status as a superpower? (No.)

Does the United States have an unlimited amount of room, resources, and occupations to fit the needs of endless immigration? (No.)

Will immigration naturally stop only when the forces that encourage it — cost of living, job availability, and quality of life — reach a stagnated equilibrium? (I believe so.)

Regardless of personal opinion, should the US continue allowing immigrants to arrive even if that immigration is no longer beneficial to our nation? (No.)

If that is the case, should the US seek to halt immigration and naturalization? (I believe so.)

Nightly Red Pill #1: The US Does Not Benefit From Immigration.

Progressives Are Like Astrologers

The problem with the Progressive is the same problem as that of the Astrologer — they have a vision they want to see solidified so they connect dots where there isn’t any real causation to be found. Astrologers do this with the stars. Progressives do this with statistics and feelings. If you can sell a liberal on the end game — nothing in between will matter. They will pejoratively refer to conservatives as “reactionary” for the rest of their lives, blissfully and shamefully ignorant to the world around them.

Though they don’t use this word as I am about to use it, conservatives are indeed far more reactionary — and in my interpretation, that is a good thing. Because to be a progressive, one must maintain a willful ignorance about the dynamic between the nature of man and the world around him. To notice would require reaction and any reaction would stymie “progress.”

Conservatives make no qualms about calling out man’s inner nature. Despite all our failings at recognizing evolution in the past, it’s hard to argue that we don’t have a more keen understanding of man’s primal nature. The nature that caused us to eradicate all other proto-humans in our conquest of the Earth. In terms of evolution, there is very little difference between us and the ancestor that bashed in the head of a Neanderthal. Liberals are convinced that pretending the world is a Utopia outside of the US and that evil conservatives are to blame for all the problems on our planet.

They’ll tell you that while they swing a club at your head, dressed in full black, before disappearing into their AntiFascist mob. Liberals are so unable to react to the reality and stimuli around them that they praise their masked cohorts for beating “fascists.” The praise is done openly. I often am troubled by why the beatings are not then.

But liberals are wrong about everything and they decided they were right before bothering to learn anything. So let’s dive into immigration.

The US doesn’t need any immigration — legal or illegal.

That’s right. In fact, if you believe that the ongoing sustainability of the US economy is reliant on an endless trickle of migrants (alongside an endless trickle of controlled inflation) you are just playing a very elaborate pyramid scheme and have no idea what you’re really talking about.

This isn’t to say there is some easy solution to the economic obstacles that face us down the road. This piece only seeks to point out that liberals aren’t even addressing a problem.

Globalists Are The Sole Beneficiaries of Immigration

Immigration does benefit a certain subset of the American populace: chiefly principal investors and mega rich Americans.

Wouldn’t it be nice as an employer if you could convince half the country to continually compete with new waves of immigrants, with each subsequent wave being accustomed to lower living standards and settling on lower expectations?

Think of how much labor costs could plummet! Think of the output increases! Ah, and all the better if for the globalist if he can convince liberals that this was actually beneficial to them in the long run. It also helps that NeoConservatives from the Democratic party joined the conservative coalition and convinced the baby-boomers that they needed this if they ever hoped to see Social Security payments.

It really is amazing.

Liberals have been convinced that everyone in this country that is negatively impacted can just retrain. It helps that liberals love working in unionized or civil service jobs that safely insulate them from the harsh realities of market movements.

“They Work The Jobs Americans (read: Whites) Don’t Want”

It cant hurt to get the really loud, privileged white people to tell the poor blue collar whites that “immigrants do the jobs white people don’t work anyways” either. Because that’s a favorite talking point from people hand fed by silver spoons. They could never imagine the life of a Rustbelt worker eating with dirty hands. There are no jobs too humiliating for a struggling parent to work. But a liberal is happy to give those American jobs away to foreigner.

After all, if you’re white and liberal there’s a good chance you picture those jobs beneath you — if you look inside with some real introspection you might even just admit it to yourself right now. Funny, that would be a bit racist though, wouldn’t it? I digress.

“America First” Means Taking Care Of Our Own And Leaving Room For Our Descendants To Carve Out On Their Own.

Progressives want to give all that they can see away. They have no thought about the future. Many don’t have any interest in children since large swathes of their base are unable to procreate due to their own sexual inclinations. That’s fine, but it has a notable impact on their ideology. Recognizing such an impact isn’t racist, sexist, or misogynist,

Some liberals will try to argue: “We will stop immigration when the time comes. Right now we need them to handle the baby boomers!”

No we don’t. We need to face the horrifying reality that immigrants have far more kids than citizens have here. There’s a liberal out there that is going to take issue with my word horrifying. Good, let them. It is horrifying. You’re kicking the can and this is still a pyramid scheme — unless the children of immigrants continue to have extreme birthrates themselves. But since the children of immigrants tend to have less kids than their parents, immigration creates a second generation of baby-boomer in practice. Which, in turn, requires more immigrants. Immigration is not a solution to economic woes. It’s a pyramid scheme.

It’s important to note the the immigrants coming here not only have more children than American families, but also have more children than families in the country they are coming from. Therefore, Immigration not only contributes to an unnatural climb in the American population but also accelerates the pace of the global population — at the disproportionate cost of increasing our domestic population density.

Eventually, we’ll just run out of room and live in an endless dystopian stretch of metropolitan waste. Malthus can finally stop rolling over in his grave when that day comes. We never proved Malthusian theory wrong. We proved it premature.

America Is Not Wanting For Another Mr. Rogers.

The slow destruction of America will make some liberals feel good. For them, it’s the process that counts because they were taught to have empathy for their neighbors just a bit too well.

Well, you don’t put your neighbor ahead of your family. Your neighbor won’t put you ahead of theirs.

Take care of your family. Take care of your fellow American. Help your fellow humans where they live. Don’t bring them here. There is plenty for us to work on.

Replacing The Mainstream Media

A great obstacle in front of New Media outlets like the one I belong to is the heavy dependence on the Mainstream Media infrastructure. To keep it brief: The MSM has an incredible array of resources from their affiliate reporters to the longstanding collusion agreements euphemistically referred to as ‘media relations” to the assortment of real and imaginary sources they are able to draw from.

Often times, New Media exists solely as an interpreter that translates the liberal bias into substantive information. At our worst, we change it to conservative bias.

This system of ours is no more sustainable than an endless stream of immigration. It will come to a head.

But We At AFF Media Are Working On A Permanent Solution And Humbly Ask For You To Help Be Our Eyes And Ears:

If you want to see the MSM replaced in your lifetime, it will require your active assistance. If you or someone you know has any informative tips, questions, comments or concerns: please do not hesitate to contact me. I am most readily reachable via Twitter direct message (open to all) or through a message on Facebook page.


