Redux Source Part III: .subscribe(fn)

Ben Brostoff
4 min readApr 20, 2018


My last post explored calling .dispatch on a Redux store without listeners; in this post, I will add listeners to the toy application we’ve been building in this series and trace the subscribe source in the process. To begin our code exploration, I’ll call subscribe on our Redux store and pass in a callback that just logs the state of the store to the console:

Let’s begin with the documentation for subscribe in the source.

Adds a change listener. It will be called any time an action is dispatched, and some part of the state tree may potentially have changed. You may then call getState() to read the current state tree inside the callback.

The next items in the docs before the function signature are about calling dispatch from a change listener, which we’ll ignore for now since our toy example does not do this. The function signature explains that subscribe expects a function that will be invoked on every dispatch and returns a function that when invoked will unsubscribe the listener:

@param {Function} listener A callback to be invoked on every dispatch. @returns {Function} A function to remove this change listener.

The full v4.0.0 source for subscribe is below. When reading this blog post, it may be useful to split screen and have it open, although I’ll add gists where relevant:

As we’ve seen elsewhere in the Redux source, the beginning of the function body is type checking and raising errors if the expectations outlined in the docs are not met. Redux checks to see that listener is a function and that a store.dispatch call is not in progress when subscribe is invoked.

Two notable things then happen:

  1. Redux sets a variable that will be updated later called isSubscribed to true - this makes sense from a naming perspective, as we’re subscribing to a function. We’ll come back to this variable when discussing unsubscribe, which predictably sets it to false.
  2. A function called ensureCanMutateNextListeners is called next, which is small despite the long name. All this does is check if two variables declared in createStore are the same array (and originally they are - let nextListeners = currentListeners happens on createStore). If they are, nextListeners is set equal to a copy of currentListeners via .slice(), thereby destroying the equality:

The listener passed to subscribe is pushed into the array of nextListeners.

Note that the Redux docs have numerous references to the term “snapshotting listeners”, and I take that to mean the function ensureCanMutateNextListeners is serving. The Redux source never adds or removes a listener without first copying currentListeners if nextListeners and currentListeners are a reference to the same value (currentListeners is assigned to nextListeners in dispatch and in createStore).

Finally, an unsubscribe function is returned, which includes closures from variables from subscribe and createStore.

The first conditional and empty return is to ensure that calls to unsubscribe after the first call do nothing. On the first unsubscribe call, isSubscribed is set to false; afterwards, there is no way to set it back to true, since each subscribe call creates a separate closure. Calls to unsubscribe after the first one bail out as early as possible.

Next, Redux again checks if a dispatch call is in progress and throws an error if this is the case. The error here is to guard against calling unsubscribe while a reducer is executing. As an aside, this if (isDispatching) and error throwing logic happens three times in the createStore source - once in dispatch (reducers cannot dispatch actions), once in getState (cannot read state while reducer is executing) and once here.

As alluded to earlier, Redux then sets isSubscribed to false, guaranteeing future calls to unsubscribe will do nothing.

The meat of unsubscribe is next:

We reviewed ensureCanMutateNextListeners() - this call protects nextListeners from being mutated by changes to currentListeners. nextListeners.indexOf(listener) gets the index in the array of listeners of the listener unsubscribe is tied to. Finally, nextListeners.splice(index, 1) removes the listener from the nextListeners array. An example may be helpful:

In the first unsubscribe call, index is 2 (funcC is the last listener in an array of three), then 1 (with funcC removed, funcB is now the last listener in an array of 2), then 0 (funcA is the only listener in an array of one). splice is a mutative function that takes a position as the first argument and how many elements to delete as the second. With unsubscribe, splice is deleting the relevant listener at its respective position.

Now that we’ve reviewed subscribe, we can actually trace what happens on a dispatch with a listener:

At the very end of dispatch (the only remaining line is to return an action), Redux sets currentListeners to nextListeners and iterates through the current listeners in the order they were added. Each listener is then invoked with no arguments. It would be easy enough to give the listeners the current action, but per the original author, Dan Abramov, this is a misuse of the library:

Subscribers should react to the new state, not to what happened.

In summary, the subscribe source:

  • Checks that the passed argument is a function and that the reducer passed to createStore is not executing
  • Pushes the passed listener function to an array of listeners (nextListeners)
  • Returns an unsubscribe function that can be invoked in order to remove the listener from the array of listener

dispatch then invokes every listener in currentListeners (which is assigned to nextListeners). Thus, any function passed to subscribe will be called on dispatch.

That about wraps up the bulk of createStore. Note that I skipped some of the API that was not part of Redux in its original 2015 state - replaceReducer and Redux’s observable functions were left out here.

Next, I want to dive into applyMiddleware and discussing how adding middleware to a Redux store works behind the scenes.

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