Music Files #1 Nirvana, Nevermind

Mad Monk
4 min readJun 9, 2024




I like to analyze songs and albums. Recently I’ve been on a mind track of viewing the music industries releases as the voices of rebellion. I have seen that even though the counterculture may have ended in the 70’s the voice of rebellion can still be heard in the shouts of some of our greatest music. Here is my synopsis on Nirvanas Nevermind album.

“Smells Like Teen Spirit”

Music is warfare. The only show they put on it says “fuck it, tear it down” They scream it just to awaken a dead man. Acting recklessly is a divine paradigm leading to a divine reality. But nevermind I’m having too good of a time. The lifestyles dangerous but damn is it contagious. Entertainment is entertainment, even if your an albino.

“In Bloom”

Sell the kids for food. If you’re in you’re in if its hidden to you then put on a show, just show up. Why is the desire to fight the system so common? Or does it just make for good entertainment. “Eds the one who likes all our pretty songs and he likes to sing along and he likes to shoot his guns but he knows not what it means.” So at the end of the day is it really warfare? I guess he’s still shooting his gun though. Or is this all just a game for teenagers with too much angst? But damn good music is damn good music.

Come As You Are

Come doused in mud, soaked in bleach. As I want you to be. As a friend, as a friend as an old memoria. The foolish will confound the wise. Its the prophetic voice of a hidden world. Memoria is both a mnemonic aid and a diplomatic discussion. As an old enemy, as a friend. Is Kurt Cobain summoning one of the Sons of God? Lucifer himself, that old enemy? Socially speaking we need a revolution. So, I guess it makes sense that Kurt Cobain would summon the who rebelled since the beginning. But I guess Satan has been an outcast since the beginning.


Innocence is an interesting thing. Melodic music with a sing song rhythm can grab a child’s attention quickly. But sexual overtones could corrupt. And with the corruption of the youth the guise of society gets taken down a rank.


Light my candles in a daze cuz I found God. Are we all mindless sheep cursed with spells of religiosity? The mindset of a fiend is the mindset of a fiend. Is this just societies grasping for the dark side of the moon? But surely partying and revelry can’t lead to anything, well a change of perspective is a change in perspective. Maybe a mess is a mess until he meditates his way to Nirvana. “I’m not gonna crack”. Said the mad man to the fiend.


Life outside the norms is an interesting thing to consider. I suppose waiting in the hum drums of life is good enough to get things started.

Territorial Pissings

Gotta find a way a better way a better way. Paranoia may be spiritual too.

Drain You

Then we’re gonna go after marriage. It is now my duty to completely drain you. Love is a satanic game. They move your emotions so freely. But what are they molding and shaping you into being? A slave is a slave. One baby said to another I’m happy to meet you. Babes babbling incoherently raised and trained to grow into slaves.

Lounge Act

Truth covered insecurity. I could let you smoke with me. Friendship could lead to corruption. Which to think about it is actually a divine paradigm.

Stay Away

Did Kurt Cobain try to keep people at bay. Is he expressing his nature to me through the album? Am I creeping up on intellectual property that he’d rather me just think of it as a great show. I’m gonna keep going in this direction though.

On a Plain

Inebriation is a divine state. “I know its wrong but what should I do” Being on a plain could be a great feeling but to some it could come with fear. I don’t think this prophetic vision that comes from this particular martyr ends in a good picture. But inebriation is a divine state regardless. Thos sweet nothings will get you through this one too. And the Natives speak from the grave.

Something in the Way

And with all other memorias this will end under the bridge. What ideals will we carry when we’re 40? Or 50? What if we’re sheep that went for a run and eventually need to go back to their corals. I think order and conformity are what’s actually in the way.

Endless, Nameless

An unfathomable well spring of chaos and greed will continue to scream throughout the ages.



Mad Monk

Freedom means something, I just haven't figured it out yet.