Writing Files- Honor and Sacrifice

Mad Monk
3 min readJun 20, 2024


There is a spirituality in writing. It’s an ancient path filled with the wisdom of the Gods. I will discuss the spiritual aspects of writing in this article. There are two things I would like to focus on. Honor and sacrifice. We must honor for without honor there can be no path and we must sacrifice for there can be no honor without sacrifice.

Honoring The Call- There is a pull. Where it comes from is unknown. An unseen and unknown force interacts with the divine incorruptible within bringing it to life and leading you to the path. This pull is inescapable. It takes a noble soul to be enslaved. It takes a keen mind to be owned. You pick up on it from time to time. A flicker of a desire. An interest. Maybe you’re stuck in your head and don’t know where to go. But the path is hidden, you must find it within yourself.

Honoring The Muse Within- A sort of divinity, some may call it wisdom, regardless it leads with a still small voice. The closer you get to the muse the more you know yourself as a writer. It’s a mystical experience. It’s almost as if your doing something without really knowing what your doing. There’s freedom in being a slave too. A relaxation of the mind, heart and soul. It’s as if the current takes you under. But this current craves a connection and will not rest until you are intimately connected. It serves you well to know who your God is. In discovering your self, your true nature, your hidden intellect, you become more acquainted with the divine. It’s inescapable that you and the muse work together. So honor the muse by being acquainted with the muse and you will come to life.

Honoring The Path- Every step of the way there is an insight, a revelation, a mystery of the universe that must be unraveled. There are hidden within mindsets to explore, perspectives to uncover. A mysterious path into the unknown and unseen where everything is magical and comes to life. Its as if I’m staring at a dark night sky trying to make sense of things. You know something lies just beyond the horizon but you don’t know what. When an adventurer seeks a new destination he is confronted with the pains of disappointment. He knows there’s more to explore but he doesn’t know where to begin. He carries these birthing pains until there is a flicker, maybe some treasure that points to the true destination. The journey is one to honor every step of the way. See, your always on this path so the only thing you must remember is to honor every step. For each step is one to glory in.

Sacrifice Of The Fixed Linear Mind- The mind should be fluid and free. We cling to things as innocent babes cling to their mother. But a babe only babbles nonsense and does not know what a story is or how to tell one. As we mature in matters of spirituality we realize that by holding onto nothing we hold onto everything. See in life as in the spirit there is rarely linear progression and nothing is fixed. This realization paves the way for new things, insights, revelations, new paths to walk. I walk the same trail every day but there are new trails to explore all around me. It’s only by releasing the path I walk that I can find a new path.

Sacrifice Of The Status Quo- A new world to explore always looks dangerous to the civilized. It may look crazy to those who praise the comforts of the norms of life. But uncharted lands are the only ones worth exploring. The unknown is always what we’re after. But to get there we have to walk through the labyrinth of madness in which Satanic laughter can be heard. It’s only in exploring through this labyrinth that we can take hold of the true treasure. Then the realization that its all one great evil, that is the status quo. For anything we hold to is only delusions.

Sacrifice Of All That We Hold Dear- Nothing should be off limits. Art is defiance at it’s finest. The great shamans of the past where first storytellers and guides. Art’s rightful place in society is to lead the masses in a grand show of katharsis. This is intrinsic to the soul of man as well as the soul of society. This highly civilized society in which a flawed concept of dignity is praised above all else seeks to have the faces of those too bold to be contained lead the way.



Mad Monk

Freedom means something, I just haven't figured it out yet.