Mozart’s vs. Beethoven’s Handwritten Sheet Music

BMSB Music Magazine
1 min readFeb 23, 2017


“Phantasie für eine Orgelwalze”, Allegro and Andante in F Minor, K. 608, 1791 (Page 1), Mozart
Piano Sonata op. 109, Beethoven

The distinction between these two composers, Mozart and Beethoven, stretches beyond the mathematical formats of their symphonies. The physical written measures of Mozart display a visible sense of both organization and structure. Mozart’s sheet music embodies a superficial beauty that is devoid of true motion. This is compared to the chaos that is Beethoven’s handwritten sheet music. His music is both disorderly and emotional. The scratched out measures and poorly written notes alluded to the passionate fury that is embodied in the symphony. Beethoven’s symphony is an auditory portrayal of the sublime.



BMSB Music Magazine

A magazine dedicated to discovering the beauty in Mozart and sublimity in Beethoven.