Photo by Mihai Paraschiv + edits.

Bikram Yoga: The Best Kind of Sweat

My journey from nervous beginner to regular practitioner, the tangible benefits I experienced, and what the future holds for me.

Brittany Streetman


There is a lot of talk about the benefits of yoga. I was skeptical of claims it could not only help tone your body but also benefit the mind. It seems celebrities or people around you are always onto a new fad to get in shape. When I started hearing about yoga, I naturally assumed, “Oh this is just the trend of the moment.” Little did I know, I was about to experience an exercise that would eventually transform me inside and out.

My First Yoga Class

Even though I was skeptical about yoga, I had always been curious about it. I knew that if I was going to ever try yoga, I wanted to try Bikram Yoga, otherwise known as Hot Yoga. I felt that it would be a great challenge and I would leave feeling as if I had a thorough workout. There was a special deal advertised in my city for a month worth of classes. One of my co-workers said that she would go if I did, so together we signed up.

Before our first class, we were both nervous about what to expect. It was suggested we didn’t eat anything for a few hours before class because we would be in a room set to 105 degrees Fahrenheit for a whole 90 minutes. I immediately thought, “I need to hydrate as much as I can before I go and do this!” We went into the class thinking we were definitely going to pass out at some point.

The studio’s interior was set up nicely with calming waterfall to greet you as you walked in. There was a room where you could hang your belongings before walking into the heated room.

Students practicing “Hands to Feet Pose.” Photo Source: Bikram Yoga + edits.

Once in the heated room, we heard calming sounds as the lights dimmed. It was noticeably humid and hot inside. Everyone was quietly sitting on their yoga mats waiting. It was quite intimidating because everyone looked like they had been coming for years and here we were, the beginners.

Our teacher was obviously a real expert and would check to make sure our poses were aligned correctly so that we didn’t strain or harm ourselves. He reminded us that it was ok if we couldn’t go all the way into each pose and that we needed to listen to our bodies.

Ninety minutes and twenty-six poses later, we walked out of the class drenched in sweat. We had done it! I could not believe how much I enjoyed my first time doing yoga. Hot yoga at that!

We noticed that we felt relaxed, calm, and somehow cleansed, as all of the water that we had drank before class was flushed out of our bodies. Once I got home, I took a shower, got into bed, and fell asleep immediately.

Noticing the Benefits

The owners and the teachers of the studio were welcoming and took the time to get to know me on a personal level, which made me feel very comfortable going to classes.

After attending several classes, I started to notice the condition of my skin had improved. I guess it had balanced my hormones to the point where I was no longer having breakouts.

I had always loved going to the gym a four or five days per week to workout. I shifted my gym sessions to the mornings and would go to yoga in the afternoon three or more times a week. I began to notice the benefits of the yoga practice seeping into my morning gym workouts. My flexibility, stamina, and strength improved. My breathing also became more efficient. The yoga poses toned my body in places that I had previously been missing.

Students practicing “Eagle Pose.” Photo Source: Bikram Yoga + edits.

Helping Me Through Hard Times

I struggle at times with anxiety, so to feel relaxed and calm is a big deal for me, and I truly appreciate how great I feel after practice. As my teacher advised, you have to release all of the negativity. Just let it go. Yoga class became time for me to let go of the workday and care for myself. This shift changed my life in many ways.

When I started Bikram Yoga, it wasn’t long before that I had a relative pass away. I was also going through a terrible break-up. During those ninety minutes, my mind was completely clear of any thoughts and anxiety. As cliche as it sounds, the practice taught me how to breath through tough times.

When I Had to Take a Break

After a few years, the studio was sold to a new owner who decided to revise the class prices. Unfortunately, the new scheme meant that classes were no longer affordable for me at that time. I decided to quit my membership until I could afford to return.

A few months later, I was checking my emails and saw that the studio had a seasonal special going for the previous price I was paying. I decided to jump on the deal. Having a couple months of not going to yoga, I noticed differences in my mood, endurance, and even confidence. I missed it and that time frame proved to me how much it yoga had benefited me.

Of course, there are ways to practice yoga without attending a studio. There are DVD’s, outdoor classes, and local community events that might offer yoga. However, I knew I needed to practice at a studio with an instructor and other people to keep motivated. Also, to practice Bikram Yoga, it can be hard to find somewhere hot enough to have the same experience that a heated studio offers.

What Yoga Holds for my Future

I have recently moved out of town, which has meant having to cancel my membership at the studio that I have been practicing at since day one. Still to this day, the owners of that studio email me to see how I am doing. They honestly look at everyone as a friend, which is an excellent way to run a business.

I am starting to search for studios around me and am excited to try practicing in a new setting, as it would be a new experience for me. It should be interesting to see what I can find around me. This could be a great opportunity to try another style of yoga.

I have also thought a lot about the idea of becoming certified as a yoga instructor. I love inspiring and helping people. It would be wonderful to see people practice yoga and experience the same benefits I did.

I can’t see myself ever not doing yoga. It is such a balanced workout where you are not pushing yourself too hard, but pushing yourself enough. The ways that it has benefited me are truly amazing. For those of you who have never tried yoga, I hope that by reading my story, it has helped give you a gentle push towards jumping on the “yoga train” yourself.



Brittany Streetman

Working and writing about my passions one article at a time.