RSA public key : Behind the scene

Rajesh Bondugula
5 min readOct 8, 2018


What is public and private key in RSA Signing?

  • Private key is used to sign a mail / file by the sender and public key is used to verify the signature of the mail / file by the recipient.
  • Private key contains the prime numbers, modulus, public exponent, private exponent and coefficients.
  • Public key contains modulus and public exponent.
  • Modulus (n) is the product of two prime numbers used to generate the key pair.
  • Public exponent (d) is the exponent used on signed / encoded data to decode the original value.

Generate RSA private and public key using openssl

# Generate 1024 bit Private key
$ openssl genrsa -out myprivate.pem 1024
# Separate the public part from the Private key file.
$ openssl rsa -in myprivate.pem -pubout > mypublic.pem
# Display the contents of private key
$ cat myprivate.pem

Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM)

  • Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) is a Base64 encoded Distinguished Encoding Rules(DER)
  • PEM file is human readable as it uses 64 printable characters for encoding.
  • It is easy to share PEM file.

Display the contents of public key PEM file

# Display the contents of public key PEM file
$ cat mypublic.pem
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----

Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) format of public key

  • DER is encoded in Type-Length-Value (TLV) format.
  • DER is in binary format for PEM file and follows certain structure for public key.
# Convert PEM file to DER format using openssl rsa
$ openssl rsa -pubin -inform PEM -in mypublic.pem -outform DER -out mypublic.der
# Dump the DER file in hex format.
$ xxd -g 1 -u mypublic.der | cut -c -57
00000000: 30 81 9F 30 0D 06 09 2A 86 48 86 F7 0D 01 01 01
00000010: 05 00 03 81 8D 00 30 81 89 02 81 81 00 D1 14 D5
00000020: 3E FB DD DA 12 FC F7 71 5F 0B 49 43 FD 89 BD E2
00000030: 53 14 FB 4A E7 DD 55 77 20 54 52 BD 33 70 58 CE
00000040: FA E8 03 5B 8E FE 96 AB 14 E2 40 05 39 0D 85 33
00000050: CF 3F FE A6 8E B5 36 08 F1 19 27 5C C8 92 96 92
00000060: 34 9A EB 86 9A 7F AC D3 0E F6 7C 8B 60 F1 AC F4
00000070: C7 DD 06 25 94 3E 61 D6 E6 66 35 A0 3D 32 7B 89
00000080: B2 D2 D1 2C 1C E9 60 1C 2F 00 84 0F 0E B6 21 EB
00000090: E8 86 34 6A 05 E6 1F FC B9 62 64 96 6F 02 03 01
000000a0: 00 01

Structured DER file content

 1:30 81 9F          // Type: 30 (SEQUENCE)          Length: 0x9F
2:| 30 0D // Type: 30 (SEQUENCE) Length: 0x0D
3:| | 06 09 // Type: 06 (OBJECT_IDENTIFIER) Length: 0x09
4:| | - 2A 86 48 // 9 bytes OID value. HEX encoding of
5:| | - 86 F7 0D // 1.2.840.113549.1.1.1
6:| | - 01 01 01
7:| | 05 00 // Type: 05 (NULL) Length: 0x00
8:| 03 81 8D // Type: 03 (BIT STRING) Length: 0x8D
9:| | - 00 // Number of unused bits in last content byte
10:| | 30 81 89 // Type: 30 (SEQUENCE) Length: 0x89
11:| | | 02 81 81 // Type: 02 (INTEGER) Length: 0x81
12:| | | - 00 // Leading ZERO of integer
13:| | | - D1 14 D5 3E FB DD DA 12 FC F7 71 5F 0B 49 43 FD
14:| | | - 89 BD E2 53 14 FB 4A E7 DD 55 77 20 54 52 BD 33
15:| | | - 70 58 CE FA E8 03 5B 8E FE 96 AB 14 E2 40 05 39
16:| | | - 0D 85 33 CF 3F FE A6 8E B5 36 08 F1 19 27 5C C8
17:| | | - 92 96 92 34 9A EB 86 9A 7F AC D3 0E F6 7C 8B 60
18:| | | - F1 AC F4 C7 DD 06 25 94 3E 61 D6 E6 66 35 A0 3D
19:| | | - 32 7B 89 B2 D2 D1 2C 1C E9 60 1C 2F 00 84 0F 0E
20:| | | - B6 21 EB E8 86 34 6A 05 E6 1F FC B9 62 64 96 6F

21:| | | 02 03 // Type: 02 (INTEGER) Length: 0x3
22:| | | - 01 00 01 // Public Exponent. Hex for 65537

DER file contains Object Identifier, Modulus and Public exponent in HEX format.

  • Lines 4, 5, 6 is the HEX encoding of OID.
  • Lines 13 to 20 is the modulus (n).
  • Line 22 is the public exponent.

Modulus and Public exponent from public key using openssl

# Get Modulus and Public exponent from public PEM file
$ openssl rsa -pubin -inform PEM -text -noout < mypublic.pem
Public-Key: (1024 bit)
Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
  • Exponent and modulus printed by openssl rsa matches with the Public exponent and modulus from DER file content.


OID describes the object. It is a series of nodes separated by period.

OID Value: 1.2.840.113549.1.1.1

OID description: Identifier for RSA encryption for use with Public Key Cryptosystem One defined by RSA Inc.

OID Encoding:

  1. The first two nodes of the OID are encoded onto a single byte. The first node is multiplied by the decimal 40 and the result is added to the value of the second node.
  2. Node values less than or equal to 127 are encoded on one byte.
  3. Node values greater than or equal to 128 are encoded on multiple bytes. Bit 7 of all bytes except the rightmost byte is set to one. Bits 0 through 6 of each byte contains the encoded value.

OID Encoding Example:

Representing length in ASN.1 encoding

  • If number of value bytes is < 128 then length is represented in 1 byte. In this case most significant bit is 0. (Ex:- Line 2, Line 3 in structured DER content above)
  • If number of value bytes is >= 128 then length is represented in multiple bytes. Most significant bit (bit 7) of first byte is 1 indicating multiple byte length. Bits 0–6 represent number of subsequent bytes for length. (Ex:- Line 1, Line 4 in structured DER content above)


  1. DER encoding of ASN.1 types (MSDN)
  2. Public Key Info structure (Java doc)

