Rise And Grind Taye Diggs

Andrew Smales
Articles by @bn2b
Published in
4 min readFeb 25, 2015

It was August 2014 and the world couldn’t get enough of Fancy by Iggy Azalea, but I was tweeting on Twitter:

This was a little joke I tweeted on Aug 25, but it got me thinking. “Hmm, maybe I should DM Taye Diggs, who follows me” I thought. So I did:

Then I tweeted a screenshot of this tweet.

The next week, I decided I should DM Taye Diggs once again and tell him to Rise and Grind. This was a Tuesday morning, since the Monday was Labor Day I think:

6 days later, I got up on Monday morning I DM-ed Taye Diggs telling him to Rise And Grind:

One week later, I also woke up on a Monday morning and sent this:

I don’t actually remember why, but the next week, I DM-ed him twice, on Monday and also Thursday:

Now at this point, you’ll probably notice that I hadn’t received any reply from Taye Diggs. What happens next might surprise you:

Or it may not surprise you if you guessed that I forgot to DM him for a week. A couple of days later I wrote him again:

Here are some tweets that happened right around this time that are related:

At some point I was going to try to get everyone to DM Taye Diggs at once, but I think I just forgot about it, because it never happened:

I’m already getting tired of writing this thing, so I’m going to combine 3 more DMs in the next screenshot:

On November 3rd, I tried using the voice dictation thing on my iPhone. It didn’t work, but I hit SEND anyway.

Let’s cut the shit here: I totally could have not sent that first message that said “Rising grind”, but I thought it’d add a little variety to do that. But then immediately I realized it made no sense, and I typed in the correction. Whatever whatever.

Also in November I looked at my Youtube history and realized it told a sort of deranged story about where my head was at:

I’m just going to slop in a bunch of the next weeks together again:

I also had a close call in November but it turned out just to be the Twitter app being janky, he didn’t delete anything:

Here are 2 more DMs:

And then it was Christmas:

But then Christmas was over, and just because the week between Christmas and New Year’s is kind of slow, that’s no excuse not to Rise and Grind:

And then it was New Year’s:

Then it was the whole month of January which is pretty bleak, but I kept DM-ing Taye Diggs and telling him to Rise and Grind every Monday

Then I missed a few weeks and kind of gave up. But then Paul Ford and Virginia Heffernan posted an email exchange on Medium and it got crazy links and stuff, and I was like “hey maybe I’ll screenshot all those stupid DMs I sent to Taye Diggs” and here I am.



Andrew Smales
Articles by @bn2b

Hi. I’m @bn2b on Twitter. Please follow me for more.