7 Neuroscience-Based Steps to Ignite Your Creative Problem-Solving Skills

Master the Art and Science of Creativity

Billy Nascimento
11 min readFeb 23, 2023

When it comes to problem-solving, we often rely on tried-and-true methods or simply follow the status quo. But what if there was a way to unlock our brain's creative potential and find new and better ways to solve problems? Recent neuroscience research has shed light on the mental processes that lead to creativity and given us evidence-based ways to improve our ability to solve problems. In this article, we’ll explore 7 steps based on neuroscience that can help you tap into your own creativity and enhance your problem-solving abilities. You can become a more creative problem-solver and reach your full potential by being curious and open, building a diverse knowledge base, broadening your perspectives, accepting ambiguity and uncertainty, practicing mindfulness, taking breaks, and taking action. So, let’s dive in and discover how you can enhance your problem-solving skills and achieve success in both your personal and professional life.

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Step 1: Understanding the Neuroscience of Creativity

The brain is an extremely intricate organ that is always changing. It oversees many mental processes, including creativity, and advances in neuroscience have provided valuable insights into how the brain works and how it processes information. These findings have helped us better understand the neurobiological basis of creativity.

Researchers have found that creative people use the prefrontal cortex, which is the part of the brain in charge of planning, making decisions, and solving problems. Another important brain circuit that has been connected to creative thinking is the “default mode network”, which is activated when people are daydreaming or thinking about their own thoughts. It’s interesting to note that neuroscientists think that this network helps people produce innovative ideas and puts together distinct kinds of information. In other words, creative leisure is real!

Neuroscience research has also shown that the neurotransmitter dopamine, which is linked to pleasure and reward, has a big effect on the ability to be creative. Several studies have found that dopamine seems to play a key role. This is another area of research that is being done right now. There is evidence that neurotransmitters like norepinephrine and serotonin also play a role in creativity. This shows how delicately the many neurochemicals that are involved in the creative process work together.

From a neuroscientific point of view, the study of creativity is a quickly growing field that is shedding new light on the complicated processes that lead to creative ideas. If we knew more about the hidden neural pathways, we might be able to come up with better ways to improve our own creative problem-solving skills.

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Step 2: Cultivate Curiosity and Openness

The first step to getting better at creatively solving problems is to be more curious and open. Research has shown that individuals who are more curious and open-minded are better able to generate creative ideas and solutions to problems. Curiosity and openness, on the other hand, are not fixed traits; they can be built up and strengthened over time, which is excellent news.

Exposing yourself to new experiences and ideas, such as trying new things, learning about unfamiliar cultures, or seeking out different points of view on a particular topic, is one way to cultivate curiosity and openness. Another way to develop these traits is to ask questions and challenge assumptions, because when you question the status quo and consider alternative viewpoints, you can broaden your understanding and generate innovative ideas.

Practice active listening, which is important because it means fully engaging with others and trying to understand their points of view without judgment or preconceived notions, is another good way to encourage curiosity and openness. You can also embrace uncertainty and ambiguity in your life, rather than fearing the unknown, trying to approach new situations with a sense of curiosity and an open mind.

In summary, cultivating curiosity and openness is a key step in enhancing your creative problem-solving skills. By exposing yourself to new experiences, questioning assumptions, practicing active listening, and embracing ambiguity, you can strengthen these traits and become a more effective problem-solver.

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Step 3: Build a Diverse Knowledge Base

Have you ever heard the phrase “jack of all trades, master of none?” While it’s true that specialization is important in many areas, when it comes to creative problem-solving, having a diverse knowledge base can be a major advantage. Research has shown that individuals with broad interests and knowledge are more likely to generate innovative solutions to problems than those with narrow expertise.

So how precisely can a broad knowledge base encourage more original problem-solving? Everything depends on how the brain functions. Every new thing we learn strengthens the connections we already have and makes new ones in the brain's network of neurons, which is a complex system of connections. As our information and experiences become more diverse, we may form more brain connections and thus be more likely to create new, original ideas.

So, how can you build a diverse knowledge base to enhance your creative problem-solving skills? Here are some practical strategies to get started:

  • Read widely: Instead of sticking to a few favorite genres or topics, challenge yourself to read widely across different subjects and genres. You never know what new ideas or connections might spark in your brain.
  • Learn a new skill or hobby: Whether it’s painting, playing an instrument, or learning a new language, engaging in a new skill or hobby can broaden your horizons and introduce you to new perspectives and ways of thinking.
  • Take courses or attend workshops: Look for courses or workshops in areas that interest you but are outside of your area of expertise. Not only will you learn something new, but you’ll also have the opportunity to connect with others who share your interests and expand your network.
  • Travel and explore: Traveling to new places and experiencing different cultures can be a great way to broaden your perspective and gain new insights into the world.

By actively seeking out new experiences and learning opportunities, you can build a diverse knowledge base that will serve as a powerful foundation for your creative problem-solving skills. So, don’t be afraid to branch out and try new things — your brain will thank you for it!

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Step 4: Expand Your Perspectives

To become a better problem-solver, better equipped to find creative and innovative solutions to complex problems, it’s essential to cultivate the ability to take on different perspectives. That is conquered by expanding your horizons and considering different viewpoints.

Reframing exercises are one method for broadening your perspectives. With this method, you might get a fresh perspective on an issue by approaching it from a different direction or inside a different framework. By reframing a problem as an opportunity, you may be able to see it in a better light and be more open to solutions.

Edward de Bono’s “Six Thinking Hats” method is one illustration of a reframing exercise. You solve a problem using six distinct views in this activity, each symbolized by a different colored “hat.”

For instance, when you’re wearing the white hat, your attention is on learning as much as you can about the issue with facts, data, and evidence. When you wear the red hat, you think about how you feel and what your gut tells you to do. While you’re wearing the yellow hat, you concentrate on the prospective advantages and gains of diverse options. You weigh each solution’s downsides and hazards while wearing the black hat. You produce original ideas and answers when you’re wearing the green hat, and finally, you reflect on your thought process and take what you’ve learned into consideration when you’re wearing the blue hat.

By putting on different "hats," you can look at a problem from different angles and come up with innovative ideas and solutions. This technique, which can be used both alone and in groups, is a fantastic way to improve your capacity for critical thought and problem-solving.

Brainstorming is another technique to expand your horizons, because you can generate a wide range of ideas without any sort of assessment or review. You’ll get new perspectives and ideas by giving yourself permission to think outside the box, which can result in more inventive solutions.

Finally, exposure to other media, such as books, movies, and podcasts, can aid in perspective-expansion. Hearing original thoughts and tales might help you leave your own echo chamber and widen your perspective of the world. Remember that expanding your perspective entails more than only acquiring new information. It also entails developing an open-minded mindset that is receptive to novel viewpoints and concepts. If you stay engaged and active, you'll be better equipped to come up with innovative solutions to difficult problems.

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Step 5 — Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a powerful tool for enhancing your problem-solving skills by improving your ability to focus and reducing distractions. But what is mindfulness, exactly? Mindfulness is the practice of paying attention to the present moment with non-judgmental awareness. It involves being fully present in the here and now and observing your thoughts and emotions without reacting to them.

To practice mindfulness, find a quiet place to sit or lie down, close your eyes, and focus on your breath. Notice the sensations of your breath as it enters and leaves your body. If your mind wanders, gently bring your focus back to your breath without judgment. You can also try body scans, where you focus your attention on different parts of your body, or mindful walking, where you pay attention to the sensations of your feet as they touch the ground.

By incorporating mindfulness into your daily routine, you can improve your ability to stay focused and avoid distractions. You can also become more aware of your thoughts and emotions, which can help you identify and overcome mental barriers that might be preventing you from finding creative solutions to problems.

Remember, mindfulness is a skill that takes practice. Don’t get discouraged if you find your mind wandering or if you’re having trouble staying focused. With time and patience, you can train your brain to be more mindful and present, which will ultimately enhance your problem-solving abilities.

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Step 6 — Take Breaks and Daydream

It’s crucial to take breaks and permit your thoughts to wander if you want to improve your problem-solving abilities. According to research, taking pauses allows your brain to relax and recharge, which in turn increases productivity and creativity. It has been demonstrated that daydreaming in particular is a powerful tool for coming up with fresh concepts and discoveries.

But not every break is made equal. Try to fill your downtime with things that are relaxing but not too taxing, like taking a stroll, listening to music, or meditating, to make the most of it. This might help you unwind and clear your head so you can focus and be more motivated when you come back to your issue.

You can benefit from deliberate daydreaming in addition to taking breaks from your routine. When you daydream, your brain may connect ideas and think of new possibilities, which can help you find new ways to solve problems. To properly daydream, select a place that is calm and comfortable, where you won’t be bothered, and let your thoughts to roam. Before you start, you might find it useful to concentrate on a specific issue or query since this can assist give your daydreaming a more targeted focus.

You may improve your ability to solve problems and unleash your creative potential by actively taking breaks and daydreaming. Hence, the next time you feel unmotivated or overburdened, take a pause, let your mind to wander, and then follow where it leads.

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Step 7 — Take Action

Now that you’ve developed your curiosity, accumulated a wide variety of information, expanded your viewpoints, accepted ambiguity, and uncertainty, developed mindfulness, and taken appropriate pauses, it’s time to act. Acting gives you the opportunity to try things out and learn from them, which is a crucial component of producing innovative answers to challenges.

Yet acting may also be intimidating, particularly if you’re worried about failing or don’t know where to begin. Start by decomposing the issue into smaller, more manageable activities to get over these challenges. This will help you maintain concentration and make the problem-solving process less intimidating.

After the initial step has been determined, move on and don’t be scared to make errors. Failure is a necessary component of learning, and every error you make will get you one step closer to figuring out the problem. Being patient with oneself and having faith in the process are important since creative problem-solving is a journey rather than a destination.

Be receptive to criticism as you act and modify your strategy, as necessary. The most surprising answers can result from attempting novel strategies and learning from errors.

The final and most important phase in the creative problem-solving process is action. You may find creative answers to even the trickiest situations by breaking the problem down into small tasks, taking the first step, being open to criticism, and altering your approach.

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You may fully utilize your brain’s creative potential if you comprehend the science of creativity and adhere to the seven recommendations in this article. More openness and curiosity, acquiring a wide variety of knowledge, expanding your perspective, tolerating ambiguity and uncertainty, developing mindfulness, taking pauses when necessary, and acting are all ways to improve problem-solving skills.

Use these techniques without fear as you attempt to solve problems creatively. Always keep in mind that creativity is a talent that can be nurtured and refined through time. You can develop your problem-solving skills and come up with original answers to the problems you run across in both your personal and professional life with some practice and commitment.

I hope these seven steps help you find your brain's creative side and improve your ability to solve problems. Any more advice for promoting creativity or overcoming mental obstacles? Comment below and let me know! In addition, if you thought this post was helpful, please think about liking it and telling your friends and coworkers about it. We can all solve problems more effectively and use our full creative potential by working together.



Billy Nascimento

Neurotech entrepreneur | Founder of Forebrain and Athention | Using neuro & cognitive technologies to understand human behavior and create innovative solutions.