EventSourcing.Backbone Series

A Journey into Event-Sourcing Systems

Bnaya Eshet
2 min readJun 26, 2023

Welcome to the Event Sourcing and EventSourcing.Backbone series, where we embark on an exciting journey into the world of event-sourcing systems. In this series, we explore the fundamental concepts of event sourcing and uncover the powerful features of EventSourcing.Backbone, and delve into various integration possibilities.

Each post in this series provides valuable insights and practical guidance to help you understand, implement, and leverage event sourcing in your applications. Whether you’re new to event sourcing or seeking to enhance your knowledge, this series is designed to empower you with the necessary tools and techniques.

Here are the posts in the series:

  1. Getting Started with Event Sourcing and EventSourcing.Backbone”: Gain a comprehensive understanding of event sourcing and its benefits in building scalable and resilient systems.
  2. Leveraging AWS S3 for EventSourcing.Backbone: Persistent and Resilient Data Storage”: Learn how to incorporate AWS S3 storage into your event sourcing workflow for durable and resilient data persistence.
  3. EventSourcing.Backbone Observability with Open Telemetry”: Explore the integration of OpenTelemetry with EventSourcing.Backbone to enhance observability and gain valuable insights into system behavior.
  4. The Paradox of Telemetry: Tuning EventSourcing.Backbone for Effective Insights
    In this post, we explore the art of tuning EventSourcing.Backbone for effective telemetry, focusing on the principle of “less is more”. By identifying key indicators and expanding telemetry strategically, we can achieve a clearer understanding of system behavior and swiftly pinpoint issues when they arise.
  5. Event Sourcing & Version Awareness
    Naively changing an event schema would break backward compatibility. Past events would no longer align with the updated schema. This quickly turns a simple schema change into a nightmare😖scenario.
    Fortunately, EventSourcing.Backbone provides first-class support for handling event schema, by providing version awareness features. The framework is designed from the ground up to make versioning graceful rather than painful.

Use this series as your guide to dive into the exciting realm of event-sourcing systems, unlock the potential of EventSourcing.Backbone, and master the art of event sourcing. Follow the links to each post above and embark on your event-driven journey today!

