Boaz Arons
2 min readJan 19, 2017


You are my beginning of the day

And my end of time

You dry up my tears

And take away my fears

Who are you to me but a rare treasure

In my measure

You are ane in a million

Your African love drives me insane

It renders my senses useless

What is a sugarless honey?

What is soupless beef stew?

That’s what I am without you

Going a destination I have no clue

It’s like a hot winter night

Or maybe a chilly summer noon.

When I mention your name

The winds stop to listen

The birds stop their rhythmless whistles

To copy a word for their new song

The word that rules the whole globe

The word that burns up the sun

And sweeps away the rain-filled sky

Leaving the stars twinkling in envy

Of the stars in your tiny eyes

The word is your name

The rarest of all

Take me to your world sweetie

I’m a king without a kingdom

Am an inkless pen

A machete without an edge

A bone without a marrow

Come and make me whole darling

Coz am tired

Walking the streets alone

You are far away

In a land with beings without hearts

Come baby come

For this day will never show up again

© BOAZ ARON 2017. All rights reserved.

