Lazy loading offscreen images with plain JavaScript, Angular or React

Bob Lee
4 min readNov 24, 2017

I found one interesting suggestion by Lighthouse audit on my website, it was saying:

Consider lazy-loading offscreen images to improve page load speed and time to interactive.

And a link introduced me a relatively new IntersectionObserver API with timely advice not to observe too many things to avoid performance penalty:

Intersect all the things!

No! Bad developer! That’s not mindful usage of your user’s CPU cycles. Let’s think about an infinite scroller as an example:

Quickly I tempted to try this API on my page where a bunch of images are shown. Current image count per page is under 30 but likely to grow and 5 images pagination is already in place to keep the page loading accepably fast but I felt like user experience with prev and more buttons wasn’t that great and also user had to wait loading 5 images to see the page where user can actually see at most 2 images in a screen.

Here I will show 3 examples of using this API — first one with plain JavaScript, second one with Angular framework and last one with React library.

In all examples,

  • web served by Firebase hosting
  • fetch image URLs from the common REST API hosted on cloud function
  • server-side rendered by https cloud function
  • on client browser, use IntersectionObserver API to load only…



Bob Lee

Curious software developer, passionate about web technologies