Jussie, Hollywood, and the Mainstream Cult

Mike Hunt
15 min readFeb 20, 2019
“Ooh, I hope you’re that fag*ot ni*ger from Empire,” -white gayman

Society Not Oppressing You? Fake It!

A wise man once said “…your dad never wondered what Sulu from Star Trek thought about a political issue.” Yet, we live in an age in which celebrities and their massive platforms provided by the human advancement that has surpassed leaded-fuel in “terrible for humanity,” Twitter. It’s rare to find a Twitter-using celebrity who doesn’t use the platform to voice their political opinion. Should they?

Let’s take the average daily life of the A-lister in Hollywood: they live in obscene luxury, have a circle of friends that also live in obscene luxury, and earn their salary with their creative talents in pretending to be someone else. Despite their wealth, they are showered in gifts as they travel by air to premiers and festivals along with their personal stylists, personal shoppers, personal trainers, vials of botox and an endless supply of benzodiazepines. They don’t live like CEOs. They don’t even live like drug lords. They live like the children of drug lords, or third world kleptocrats.

It’s not to say what they do isn’t difficult, or that anyone could do it. Acting is a skill, just like lowering oneself to pleasing a producer in exchange for roles is a skill that may put lesser-skilled actresses ahead of others, and it’s definitely not a skill like being forced into silence for being groomed by one of Hollywood’s countless pedophiles (then again, Bryan Singer still seems to do whatever he wants). Some actors make it with grit, or having “it,” and the competition between so few major studios putting out all of the remakes, reboots, sequels, and comic-book adaptations (except in the case of pure propaganda that’s so often hypocritical; see any movie calling out the Catholic Church produced by pedo-sodomites).

Institutionalized, systematic (words leftists love) pedophilia

Actors are like a lot of non-rebellious creative-types; the creative personality is, according to the “Big 5” personality traits is low in consciensciousness (strong impulse control, goal orientation, reliability, punctuality), high in neuroticism (emotional, anxious, moody, and irritable), and high in extraversion (energized by being with peers, being the center of attention). The wild-card is agreeableness, a measure of friendliness, cooporativeness, kindness and politeness, which can easily be faked by an actor to serve the needs of the other four parts of their personality. The “16 Types” places a celebrity actor in the “Campaigner” type, near 100% extraverted, 59% Intuitive (over observant), 56% feeling over thinking), 84% prospecting (approach to work, planning, decision making, over Judging) and 83% turbulent (over assertive, showing how confident one is in their abilities and decisions).

There is nothing inherently wrong with this personality type, or similar ones, or any! The problem, in this case, is when they are all obscenely rich, all share the same political opinion, all seek approval from peers, all have massive influence over mainstream culture, and feel tremendous guilt over their lifestyle, which they think they can offset by doing things their social group considers “good.” Less and less is it touring for USO shows and more and more do they cleanse their perceived sins by “Virtue Signaling,” or trying to show the public they are virtuous through their opinions which they broadcast to millions with a few taps of their phone before a lap in the pool.

Think of the countless PETA advocates who can afford a vegan chef. Think of the celebrities decrying climate change before boarding their private jet. Think of the thoughtful celebrities vocally (Twitter) trying to protect their servants from imagined ICE raids in Malibu (which is a sanctuary city, to provide sanctuary to the brown people cleaning their toilets). Anything they could do to appear as allies of the “proletariat” they wouldn’t stop to piss on if they were on fire, they’d do it. “Charity is something you do while other people are watching,” the wise Mr. Show said.

What Hollywood is still too thick to notice is that all of their “advocacy” has become tired, mainstream culture posturing. Along with their “do as I say, not as I do” attitude towards energy consumption and their brown servant class, the #metoo scandal and underbelly of pedophilia and the hypocrisy of dozens of actors claiming to be virtuous who have sucked up to and ignored predators and rapists like Harvey Weinstein, Roman Polanski, and Bryan Singer. The new counterculture detests this very Hollywood culture and lampoon political panderers like Meryl Streep (Weinstein friend, standing ovation for pedophile rapist Polanski).

Then there’s the “Late Night” NPCs, all hosts with the same political opinion, all with textbook pavlovian reactions to anything that doesn’t align with their mainstream views. They trot on their ideologically identical celebrities and feed their ideologically constricted viewer who won’t stray from their ideology for fear of being called “racist” or “{insert} aphobe.” They all go along with their lives without thinking of viewing other ideas, first because a mainstream media (almost all news, TV shows, movies, and music) keeps them within this mindframe, and second because there’s no reason to leave its safety.


One of the people who lives in a reality in which people who think differently are all evil is Jussie Smollett. He knew, deep down in his soul, that Trump supporters, or half the voters including every race/ethnicity/sexuality/gender voted for, were evil racists. He knew this so well that if he faked an attack on himself, claiming the assailants were “white men who yelled ‘this is MAGA country, Nigg*r,” and poured bleach on him (despite that the “attackers” were Nigerian castmates and one was his personal trainer, or despite that this was in Chicago, let alone a rich and liberal neighborhood, let alone even an imagined racist/homophobe watching “Empire” is a huge stretch). In Jussie’s head, this sort of attack was reality.

The real reality is a massive and growing list of hate-crime hoaxes. People who have been only taught one specific ideology which has attained a majority in its battle for cultural hegemony has resulted in people creating that reality when they find our it doesn’t really exist. Sure, our culture worships the victim, and that has a lot to do with what these hate crime hoaxers do, but they really just have such a hard time seeing that the reality they’ve been told will happen isn’t happening, that they need to create it themselves to make themselves comfortable. Every time there’s a hoax hate crime, there’s a period of widespread hysteria about it, then the media will hide their complicity in spreading the hoax while a few address it, and the rest go on about life as if the hoax is their comfortable reality.

The other celebrities and politicians who used Jussie’s hoax as a platform for virtue signaling and pandering haven’t addressed their support of such obvious tomfoolery. Ellen Page’s interview on Stephen “NPC” Colbert in which she says Trump and Pence (Trump who is calling for global decriminalization of homosexuality, and Pence who passed a bill making religion a defense for not wanting to bake a gay couple a cake, which a. would be respected if it were for Muslims and b. is covered already by a number of constitutional amendments) were responsible for Nigerian white supremacists who scratch black gay guys and let them return home with small-gauge rope and 12” Tuna sandwiches. The whole interview was Ellen Page trying to confirm the validity of her reality, which is of course, a result of the cultural hegemony of her ideology reacting to a challenger. Big-name Democratic race hustlers simply deleted their tweets, but Ellen Page’s self-soothing interview with a corporate yes-man remains on social media, garnering 18 million views.

Are there “white supremacists?” Technically, yes, but should be classified as “white nationalists.” If you took the time to actually research groups like the “Alt-Right,” who have only arrived at the theory that racial ethnostates are the best solution (they loved Black Panther’s Wakanda; traditionalist isolationist ethno-state with a border wall and anti-diversity, anti-immigration, and anti-democracy being it’s cultural and governmental model). What should be noted of the Alt-Right is they are anti-democratic and pro-state socialism; even passive “race realists” say that democracy has failed and that Trump is doing nothing to stop “demographic collapse,” despite the border wall. Actual white-supremacists don’t support Trump. Non-whites make the same demands without controversy, while being historically short sighted, ignorant of the variants of the history of foreign-born ideological subversion that has marched through education, media, and one side of the aisle since at least 1930.

The vast swath of people lumped in with with “white nationalists,” often labeled “fascists (ignoring that fascists are nationalists hyper-nationalists, an example being the leader of the British Fascist Party siding with Churchill; Spanish fascists hate the Portuguese)” and “Nazis” (a National Socialist Party that ceased to be in 1945 based on not white supremacy, but “Aryan” supremacy, based on a pseudoscientific theory linking the Germanic peoples to the Tibetans, which sought to eradicate Jews, Slavs, Gypsies, and homosexuals yet had Indian and African regiments fighting for the Reich…it’s not as racially simplistic as has been exhaustively battered into our minds, while still being lunatics) are really a mix of old-school conservatives that would have preferred a different candidate and people who didn’t get anything out of Obama’s eight years of empty promises, rising healthcare costs, disastrous expansions of foreign wars (by drone or proxy funding of rebels who essentially became ISIS), and the coterie of minarchists, anarcho-capitalists and paleo-conservatives who laugh every time a statist policy or regulation vanishes.

All of the “Nazi” hysteria just points to how ignorant the populace is. When asked to define the difference between the KKK and the Nazi Party of 1933, most couldn’t differentiate. None would point to the Nazi economic system being touted by Elizabeth Warren, Kamila Harris, and Cory Booker (who time-traveled to 1997 to create an Angelfire website) all call for authoritarian state control over large portions of the economy; they’ll allow “private” corporations to exist as long as the state controls them (like Healthcare is now, thanks to both asshat parties). Maybe you’ve heard of Volkswagen, Porsche, BMW, Mercedez, Hugo Boss, Siemens, and Allianz were all “guided by the state” of Hitler’s Germany. The vast amount of pearl-clutching democrats and leftists who support the state control of the market are, essentially, economic Nazis.

Say “far right” again, bitch

“The Red Pill” and Ostracization From “The Cult” of the Mainstream

The “Red Pill” is a reference to the Matrix, the pill Neo takes to see the world how it really is. Today, it’s simply breaking free of the cultural hegemony of postmodernism, or what’s been dubbed as “Grievance Studies” by Dr. Peter Boghossian, Helen Pluckrose and mathematician James Lindsay (all self-identifying as left-leaning atheist/agnostics), or as Doctors Haidt, Peterson, Saad, Russell, Sommers, and other professors, would call the “heterodoxy of leftist ideology.” Put simply, universities and their federally limited tenure structure results in professors who were already brought through a leftist education and paid too little for their work, who then indoctrinate students to “fight the system,” but not the feds who set regulations on them, but businesses.

But that doesn’t explain American culture outside of universities. As media institutions have been gobbled up by multinational conglomerates, they’ve been happy to sell the postmodernist ideas of cultural relativism and, as was created by Chinese communists, the process of “Thought Reform,” as documented by psychiatrist Jay Lifton who interviewed American servicemen held captive during the Korean War and 15 defectors from communist China as a method of completely replacing the ideology of the subject with the preferred ideology. Most useful to the enemies of Western Society (USSR, China, The Frankfurt School of Economics), and later the new heads of state (globalist .01%ers), it used the media to institute what boils down to a cult:

Milieu Control “Control (the) information and communication both within the environment and, ultimately, within the individual, resulting in a significant degree of isolation from society at large,” explaining the illusion of “counterculture”

Mystical Manipulation.“Manipulation of experiences that appear spontaneous but are, in fact, planned and orchestrated by the group or its leaders in order to demonstrate divine authority, spiritual advancement, or some exceptional talent or insight that sets the leader and/or group apart from humanity, and that allows reinterpretation of historical events, scripture, and other experiences. Coincidences and happenstance oddities are interpreted as omens or prophecies.” How about a high school kid wearing a MAGA hat being interpreted as an “omen” of an evil to be vanquished, resulting in violent and terroristic threats?

Demand for Purity.“The world is viewed as black and white and the members are constantly exhorted to conform to the ideology of the group and strive for perfection. The induction of guilt and/or shame is a powerful control device used here.” When one public figure, for one second, steps out of line, the “apology tour” begins.

Confession. “Sins, as defined by the group, are to be confessed either to a personal monitor or publicly to the group. There is no confidentiality; members’ ‘sins,’ ‘attitudes,’ and ‘faults’ are discussed and exploited by the leaders.” Dig up an old tweet the group doesn’t like? Goodbye, Kevin Hart at the Oscars. Eat fruit because of a bible verse? “He goes to an anti-LGBT church!”

Sacred Science. “The group’s doctrine or ideology is considered to be the ultimate Truth, beyond all questioning or dispute. Truth is not to be found outside the group. The leader, as the spokesperson for God or for all humanity, is likewise above criticism.” Hence, if you don’t agree, you’re a “Nazi,” or the “worst thing, like, ever.”

Loading the Language.“The group interprets or uses words and phrases in new ways so that often the outside world does not understand. This jargon consists of thought-terminating clichés, which serve to alter members’ thought processes to conform to the group’s way of thinking.” Do I even need to mention limitless gender-identities including “wormperson” and “Quivergender?” The control of language, claiming how “harmful” it is, is at the heart of “the group.” How about PROBLEMATIC, SYSTEMATIC, INSTITUTIONAL, SYTEMIC, HETERONORMATIVE, PHALLOGOCENTRIC…big words that amount to nothing to make people think you’re intelligent.

Doctrine over person: “Members’ personal experiences are subordinated to the sacred science and any contrary experiences must be denied or reinterpreted to fit the ideology of the group.” Or as “my truth” and “my lived experience” seem to defy criticism yet fit in with the “group.”

Dispensing of existence“The group has the prerogative to decide who has the right to exist and who does not. This is usually not literal but means that those in the outside world are not saved, unenlightened, unconscious and they must be converted to the group’s ideology. If they do not join the group or are critical of the group, then they must be rejected by the members. Thus, the outside world loses all credibility. In conjunction, should any member leave the group, he or she must be rejected also.” Look at the treatment of Lacey Green or Cassie Jay when they objectively questioned “the group.” Look at how Antifa can justify bashing people with bike locks, telescoping batons, and bottles of urine. Look at how social media companies, payment processors, and even countries, can de-person people with even the most moderate views that qualify as evil to “the group.”

Who owns the most guns, again? “You cannot invade mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind each blade of grass.” — Japan’s Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, not talking about emaciated socialists

I didn’t vote for Trump, mostly because the mainstream media and several tiers below it said Hillary, and the corrupt DNC who cheated to get her nominated, along with everyone implicated in corruption and crime in her Wikileaks dumps, would prevail anyways. As someone who detested George W’s administration, which expanded the federal government in ways that would make Stalin erect, I saw Trump as an outsider; liked his tax plan and plans to end certain federal policies, and his mockery of Hillary, but never did I think he would win. However, on election night I laughed for hours as the numbers poured in and mainstream hacks lost their minds; Hillary couldn’t win by cheating, nor by media collusion.

I’m a minarchist, meaning I want a minimal state to define and control borders, provide minimal necessary security, and transparently hire private companies to provide roads and utilities (yep, boring, but notice I didn’t mention race). That night, if Trump followed through on maybe two promises, I’d be satisfied that the country inched closer to individual liberty. However, what sold me was the overtly obvious attack by the mainstream media (which had already reported a prank by 4Chan’s POL {and stop saying “4Chan,” you fucking boomer, that’s like saying “Facebook member”} in reporting Pepe was a hate symbol, followed by the OK hand sign, followed by “It’s Okay to Be White,” and pranks they fall for every time). 91% of Trump coverage has been negative despite record low black and latino employment, record added jobs and bringing manufacturing jobs back to the rust belt, record stock market growth, the first president to meet with a North Korean leader, decreasing dependency on backwards Islamist oil producers, and forcing capitulation in trade wars.

The “Deep State” that has been called a conspiracy by mainstream media and neckbearded cuckolds alike, tried to conspire with cabinet members to perform a coup based on the 25th amendment, then continued on their astronomical waste of time and taxpayer dollars that is the “Russian collusion” story, featuring Peter Strzok and Lisa Page as the Hillary conspirators, and the non-stop undemocratic attempts at removing the outsider from office, was proof enough for me that Trump was dangerous to the corporate-crony-surveillance state.

And here’s the thing: I can critique his job performance without claiming he’s a racist, a homophobe, or a Russian spy. I could be an arrogant dick and say I’ve “read more books,” or “I’m just smarter than you,” but that isn’t it at all. I’m not part of your group, which is nothing but a secular religious cult. Have fun realizing that when you’re 80.

That leaves me with the list of admitted or proven Hoax Hate Crimes (and no, hate crimes are not “on the rise,” reports of them are, and most are fictitious), brought to you by Subway and Ace Hardware:

Jussie Smollett

Nathan Phillips

Marcus Boyd and Derrick Brooks

Fynn Ajani Arthur

Drake University Coed of Color

Nicole Wallace

Michael Kadar

Masud Ali

Anthony Derlunas

Heath Levey

Anna Ayers

Seneca Valley High School mean girls

Adwoa Lewis

Grand Rapids golden showers

Oumou Kanoute

Unnamed Waco waitress

Black baby doll in Philadelphia

Ciera Calhoun

Viktor Stevenson

Khalil Cavil

Mogoeng Mogoeng

La Shadion Shemwell

Zavion Parker

Andrea Morris

Lillian Green

Rev. Jerrod Moultrie

Dawn Hilton-Williams

Woodbridge VA teenage Muslima

Anne Arundel County NAACP

Terrell Demonte Alexander

Khawlah Noman

Marquie Little

Michael Duran Havis

Zuri C. Towns

Parkway Central High Person of Color

Oberlin College Again

USAF Cadet Candidate

Dauntarius William

Nathaniel D. Nelson

BART Graffiti Vandal

Bruce Maxwell

Eddie Curlin

Ronald Alford Sr.

West Goshen Township Student of Color

Michael Bennett

March to Confront White Supremacy

Mike Feuer

Halle Berry

Lena Dunham Again

Joey the Gay Bartender

Bill Clark

Brian Telfair

Jaime Hurtado

Aisha Ismail

Karen Mathews Davis

Linda Sarsour

Unnamed Pakistani-American in Queens

Heather Franklin

Samantha Wells

Nathan Stang

Azhar Hussain

USC Diverse Neighbor

Alexandria Butler and Elizabeth Police

Justin Lamar Coleman

Daniel Drezner/Josh Dawsey

Harvard Palestine Solidarity Committee

Curtis Flournoy

DeWitt Lambert

Cainin Hakeem Milton

Gustavus Adolphus College Diversity Leadership Team

Isreali Jewish Center Bomb Hoaxer

Andrew King

Clive Jamar Wilson

Muhammad Ali Jr.

Halley Bass

Washington Cemetery

Khizr Khan

Hisham Saadi

Juan Thompson

Lakeville, Minnesota Non-Caucasian Special Ed Student

Scott Young

Kelly Carter

Osama Nazzal

Ibtihaj Muhammad

Michael Kee

Mike Hager


Anne Arundel High School’s Kool Kids Klan

David Williams

Kara Stevens

Muslim Friend of Aisha Sharif at San Diego State

University of Michigan Hijab Wearer

Andrew McClinton

Vincent Palmer

Yasmin Seweid

Villanova University

William Tucker

Taylor Volk

Kirkland Phony Postelection Sexual Assault Victim

Williams College Fake Blood Splatterers

Neighborhood Town Watch Anti-Hijab Letter

Eleesha Long

Malden, MA Phony Trumpsters Victim

Sara Farsakh

Kathy Mirah Tu

Chris Ball

Ashley Boyer

University of Louisiana Heisted Hijab

Abdul Aziz

Brooklyn Muslim Community Center Teens

London, Ontario Islamic Shopper

Calum McSwiggan

Marcus Owens

Hamza Warsame

Alexis Adams

SIUC White is Right Video

Salisbury University Graffiti Artists


Jordan D. Brown

Bingen Syrian

Eric Danko and Jordan Schaeffer

Manhattan Self-Slasher

Seattle Africatown Center Graffiti

Mari Poindexter

Phony Nevada Klansmen

Saida Chatti

Julian Kinzel

Imani Perry

Asha Burwell and Friends

Jesus Francisco Cabrera

Michael Dekota McRae

Gary Nathaniel Moore

San Bernardino Backlash

Mercutio Southall

Hyacinth Peccoo

Clive Higgins and Lonnie Blackwell

Anonymous Liar From India in Orangeburg County, SC

Kayla-Simone McKelvey

Hidden Dores

Royall Must Fall

Shalaria Jones

Emmanuel Bowden

Kynnedi Grant

Clarke Perkins


Payton Head

Mizzou Fecal Swastika

Berkeley High

Dorothy Bland

Georgia Tech Person of Preferred Pigmentation

Melvin and Angelica Hale

Haakon Gisvold

University of Delaware

Ahmed Muhamed

Ashley Powell

Garnet Coleman

John Sherman

Carol Anne and Laura Stutte

Minati Roychoudhuri

Frank Elliott

Planned Parenthood

Shaun King

Julie Baker

Vincent Broughton

Rick Jones

Connie St Louis

Rachel Dolezal

Tahera Ahmad

Phony University of Minnesota Rape Victim

Sarah Silverman

Kassim Alhimidi

George Washington University Swastika

Adam Hoover

Ambreen Sharif

Charles Blow

Morgan Triplett

Desiree Nall

Mindy Brickman

Oberlin College

Lena Dunham

Rolling Stone/Jackie

University of Chicago Facebook Hoax

Adam Saleh and Sheikh Akbar

Daniele Watts

Keith Jones

Sweet Briar College Hoaxer

Grand Valley State University Student

Richard Kennedy

Anonymous Hercules Middle-High School Student

Joe Williams

Andrea Brazier

Genesis Hernandez

Danya Morales

Toni Christina Jenkins

Dylan Bleier and Matt Alden

Meg Lanker-Simons

Olander Cuthrell

Charlie Rogers

Sharmeka Moffitt

Joseph Baken

Alexandra Pennell

Aimee Whitchurch and Christel Conklin

Quinn Matney

Aubriana Banks

Sarah Marshak

Floyd Elliot

Tawana Brawley

Crystal Gail Mangum

Kerri Dunn

Leah Miller

Ahmad Saad Nasim

Maybe you could just stop playing the victim.

Leah Miller

Ahmad Saad Nasim



Mike Hunt

Haterade Mainliner, Bastard progeny of King James V, crypto thousandaire, anti-suffrage crusader, decorative hermit.