How to build confidence as a Writer.

Bobby okposin
3 min readNov 17, 2023


Photo by Mike Hindle on Unsplash

We all face challenges and doubts along our journey in life, and it’s during those tough times that we often experience personal struggles.

These struggles come in various forms, such as dealing with failure, facing rejection, or battling self-doubt.

As a writer, these struggles can be particularly disheartening, as our words are an extension of ourselves and our creativity.

Photo by Johnny Briggs on Unsplash

One of the biggest hurdles we face as writers is finding confidence in our abilities. It’s natural to question whether our writing is good enough, whether others will appreciate it, or if we have anything valuable to say. This self-doubt can be paralyzing, leading to writer’s block and a lack of motivation.

But here’s the thing, every writer, no matter how successful they are now, has faced these struggles at some point. It’s a part of the creative process. The key is to acknowledge these struggles and use them as fuel to push forward.

Building confidence as a writer can be a gradual process, but with consistent effort and practice, it is definitely achievable. Here are some tips to help you gain confidence as a writer:

Photo by Austin Kehmeier on Unsplash
  1. Read widely: Reading helps you gain exposure to different writing styles, genres, and perspectives. By reading a variety of materials, you can learn from other writers and find inspiration for your own work. This can boost your confidence by showing you what is possible in writing
  2. Write regularly: The more you write, the more you will improve. Set aside dedicated time each day or week to write, even if it’s just for a few minutes. The more you practice, the more confident you will become in your writing abilities.
  3. Keep learning: Writing is a skill that can always be improved. Take writing workshops, attend conferences, or enroll in online courses to expand your knowledge and skills. The more you learn, the more confident you will become in your writing abilities.
  4. Embrace your unique voice: Remember that your voice as a writer is unique and valuable. Don’t compare yourself to others or try to imitate someone else’s style. Embrace your own writing style and trust in your abilities. Confidence comes from being authentic and true to yourself.
  5. Practice self-compassion: Writing can be a vulnerable process, and it’s important to be kind to yourself. Remember that everyone makes mistakes and has room for improvement. Instead of being overly critical, focus on the progress you are making and be gentle with yourself when facing challenges.
  6. Another way to build confidence is to surround yourself with a supportive community. Connect with fellow writers, join writing groups or workshops, and share your work with trusted friends or mentors. Feedback and encouragement from others can be incredibly uplifting and help you see the value in your writing.
Photo by Kaitlyn Baker on Unsplash

Building confidence as a writer is a crucial aspect of becoming a successful author. As a human, you have the power to create and share your thoughts, ideas, and stories with the world.

However, this can also be intimidating, especially if you are just starting out. The key to building confidence as a writer is to practice and persevere. Write every day, even if it’s just a few sentences or a short paragraph.

To conclude, remember this lovely quote from Toni Morrison

“If there’s a book that you want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, then you must write it.”

