Starting an OCaml app project using Dune

On configuring the blazingly-fast, state-of-the-art OCaml build system to get your app running.

Bobby Priam
12 min readApr 3, 2018
Seascape. [source]

This article is part of Hands-on OCaml, a series of articles that I’m working on that is focusing on doing web app development with OCaml. Scroll to the end to see other titles in this series.

Edit 2018–08–03: Update Dune to version 1.0.1 from beta19.1.

In this first article of Hands-on OCaml series, we will explore how to start building an OCaml project. The project we will be building throughout the series is a To-Do List app, which connects to a PostgreSQL database as its datastore. However, this post will only cover initializing and bootstrapping the project. Specifically, we will be setting up Dune (formerly named Jbuilder) to build our app.

Dune, formerly Jbuilder, is the state-of-the-art build system that is currently overtaking OASIS as the de facto build system for new projects. The overview and strengths sections of Dune’s readme explain why so: it’s fast, has no system dependencies, supports parallel builds, generates configuration and install files easily, and has first-class Windows support. If it’s not enough, Dune also supports cross-compilation, builtin testing, and ReasonML syntax out-of-the-box!

If you’re still wondering about what OCaml is and why you would use it, I recommend to read the opening of my previous article: “Getting your feet wet with OCaml”. Hopefully what I wrote can get you hooked!


To be able to follow this tutorial, you would need to have opam, the OCaml package manager, installed. Consult the official docs on how to install it on your machine. I recommend using your OS package manager, but if you’re downloading the binary, don’t forget to also download an external solver beforehand.

If you’re feeling adventurous, my “Getting your feet wet with OCaml” article (linked above) has steps to install opam v2, which is currently in beta-RC phase, and has a builtin solver.

You can verify your opam installation with the following command:

$ opam --version

This tutorial assumes MacOS or Linux environment, but theoretically it should also work on Windows.

Editor setup

You will also need to setup your editor to handle OCaml files. I highly recommend Microsoft’s VSCode with the vscode-reasonml extension as it works great out of the box (seriously, it rocks!).

Screenshot of example OCaml code in VSCode with vscode-reasonml extension.

Another path that is also easy to setup is Spacemacs with OCaml layer. If those two are not to your liking, Merlin’s wiki also has pointers to setup an IDE experience for other editors. If you’re using Emacs or Vim, opam-user-setup can help putting the right things to your dotfiles. Or, if you’re already using a Language Server Protocol plugin, there’s an LSP implementation for OCaml which you can integrate to your editor.

Note that after you get these plugins or extensions installed there are some extra tools to be installed to give you that smooth IDE experience, which will be addressed in the next section.

Initial setup

Let’s create a new directory for our awesome project! As naming is one of the hardest problems in Computer Science, we will choose to be uninspired and pick the most perfect name for our project: todolist.

$ mkdir todolist
$ cd todolist

Next up, we are going to create an opam switch. Opam install packages globally, and switches makes it easy to have a isolated environment in which you can install packages that will not be shared between switches, and therefore reduce the chance of dependencies conflict. You can think of it as an analog to Python’s virtualenv. For more on switches, have a look at the “Switching OCaml version” section of my previous article.

We are going to name the switch todolist, the same as our project name, for consistency. We will be using OCaml version 4.06.1 as the base compiler. To create the switch, use this command:

$ opam switch todolist --alias-of 4.06.1

(If you’re on opam v2, use this instead to create a local switch: opam switch create . ocaml-base-compiler.4.06.1. Local switches are self-contained only in the current directory instead of an ~/.opam/<switch-name> directory.)

Creating a switch will involve downloading and building the compiler. Depending on your machine and internet connection, this could take a while!

After that, run this command to make sure our environment is properly synced:

$ eval $(opam config env)

Neat! This will, among others, make sure that opam-installed libraries are available on our PATH. Next up, we’re going to install some tools via opam:

$ opam install merlin ocp-indent dune utop

Using this command, we install:

  1. merlin, available via the ocamlmerlin command, is the tool providing OCaml IDE experience that can be integrated to your editor. Its features include context-sensitive auto-completion, error-reporting, querying type information and documentation, and jumping to definition. Merlin will most likely be used by your editor plugins and not you directly.
  2. ocp-indent, a simple, customizable tool to indent your OCaml source code. As with Merlin, most editor plugins also make use of this to indent your code automatically. If you want a more opinionated solution, there is also ocamlformat, but it’s still in active development and might not be stable yet. You might still want to try it, though.
  3. dune, the installable package of Dune. At the point of this writing, Dune’s latest version is 1.0.1.
  4. utop, an improved REPL (toplevel) for OCaml. It is based on lambda-term and supports auto-completion. In general, I favor utop as our REPL instead of the builtin ocaml, since the former have better UX.

Wait for the install to finish, and our initial setup is done!

Dune basics

In this section, we’re going to create a new Dune project.


The first concept that we’re going to explore is an executable. An executable is, as the name implies, a program that can be executed. This is contrast to a library, which we will explore in the later section.

Let’s get started! First, we need to create a dune configuration file. Make sure you’re in the todolist directory, and create the file with the following contents on your editor:

Contents of todolist/dune file.

The file should pretty much be self-explanatory. dune files are written using S-expressions (those lisp-y parentheses). Each of the top-level elements are called stanzas, and currently we have one stanzas.

In the executable stanza, the value of name field denotes the module (file) name that contains the entry point of the program. In this case, we set it to main, meaning that Dune will look for a file on the directory. This is a barest minimum of a dune configuration file. We can also have a libraries field which will be the place to list the libraries our executable depends on (more on that in a moment).

We’re now still missing the required file, so let’s create one:

Contents of todolist/ file.

This is a simple OCaml program that is going to print a hello world to the console. Let’s try to build it via Dune:

$ dune build main.exe

The build should be instant! This command will create a new directory _build containing the build artifacts. If you noticed, we used main.exe in the name there — this is a convention used by Dune to refer to executables. It is not to be confused with Windows-specific executables, you must also use the .exe extension on MacOS and Linux.

After it is built, we can ask Dune to run it:

$ dune exec ./main.exe
Hello, world!

Great! The program is working correctly. Note that since Dune 1.0+beta18, exec command also implies build, so going forward we will mostly only use exec to build and run our program.

You might notice that currently, our created files reside at the root of the project directory. In most cases, this is not desirable since the project root is reserved for project metadata such as a readme, change log, license, and other project configurations. To keep things tidy, let’s move the program to a subdirectory. We will name the directory bin, a convention I use as a place to put entry point modules for executables:

$ mkdir bin
$ mv dune bin/

Let’s make sure that it’s all working correctly by cleaning and rebuilding the program:

$ dune clean
$ dune exec bin/main.exe
Hello, world!

Still working as expected. Next up, we’re going to look at putting reusable code as library modules to be used from the executable.


Structuring your code in a modular way is one of software engineering best practices. In OCaml and Dune, such structure can be achieved through the use of libraries. While there may be a formal definition of it, I like to think of a library as a collection of modules that can be depended on.

In this section, I am going to show you how to create a library with Dune. In many open source OCaml libraries I encounter, it would seem that a flat directory structure is preferred, so we are going with that in this tutorial. Note that while this might be okay in most cases, you might want to create multiple libraries if your codebase is “big enough”.

So let’s get to it! Let’s create a library directory called lib that will be the place to put our library code:

$ mkdir lib

After that, we’ll create another dune file inside the lib directory as follows:

Contents of lib/dune file.

Observe that instead of executable, we now use the library stanza. It also has the field name just like an executable. The value you put in the name field will be the identifier that you can use to refer to this library from other executables or libraries.

To illustrate the use of libraries, we are going to add a Math module to this library, which exposes two functions, add and sub. With your editor, create a file inside the lib directory:

Contents of lib/ file.

Nothing too hard here, we only defined the two functions. Now, let’s make our main executable depends on this library. Open bin/dune file on your editor and add a libraries field with lib (the name of your library):

Modified contents of bin/dune file.

Great! Note that the libraries field is not exclusive to executable, library can also have library dependencies. Next, let’s first rebuild the project so our editor can pick up and resolve the new dependency that we just add:

$ dune build bin/main.exe

(The above step is not really necessary, but if we don’t do it we will see errors on our editor if we try to refer any modules and functions from the new library we just add until we rebuild the project.)

Now, open up bin/ and replace the contents with the following:

Modified contents of bin/ file.

At the first line, we open Lib so that all the modules under it (currently only Math) is available in scope. We then use functions from the new Math module and print out the results.

Let’s try it:

$ dune exec bin/main.exe

If I remember my elementary school math subject correctly, our program now prints the correct result of the functions from our library!

Interface files

One thing you may (or may not) observe from the above steps is that anything you write on module will be automatically visible from the client module (in this case, This is how OCaml works; by default all identifiers are exposed from a module.

Sometimes — well, most of the times, in fact — this is not what you want. You may have several internal small helper functions to do your job, but you don’t want other modules to use those functions directly. There is a way to do that, which is by using interface files.

While .ml files contain implementations, interfaces are put into files with .mli extensions. An interface file is also the place where developers put API doc comments.

Suppose that for some reason, we design our Math module to only expose add function, and leave sub unexposed for now. We can do it by defining the following math.mli file inside lib directory:

Contents of lib/math.mli file.

In this instance, you might consider the comment redundant, but I am a fan of always putting documentations for public facing APIs. It gives me that sense of safety: “hey, it’s documented, so it should be safe to use.”

Now, what happens if you leave as it is and you try to build the project?

$ dune exec bin/main.exe
(...some output...)
File "bin/", line 6, characters 15-23:
Error: Unbound value Math.sub
(...some output...)
File "lib/", line 3, characters 4-7:
Error (warning 32): unused value sub.

Whoops, the build fails because Math.sub is no longer found! That is expected, because with our interface as it is we only allow add to be visible to the client modules. You can see how we can limit the public interface of our modules with this technique, and keep internal implementation details, um, internal.

You may also notice that Dune also reports unused variable as errors by default, which helps a lot in development.

Okay, so how could we change the interface file to solve this build failure? You would add a declaration of sub! Here’s what you might end up with:

Modified contents of lib/math.mli file.

You can try to build and run it with dune exec like we did before, and it will run correctly.

Trying out libraries interactively via utop

Another benefit of having the libraries in a separate directory from the executables is that you can use utop REPL to play around with your functions. The REPL will evaluate the files given, so if any of it produces a side-effect on evaluation time (e.g. printing, starting a web server) like what typically executables entry point do, it will be run on starting the REPL, which may not be what you want.

Let’s have a look on how to use the REPL. With Dune and utop installed, let’s invoke dune utop lib:

A colorful utop session.

The command dune utop <dir> is a convenient way to invoke utop while having the source inside <dir> (in this case, lib) automatically built and loaded.

Let’s try out our library (I will only be showing the prompt and result, and not the extra graphics that you might actually see):

utop # open Lib;;utop # #show Math.add;;              (* 1 *)
val add : int -> int -> int
utop # Math.add 1 2;; (* 2 *)
- : int = 3
utop # let add2 = Math.add 2;; (* 3 *)
val add2 : int -> int = <fun>
utop # add2 5;; (* 4 *)
- : int = 7

Note the double semicolon! It’s necessary to tell utop that we want to evaluate the expression.

In this snippet, we tried opening the Lib, and:

  1. Querying a type of a function;
  2. Actually invoking a function;
  3. Partially applying a function; and
  4. Invoking the partially-applied function with the remaining arguments.

I personally find utop to be a helpful tool when I want to interactively try the functions I defined. It can give fast feedback on the behavior and the API of the modules, so that I can quickly tweak things if I find something to be unsatisfactory. If I made changes to the code and want to reload it in utop, I usually just exit the session and spawn another one, since it’s quite fast.

To exit the utop session, you can use CTRL+D or use #quit;;.

That’s it for now!

That concludes our exploration on Dune to build our OCaml app project. I have by no means exhausted the capabilities that Dune have, but what I demonstrated in this article is sufficient to get you up and running with your own app.

In the following article in the Hands-on OCaml series, we will go further with our To-Do List app and get to know how to add third-party dependencies to our project and deal with databases, specifically PostgreSQL. Have a look at it here:

Blocked? Have questions? A few channels of communication you can try: official Discourse forum, the ReasonML Discord, /r/ocaml on Reddit, and #ocaml on Freenode.The community is full of friendly folks more than willing to help you out! You can also hit me on Twitter to ask anything.

So that’s it for today, folks! Thanks for reading, I hope you get something out of this post. Tell me in the comments if I can improve anything.

Special thanks to Metin Akat (loxs on Discord) and Rizo (rizo_isrof on Twitter) who gave feedback on the initial draft of this article.



Bobby Priam
Bobby Priam

Written by Bobby Priam

Software Engineer. Functional programming and distributed systems enthusiast. Java, JavaScript, Elixir, OCaml, Haskell.

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