feeling blueI grew up on a blue Schwinn with a banana seat, monkey bar and a shifter at the crotch. So cool. I think this is true but it may have been…Oct 4, 2022Oct 4, 2022
when wounds healWhen it comes to birthdays the sevens and eights are worse than the aughts. This is a fancy way of saying that I’ve found it harder to turn…Sep 2, 20221Sep 2, 20221
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to LaosI was asleep when she screamed. It pulled me up an out and into consciousness, instinctively grabbing for my bag the way travelers do —…Jul 8, 2022Jul 8, 2022
Splinters & CallusesSlate is difficult to work with. It falls into thin, sharp, sheet-like shards under pressure. So you need to take care.Jun 23, 2022Jun 23, 2022
Half naked and alone (but not really).There I was. Half naked and dusty; tired and burnt. The thump of distant baselines grating on my spine. Why wasn’t I happy?Jun 17, 20221Jun 17, 20221
the value of youthful confusion“Y’all are crazy” she said. “I’d only travel like that with two six guns strapped to my hips” slapping her hips for emphasis.Jun 13, 2022Jun 13, 2022
Published inBe YourselfHow To Be Wrong Like a ManLast week my friend Rebekah posted that she’d experienced something shocking on social media — that a man “took correction, admitted his…Nov 14, 2020Nov 14, 2020
In the Company of a Group (part 1)Groups are an essential and important feature of being human. From a tribe, to a village, city, or corporation, it’s our ability to…Sep 12, 2018Sep 12, 2018
Don’t try to create a positive workplace. Do this instead.There are few things more infuriating than being told to smile — or worse — to “lighten up.”Oct 10, 2017Oct 10, 2017
Just getting better at your job won’t get you promoted — here’s what will.You don’t need more technical skill to get ahead. Here’s what you actually need.Sep 13, 20171Sep 13, 20171