The RSIC becoming the mechanism narrative for Ordinals inscriptions

6 min readFeb 2, 2024


The ASIC rune extractor, known as RSIC (Rune-Specific Inscription Circuits), is becoming the narrative framework for all ordinals. The initiators of this project currently remain anonymous, although this is not expected to continue. With the identification of historical inscriptions, information is becoming increasingly clear as to their identities.

The inscriptions numbered 56,754,110, 56,996,620 and 57,066,799 in the RSIC whitepaper are all closely related to sats 1,271,861,087,014,458.

These inscriptions mentioned above are intrinsically linked to a complex connection established on ordinals, called “parent/child”. This innovative linking structure acts as a bridge between a creator’s different works, facilitating a meaningful connection between each inscription.

The whitepaper inscriptions are all defined as “children” of inscription 126.

Runes Informations

Lots of interesting details are already noticeable in the first minutes of Casey’s introduction, maybe nothing…

Allocation RSIC

In the RSIC whitepaper, the different allocations of runes are determined and defined according to the following information:


FLAT (up to 30% of fully diluted rune supply): a flat reward of 21 runes per block per active RSIC.

Below is the formula to simply calculate the income from the 1st block

Flat = 21 * 13,262 = 278,502
All Flat = 21,000 * 21 * 13,262 = 5,848,542,000

BOOSTED (up to 30% of fully diluted rune supply): a single boost will be available to all RSICs. The instructions will be published on Sat 4703400000000.This is a hash of the instructions for how to activate the boost: 75213f19413514e4ab30ba79a6b5713e333c91e7679c35dca979f70ea5f9c1f5.

The boost response will arrive soon

  s = "ᚠᚢᚦᚨᚱᚲᚺᚹᚷᛞᛟᚾᛁᛏᛃᛒᛈᛖᛇᛗᛉᛚᛊᛜ",
w = "012345678889a9b9c9ddeeff",

RANDOM (25% baseline + residual runes from flat and boosted): an additional reward per block allocated via random hash alignment. If your RSICs type code aligns with the last digit of a given blockhash, your RSIC mines 336 runes in that block. All RSICs indicate hash alignment with current block with a visual cue (hint: orange).

To optimize your RSICs, it is highly recommended to take a diversified approach using a variety of runes rather than concentrating on the same symbols. In accordance with this strategy, it is recommended to have at least one instance of each rune, thus establishing a balanced and complete combination within your setup.

HALVENING: 5 allocations (5% + 4% + 3% + 2% + 1% of fully diluted rune supply) will be made on block 840,000. Each RSIC gets one ticket for this raffle for every consecutive block it was held in the address holding it when block 840,000 is mined.


(15% of fully diluted rune supply)

— 5 RSICs win all (5%, 4%, 3%, 2%, 1%)

— to qualify, hold RSIC when block 840k is mined

— the longer an RSIC is held in wallet before block 840k, the higher the chance of winning — provably random

(15% of fully diluted rune supply)

Wallet 1 (5%) = 21,000,000,000 * 5% = 1,050,000,000
Wallet 2 (4%) = 21,000,000,000 * 4% = 840,000,000
Wallet 3 (3%) = 21,000,000,000 * 3% = 630,000,000
Wallet 4 (2%) = 21,000,000,000 * 2% = 420,000,000
Wallet 5 (1%) = 21,000,000,000 * 1% = 210,000,000
Information website : dune

Rarity RSIC

RSICs also have an ingenious rarity system that plays a crucial role in defining different module sequences. This sophisticated mechanism ensures optimal diversity and specialization within the rune mining ASIC, helping to maximize its efficiency and adaptability.

{ rune: 'ᚠ', count: '1' },
{ rune: 'ᛜ', count: '1' },
{ rune: 'ᛁ', count: '2' },
{ rune: 'ᚢ', count: '2' },
{ rune: 'ᛚ', count: '4' },
{ rune: 'ᚦ', count: '8' },
{ rune: 'ᛉ', count: '8' },
{ rune: 'ᛗ', count: '16' },
{ rune: 'ᚨ', count: '16' },
{ rune: 'ᚷ', count: '21' },
{ rune: 'ᚱ', count: '29' },
{ rune: 'ᛇ', count: '32' },
{ rune: 'ᛖ', count: '60' },
{ rune: 'ᚲ', count: '64' },
{ rune: 'ᚺ', count: '128' },
{ rune: 'ᛈ', count: '128' },
{ rune: 'ᚹ', count: '256' },
{ rune: 'ᛒ', count: '256' },
{ rune: 'ᚾ', count: '512' },
{ rune: 'ᛞ', count: '1,024' },
{ rune: 'ᛟ', count: '2,048' },
{ rune: 'ᛏ', count: '4,096' },
{ rune: 'ᛊ', count: '4,096' },
{ rune: 'ᛃ', count: '8,192' }

Mining probabilities

RSIC tokens mined (estimated) from blocks 826755 to 828486 (1,731 blocks)

It is important to note that mining speeds are not fixed values and may vary during different hashing phases. These fluctuations can be influenced by various factors such as network conditions, available computing power, and other dynamic parameters.

It is strongly discouraged to take probability information as absolute data, as it represents only a theoretical indication and may change depending on real-time conditions. Hashing phases, which are essential for security and validation of transactions, can introduce variations in mining performance.

Link update :

    ____  _____ __________⛏
/ __ \/ ___// _/ Rune /
/ /_/ /\__ \ / // Mining
/ _, _/___/ // // /___
/_/ |_|/____/___/____/

RSIC tokens mined (estimated) from blocks 826755 to 828486 (1,731 blocks)
│ type │ random │ mined │
│ ᛚ │ 128 │ 76545 │
│ ᛉ │ 128 │ 76545 │
│ ᚲ │ 125 │ 75600 │
│ ᚢ │ 118 │ 73395 │
│ ᚹ │ 117 │ 73080 │
│ ᛜ │ 114 │ 72135 │
│ ᛖ │ 114 │ 72135 │
│ ᛒ │ 114 │ 72135 │
│ ᚾ │ 114 │ 72135 │
│ ᛏ │ 114 │ 72135 │
│ ᛊ │ 114 │ 72135 │
│ ᛈ │ 113 │ 71820 │
│ ᚱ │ 109 │ 70560 │
│ ᚨ │ 108 │ 70245 │
│ ᛗ │ 103 │ 68670 │
│ ᛇ │ 103 │ 68670 │
│ ᚦ │ 101 │ 68040 │
│ ᚺ │ 97 │ 66780 │
│ ᛃ │ 97 │ 66780 │
│ ᚠ │ 96 │ 66465 │
│ ᛁ │ 94 │ 65835 │
│ ᚷ │ 91 │ 64890 │
│ ᛞ │ 91 │ 64890 │
│ ᛟ │ 91 │ 64890 │
Link this information : Here

Rune hold by the creators

Some of the rarest runes are held by the creators, document currently being edited (if a dev can help me search via an ord indexer, holding the runes on the creators’ addresses could simplify the search)


{ rune: 'ᛚ', inscription: '56740421'},
{ rune: 'ᚠ', inscription: '56726075'},
{ rune: 'ᛜ', inscription: '56744080'},


Here are the Discord links associated with RSIC:

  1. RUNECOIN (Official Discord) : RUNECOIN
  2. RSIC OGs (Non-Official Discord) : RSIC OGs

Please note that an unofficial bot will also be present on the RSIC OGs

X information

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

  • How do I activate my allocation?

If you haven’t received the RSI airdrop, it means you purchased it on the secondary market (such as Magic Eden, OKX, Uniswap, etc.), and therefore, the RUNES already have the allocation activated. You can verify this through this example link:

  • What happens when I sell my RUNES during the RUNE mining phase ?

You do not lose your mining rewards; they remain in your wallet.

  • if i buy in 50 blocks before 840000 i only get 50 entrys/tickets for the raffle?

If you buy within 50 blocks before 840,000, you’ll only receive 50 entries/tickets for the raffle. Purchasing within 50 blocks means you’ll have a reduced chance of winning the halving allocation.

  • How many RUNES have I mined since I bought my RSIC?

You can see the number of mined RUNES on the website:{yourwallet}/runes


If you enjoyed this exploration of RSICs and found this information useful, be sure to follow (X) Bobichioo to stay informed on the latest technological advancements, exciting updates, and exclusive tips for optimizing your RSICs.


X : @bobichioo

