ASCII Part II: More than a bunch of Characters

Bob Main
3 min readJul 12, 2023

If you haven’t heard of ASCII art, odds are you’ve seen it and may have not known it. ASCII art is a unique form of artistic expression that harnesses the limited character set of ASCII to create intricate images and designs using text characters. By carefully arranging letters, numbers, and symbols, artists can produce stunning visual representations of landscapes, portraits, and even abstract concepts. ASCII art finds its home in various digital platforms, from social media to online forums, often serving as a nostalgic homage to the early days of computing.

( o.o )
> ^ <

*It's an ASCII cat face :)

The Persistance of ASCII Art

Despite the advent of high-resolution graphics and multimedia, ASCII art has experienced a resurgence in popularity. Its simplicity and inherent charm have captivated a new generation of artists and enthusiasts. With the rise of social media platforms like Twitter and Reddit, ASCII art has found a new digital canvas to flourish. Moreover, the minimalist nature of ASCII art makes it ideal for creative expression in limited spaces, such as text messages, email signatures, and online bios.

Characters that make… Characters.

Perhaps one surprising use of ASCII art is when it’s used to generate large texts that spans multiple lines. In effect the original ASCII characters are being used to create different and unique fonts. Take a look at this website, where many fonts are explored just by using ASCII characters.

ASCII’s Enduring Legacy

ASCII’s influence extends far beyond its original purpose. Its efficient encoding scheme and widespread adoption have laid the groundwork for modern character encoding standards. The ASCII table, with its distinctive characters, remains a familiar sight for programmers and users alike. While ASCII may no longer be at the forefront of technological advancements, its legacy lives on in the foundation of digital communication.

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, ASCII stands as a testament to the power of simplicity and universality. From its humble beginnings as a character encoding standard to its enduring role in modern computing, ASCII has left an indelible mark on digital communication. Moreover, ASCII art showcases the creative potential of a seemingly limited character set, reminding us that true artistry knows no boundaries. As we continue to embrace new forms of expression, let us not forget the language that started it all —

If you missed it, see “ASCII part I: Byte-sized characters”



Bob Main

Exploring the wilderness of web development, creating example apps & tutorials, usually weaving some ✨silliness✨ in! Oh, & other random stuff...