A Long Sorry Saga of Scandal

Bob Price
4 min readMay 10, 2024


When a long-term government that had previously attracted so many voters due more for its promises than actions. There inevitably comes a point at which the public can properly scrutinise its performance over many years. In this instance the Tory government presided over the UK for fourteen years under five separate leaders. In that time it would be reasonable to expect good and bad news in regard its performance. However, when discovering more bad than good it’s natural to ask why?

It would be correct to claim that since 2019 and the Boris Johnson leadership, government policy has swung most certainly to the right. The anomally that is Boris Johnson is shrouded in mystery and uncertainty for numerous reasons ranging from his being a Russian agent to a complete buffoon. I think calling him a buffoon is letting him off too lightly. He is clearly intelligent yet chaotic in how he goes about things. More concerning are his motives which often do not make sense to those of us not privy to his personal counsel. What cannot be denied even if not understood, is his ability to attract support. If ever a man possessed the bad boy attractiveness some women and men like it’s Johnson.

Johnson served as UK Prime Minister between 24 July 2019 and 6 September 2022. His tenure was eventful because he made it so. Johnson pushed through the UK’s exit from the European Union (EU) on a deal agreed upon by his government. The UK officially leaving the EU on 31 January 2020. However, some while after Johnson complained that he had not expected the EU to expect the UK to keep to the terms agreed!

He was leader of the UK when COVID-19 stuck and ordered the 2020 March lockdown as a measure to curb the spread of the virus. Apparently, he also caught COVID and spent time in hospital but returned to work within a short time. At the COVID Inquiry which is still running, he admitted to deleting his whatsapp messages which would have proved significant as evidence. However, like his Chancellor at the time Rishi Sunak, both men used whatsapp to message about COVID and would be aware of their significance to an Inquiry. It therefore is odd that they chose to delete their messages.

After Johnson’s resignation Liz Truss became Prime Minister. Unlike her predecessor she did not attract the same kind of attention. She faced significant challenges, including a cost of living crisis driven by soaring energy bills and the aftermath of the war in Ukraine.

Truss positioned herself as a continuity candidate following Johnson’s departure with her focus on addressing the crisis left behind by her predecessor. However, after just six weeks Truss resigned due to a catastrophic mini-budget that roiled the financial markets, plus a rebellion within her political party that obliterated her authority. Truss campaigned on a platform of delivering “growth, growth, growth,” but her signature package of £45 billion in unfunded tax cuts disproportionately favoured the wealthiest. This move led to a plunge in the pound, market uncertainty, and undermined Britain’s credibility globally. Instead of alleviating concerns about rising inflation and enegry bills, her government added to the worries, including rising mortgage rates and an economy in jeopardy.

The next leader to take control was Rishi Sunak on 25 October 2022. In his inaugural speech Sunak promised economic stability and confidence; fixing mistakes; compassion and difficult decisions; and future generations not to be left with debt; to adhere to manifesto pledges; uniting the country and returning trust in government and, acknowledged Boris Johnson. In 2024, a Guardian poll indicated that Tory support (referring to the Conservative Party) had hit its lowest level for more than 40 years, with Labour (the opposition party) being 27 points ahead. These numbers suggest significant challenges and a lack of widespread support for Sunak’s government.

Scandals have played a prominent part in public distrust. As a public spectator it has often felt like a criminal organisation is in control of the UK rather than a genuine government. With £bns paid out in government contracts to companies that should be viewed as “conflict of interest,” due to relationships between them and ministers, it is hard to see any justification for the number of times this occurs. Yet, no UK institution has yet stood up to what is clearly happening. This dismal state of affairs will continue until a general election is finally called by the Prime Minister, the only individual apart from the King able to do so. That the King must appreciate the strong mood of the public for an election, it is disappointing that he has not done more to ensure it happens sooner rather than later. Thereby leaving the UK and its population in the hands of an unwanted government and leader with a dubious agenda.



Bob Price

Fiction author with interests in UK, US politics. Produces political satire, crime fiction, supernatural and science fiction novels/stories plus westerns