Deregulation — Does it make Sense?

Bob Price
3 min readApr 29, 2024


In the UK Conservative government is all about deregulation in order to make life easier for corporations and companies, but what about the public? Is deregulation a good thing for them too?

As with anything it’s the way it is put together that inevitably makes a system work for everyone, a few or no one at all. From where I’m spectating it seems the UK government has chosen deregulation for a few. Those being corporations and companies. Now the shame of focusing on a minority group, no matter how rich is that it will ultimately offend those not included. Which comprises the mass of people who daily go out to work, pay their taxes and expect their efforts to be worth more than a pittance they might receive as a wage.

Expectation is something all humans should possess. Without expectations life becomes a drudge and the routine of the daily struggle for survival to improve ones life too much of a hardship to knuckle down to those who Lord over all of us.

Currently in the UK a non-nationally elected Prime Minister follows his own path often ignoring the rules and protocols established by predecessors who established our democracy. Doing so has exposed many open sores that require immediate attention, yet that will never happen under this Prime Minister who is too absorbed in himself to truly be there for the good of the country or its people.

That regulations offer people a clear path to follow no matter who they are plays a significant part providing values and direction that can help all of us improve. Removing regulations offers a chaotic anarchy of thought that will inevitably implode leaving nothing other than ashes in its wake. Some, revel in the prospect of opportunities chaos may offer compared with the slower, gradual progress found through established learning.

David Cameron a previous Prime Minister and now Foreign Secretary, often used the term ‘we will learn lessons from such and such’. Sadly, a repetition of the same old mistakes has become notoriously obvious with a government that has endured fourteen years. In 2012, Cameron gave a speech in which he expressed an intention to “kill off the health and safety culture for good, referring to it as an” albatross around the neck of British business.

in 2014, cameron announced a package of measures to support small businesses. The Deregulation Bill exempted around one million self-employed people from certain health and safety regulations.

His goal was an attempt to create a morebusiness-friendly environment by easing regulatory requirements.

In 2017 the UK suffered a massive tragedy known as the Grenfell Tower Fire.

During an inquiry, it was alleged that successive administrations, including those under Cameron’s leadership, colluded with the construction industry to suppress investigation results related to cladding fires.

Cameron’s deregulation policies were scrutinized, and there were calls for him to testify in person.

However, though Cameron’s deregulation policieswere aimed to support businesses, they also faced criticism in the context of safety and accountability.

Regulation brings with it accountability and in the UK accountability is very much missing the higher one climbs the status ladder. As I said earlier, deregulation when limited to a minority is not advantageous nor beneficial for the entire population and, therefore, best avoided.



Bob Price

Fiction author with interests in UK, US politics. Produces political satire, crime fiction, supernatural and science fiction novels/stories plus westerns