How UK Conservatives Spin Appalling Local Election Results

Bob Price
2 min readMay 4, 2024


It is difficult for any government to confess they did not do well in local elections, but when they take a hammering, as the Conservative party has done. They should be honest about it and confess they have gotten a great deal wrong and are being punished by the public for it. A little humility would go a long way in calming the anger felt towards them for a host of reasons. Doing so might not get people to vote for them, but it certainly would be a start in the right direction.

Sadly, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and his accomplices consider humility as weakness rather than strength. They will never admit to a wrong and would sooner lie than be honest. Not a good look for any wannabe government. After fourteen long years the British public has learned a lot of lessons about politics and in particular politicians, that will likely never be forgotten. The biggest damage done is the loss of public trust. It has taken a long time for the British public to reach the point they are currently and it will take even longer for their trust to be regained. All because of an arrogant group of individuals who have acted shamelessly and without inhibition undermining the mountains of good work and effort done by their predecessors.

The Conservative party after its appalling losses this week are claiming local elections are very different to a general election. That may be true, except polls have been constant for more than a year, highlighting public disappointment with the direction this government has taken. Preferring to ignore a steady decline in public support with some ministers blatantly abusing the public mood was always a dangerous game to play in a democracy. I suggest Conservatives ignore local election results at their peril.



Bob Price

Fiction author with interests in UK, US politics. Produces political satire, crime fiction, supernatural and science fiction novels/stories plus westerns