When Power Won’t be Given Up

Bob Price
3 min readMay 6, 2024


There are times when inevitably it seems, that the wrong people acquire power in a democracy. Democracies are open systems for a reason, but they also possess institutions to protect themselves from harm. However, in the UK the election back in 2010 of the Tory party introduced a group of individuals dedicated to the destruction of democracy and all it valued. Systematically the public witnessed a decline in the institutions that hold a government to account.

It did not help the defence of democracy that those operating against it were educated by the very system that had trained their predecessors. Sadly, it only became clear what has been happening over the last quarter of their reign as an impoverished nation watched their own unnecessarily die from a foreign pandemic as its government concentrated on an opportunity to make its membership richer than they were already. The penny began to drop about the UK leadership and what it actually meant for the public.

It is no accident that the current Tory government continues to pursue a course of action to rid itself of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), since it is a massive obstacle to its plans of an autocracy. Decimating all public freedoms able to challenge government continues as a work in prgoress. Suppressing freedom of speech is key and the Tory government has insidiously, for more than a decade harnessed a majority of the media to its control and thereby suppressed criticism for its actions.

The UK has now reached a point when the truth of what is happening in the political arena can no longer be ignored by the public. The austerity suffered since 2010 continues for a majority while the wealthy elite have gradually grown richer and more powerful. The sintitutions intended to protect democracy have been so diluted and infiltrated by “government disciples” they no longer represent their intended purpose. Everywhere you look in the UK is the visible decay of the past fourteen years brought about by this government.

It is beyond time for democracy to fight back, but fight for it is a MUST if the public do not want to find themselves in a dystopian society ruled by cold, callous individuals whose only intention is to take power and hold onto it.

It would be easy to say this is all theoretical, but the reality is as bad as it seems and the shameless, uninhibited scoundrels managing the lives of 67.9 million individuals are following guidance from such great authors as George Orwell in order to achieve their aims.

Today, right now, there is a nationally unelected Prime Minister in Number 10 Downing Street who is totally shameless, totally lacking inhibitions and totally focused on maintaining power over the UK. Repeatedly reluctant to name a date for the next General Election (GE) he claims in the hope that the UK will suddenly improve and its people understand that <his plan> is working. Yet, what is <his plan>? Is it that the UK will go to war with Russia and thereby prevent a GE. The UK has been placed on a war footing by him yet with very little explanation. That in itself is concerning becaue as the public has repeatedly witnessed there are those who view war as an opportunity to generate wealth and this government is all about that!



Bob Price

Fiction author with interests in UK, US politics. Produces political satire, crime fiction, supernatural and science fiction novels/stories plus westerns