Quest for Cum Ch. 09

Iraida Bobrova
14 min readMar 15, 2021


Pushing through the forest of bristly hairs, she gawked at the sight of a penis stretching into the horizon, its purple crown like a sunrise. Mina let out the breath she’d held in relief, then stiffened when she inhaled, fire washing through her airways and filling her lungs. It dissipated throughout her body, yet only seemed to heat up.

“What the fuck is this?” Mina panted, clinging to hairs to keep from falling as her vision swam. Every facet of her being wanted to fuck. It didn’t matter how, who, even what did it, she just longed to… needed to stick her dicks in something and have others stuffed in her. The sensation went straight to her womb, all but glowing from the magma bubbling within.

“I know you’re there,” the giant said, a massive hand appearing. Paralysed by her lust, Mina let it take her above the dense fog and bring her face to face with the Monster. Just its nose was bigger than her body, “What are you?”

Mina swallowed her urges, though her cocks still pulsed against the fingers holding her, and said, “It’s a bit of a long story. Can I sit down?” A frown met her request, but the giant perched her on its shoulder.

“My name’s Mina.”

“Sora,” the giant said and gave her a tired look, encouraging her to hurry and explain herself.

“You’re the last one,” Mina finished, hands on her cocks as she relived her memories. Her new companion didn’t mind the constant downpour of pre-cum, or didn’t notice, “I just need some of your cum and I’ll be finished.”

The giant chuckled, a deep sound. Given her size, it was expected, but there was something light about it too, like the giggle of a maiden. Or the mocking laugh of someone who knew a secret.

“I don’t mind how I get it,” Mina added, “So, if you want to fuck me, go ahead.” Was she that much of slut now? Sora hadn’t given any indication of lust for her, yet she jumped ahead and offered her body.

“I’d rip you into a thousand pieces, tiny one,” Sora said, “It doesn’t matter how stretchy you are. I’ve had full-fledged slimes try me before, only to become drops on my home.”

“How about I fuck you instead?” Mina asked, mentally chiding herself for coming off so eager. But her libido couldn’t be fully to blame, not when Sora had a musk so powerful it seemed to cover the entire valley. Being near her, it was a miracle Mina hadn’t cum already. Was she stroking herself? She was. It hadn’t been an intentional choice, just something that happened as she told her story.

“You think those little things,” Sora taunted, raising a finger bigger than Mina’s whole body to poke at her four-foot shafts, “Could satisfy me?”

“Then can’t you masturbate?”



“Skin’s too thick. I barely feel the rocks I crush anymore.”

“I… At least let me try.”

Sora shrugged, “You’re welcome to. Nothing such a small creature as you could do would hurt me. It’s a pointless struggle though. I’ve not cum in decades.”

“Decades?” Mina asked and peered over the cliff of Sora’s breast, spying on the unremarkable sack she possessed. It didn’t seem that large for a Futa of her size. Knowing where gaze was, Sora reached down and lifted the balls, then squeezed without any give.

“Giants are an unfortunate species. So few of us are left that its impossible to find a suitable partner. We can’t feel much when we get too old and my pussy is too deep even for me to reach orgasm. It’d be nice to finally cum,” Sora groaned and let her balls down, eyes cast down in defeat at the hands of her own existence.

“I’ll make you cum,” Mina said.

“As I said, you’re welcome to try,” Sora gave her a sorrowful grin, like she’d seen this determination before.

“I will,” Mina affirmed, then hopped down onto a breast, “Let me know when you feel something.”

For someone as enormous as Sora, there were plenty of possibilities for pleasure. Her skin was indeed thick, though still supple to her touch, nothing would penetrate it. What about her erogenous zones? Sora sighed again, almost blowing the Chimaera away, and laid down, crushing several boulders under her weight. With the ‘ground’ stable, Mina headed straight for the nipple.

“Oh fuck, it’s huge,” Mina said and rolled her eyes at herself. Of course it was, she’d almost be disappointed if Sora didn’t have nipples bigger than her torso. First, she tested it, wrapping her arms around the usually sensitive nub and ground her body against it. No response from Sora. Mina tried harder, mashing her tits and cocks together. She moaned, but still nothing from the giant. Going for the tip, she licked at the massive expanse.

A deep breath knocked her off her footing, plunging her face-first into the supposedly impenetrable nipple. It swallowed her to the shoulder, before she shoved herself out, gasping in shock, then heard and felt a subtle, but no less present, moan rumble below.

“I felt that…”

Mina beamed at the news. She might be able to get this Monster off by fucking her nipples. Either the musk had warped her mind, or she’d been denying her own fetishes far more than she thought, as the idea surged through her tumescent shafts. Pre-cum flew from their flared crowns. Hooking her feet into the pink tip, she angled her dual masts at the entrance and descended.

Was she making a weird face? Mina couldn’t see herself, only go off the tightening contortion of muscles in her cheeks as her cocks were enveloped in the tightest walls known to Earth. Not wet like a pussy or mouth, but sublimely squishy, her shafts pushed to the ring, then her knot and stretched the opening. Sora continued softly moaning beneath her.

“How’s that?” Mina asked and set to pumping her hips. There was no better way to think it; she was fucking a nipple. She’d imagined tit-fucks before, even performed them on herself day after day, but to take it to such extremes was bliss.

“It’s nice,” Sora said, clearly not feeling it as intensely.

The Chimaera bit her lip and focused. Since her time with Sally and Louise, she’d tried using magic at will, to mixed results. What she’d managed to great effect, however, was shifting her mass around. She couldn’t do it to the degree she’d like, but portions of size left her broad hips, skin flattening over her muscles, and surged into her cocks. A fractionally stronger moan left Sora’s lips as her girth and length increased. Her tips met a tighter passage and pushed through.

Was it the path to Sora’s milk? None had appeared thus far, which meant the space was ripe for her seed to take. Mina didn’t know the sciences behind human bodies, but all that concerned her in that moment was maximising pleasure for herself and the giant. Jamming her knots in deep, focusing her mass into length, Mina locked herself to the inner hole. It gripped and pushed on her.

She wasn’t meant to be there, that’s what it told her. Mina breathed Sora’s musk deep, overriding any notion of stopping there, and bucked to the tempest of desire brewing inside. While she couldn’t remove so much as an inch, she kept up the energy, grinding into the nipple and alternating her mass between girth and length. Across from her perch, Sora had begun fondling her other breast.

“No other creature tried this before,” Sora said, voice light and airy, though it still overpowered all other sound, “You’re a perverted one, Mina.”

“Yes,” Mina cooed and squeezed her own tits, tongue spilling out to lap at her milky nipples. Rivers of white spilled across her scales, down to her crotch, further lubricating the teat she was fucking, “I’m a pervert. I’m a Monster pervert that fucks giant nipples. There’s no way a human would even consider this.”

If she could alter her body further, then perhaps she could do this to herself someday. Mina’s pulse raced, mind flooding with images of her next transformation from Sora’s cum, turning her into a giantess all her own with huge cocks to match. Ones that she’d force into her own boobs, fucking them both while she ground her needy cunt into her own balls until she came and inflated her titties with semen. Then she’d drink it back out.

“I’m cumming!” Mina cried, losing herself in the fantasy. Her testicles clenched tight against her clit, causing her muscles to spasm and ejaculate straight into Sora’s breast. Dicks bulging, her flares and knots tied her to the giant, the spines erecting and jabbing the sensitive walls. Beneath her, the breast shuddered with the powerful influx of seed, then swelled with it.

“You’re cumming so much,” Sora said, clearly not in the throes of an orgasm, “It’s impressive for someone so small.”

“Just wait,” Mina panted, clenching her kegels to help force the last shots out, “I’m nowhere near done.”

“You’ve tried. Honestly, it was the most pleasure I’ve felt in a long time.”

“I’m not finished!” Mina said and extracted herself, flinging the last of her orgasm across the mountain range of Sora’s breast, “I can’t fail here, not after I came so far. Besides, you’ve still got plenty of options.”

Mina sprinted across the plump belly of the giant, back through the forest of pubic hair, and slid down the thigh. It took far more willpower than she expected not to latch onto the giant’s balls, their taut prison glossy with sweat and who knew what else, but her target laid beyond them. A glimpse of pink womanly flesh peered at her from beneath them, before coming into full view. Mina took a deep breath and held it, fearing she would be overwhelmed as she neared it.

For a giant, Mina expected to find an unkempt pussy. One with folds overflowing like an exotic flower and capped by a massive clit. While the latter was correct, Sora’s labia was kept neatly inside her mons, only peeking out to tempt her. A fine layer of desire clung to it all. Her lungs ached for breath, forcing her to release and inhale. She tried drawing it through her mouth, but that only served to flood her senses.

One sniff had her twitching where she stood, spasms rocking her pricks as they unleashed a short, second orgasm. Her vision dulled for an instant, consumed in the tidy folds of the largest cunt she’d seen, and likely ever would, before she remembered to exhale again. It was unreasonable to think she wouldn’t want to feel its insides.

Sora was right about her cocks; they wouldn’t satisfy her at all. She climbed up and secured her feet within the labia, cocks slipping into a cavernous opening. It’d take far more than her twin four-foot dicks to make Sora cum, or at least get her close. With the difference in size, there seemed only one thing left to do. Mina wiped the drool from her lips and pushed her legs inside, hooking her fingers next, then pulled herself in.

All around her, fleshy walls squished and slurped, drops of moisture fell from the high ceilings that closed intermittently. She was covered in Sora’s juices as the exit squelched shut, only allowing a trickle of light inside. Muffled moans reached her through the pulsating walls, though Sora’s heartbeat thumped in a calm rhythm.

“I’ll change that,” Mina promised the pussy she now inhabited, cocks flexing in a sudden spurt from the flavour of the juices on her lips. She kept her hands on either side, using them to pull herself along the slick tunnel, pushing hard to stimulate her host. Deeper she climbed, cocks doing their best to drench the already sloppy passage as they scraped across the walls. Sora’s juices ran thicker as she went, the air ripe with its scent. She couldn’t help but lick it up at every chance.

Eventually, she came to a barrier. Her tongue flicked out, casting a shudder down her spine, as it tasted Sora’s cervix. The flow was densest there, each drop of fem-cum like a culmination of Mina’s entire orgasm. She licked again, lingering this time, and was crushed for an instant before Sora relaxed. The calm beat had jumped to a steady pumping, slowly building as Mina teased the centre to Sora’s womb. Grinning, she circled the hole, gauging its width, before aiming a cock and thrusting in.

A loud roar shook the canal, which squished shut around her, almost choking her. Mina slid her cock deeper still, until the medial ring mashed into the opening, then she pulled back and did it all again. As the pussy crushed her, she splayed out her arms and legs, touching all she could, and nipped at the flesh pushing into her mouth. Her fangs broke through, blissful venom pouring out.

Pussy was all she could smell and taste and feel. Even her hearing was drowned in the lurid squelching of Sora’s cunt grinding against her entire body, pleasuring her nipples, her balls, even her own snatch. The hairs on her head and tails were matted in the giant’s cum. She swallowed constantly to avoid drowning in the gooey juices.

Her balls trembled from the perpetual stimulus and musk that permeated her sinuses. It was a miracle she hadn’t cum again already, but the release was near, both cocks throbbing to Sora’s rhythm. Mina groaned deep in her chest, trying to hold out. Sora must be close too, if the tightness and her heartbeat were any indication. Just a bit more and she’d cum too.

“Fuck!” Mina shouted as her cocks lurched, further flooding the tight passage with one, while the other poured into the giant’s womb. Sora squeezed tighter, milking her balls of their load, and smothering her in pussy. Did that mean she was cumming too? But Mina wasn’t getting any of it inside her, though she hoped the changes would still work if she guzzled it down afterwards. Something really was wrong in her mind, that she was annoyed at potentially missing out on growing and changing more.

“Oh fuck!” Sora shouted from outside, her voice reverberated throughout the walls, which clamped down and washed Mina away on a tide of juices. Her cock was yanked from the cervix, still spewing its load, and she exploded into the air, plummeting toward the ground. On instinct, she reached out and caught herself, holding tight against the waterfall. It ended soon enough, allowing her to finally take a breath.

“Gotcha!” Mina cheered.

“I… I didn’t cum,” Sora panted.

“What? How? I felt you do it.”

“That was my pussy,” Sora said, “There’s no semen, see?”

Mina looked around. She was right, save for the pond of pussy juice, there were no signs that she came. If anything, her scrotum looked even tighter, the skin a glossy, irritated crimson. Mina sighed, unsure how else she could get this massive futa off, then she noticed what she’d caught herself on; Sora’s anus. Unease rolled in her stomach, then passed as she recalled her father’s talk with a doctor once.

There was an organ inside men’s rears, the prostate, that could make them cum uncontrollably. Futanari must have it too. Mina chewed on her lip, turning the idea over and over again, hoping for a better way. To give Sora that kind of pleasure, she’d need to go deep, far more than her cocks could reach, even if she redistributed all her mass to their lengths. She took a deep breath, saturated in Sora’s musk. Whatever happened there, would not leave her lips so long as she lived.

Steeling her resolve, Mina pried open the tight ring of muscles and crawled inside. Sora gasped, clenching and, by accident or purpose, pulled her in. She held her breath and tried ignoring all sensation on her search, pawing around for something that triggered a response. The sound of Sora’s heartbeat persisted, and the velvety walls squeezed around her, almost guiding her deeper. Inevitably, she had to breathe.

Hands over her nose and mouth, she finally respired. A frown crinkled her brow, “It doesn’t smell?” She’d gone in expecting to be met by pungent odours like neglected horse stables, cursing her enhanced senses all the way, however nothing like that assaulted her. If anything, it was a pleasantly subtle aroma, like a diluted musk. No faecal matter either.

“Talk about lucky,” Mina chuckled and continued, her cocks leaking as the taboo nature of her journey replaced the prior worries. Here she was, climbing up a giant’s ass in search of a sacred organ to make it orgasm like never before. The surroundings had a similar feel as Sora’s pussy, but firmer and smoother, damp only from Mina’s pre-cum and the juices clinging to her body. Pliant ridges provided handholds for her as she reached a second barrier.

“Has to be around here somewhere,” Mina muttered and stretched out, feeling for the elusive prostate. Her hand brushed a subtle bump, which caused the hole to collapse around her, grinding into her drooling pricks and crushing her balls, forcing a thicker gush of pre. That had to be it, she thought. Sora relaxed, then clenched against as Mina pressed her whole body into the bump. Applying force, the giant responded in kind, walls compressing tighter.

“Oh sweet fuck!” Sora yelled from outside, “What is… oh my… fuuuuuck!” Mina didn’t relent and undulated her hips, frotting her twin shafts against the prostate, refusing to be content until she heard Sora announce her orgasm.

“If you can hear me,” Sora’s voice boomed, “Don’t. Fucking. Stop.”

Mina grinned and added her flexible tongue. Though clean, the anal flesh had a sour taste compared to the sweetness of Sora’s cunt, albeit not an unpleasant flavour. She nipped at a wall with her fangs, yelling as the pressure on her body doubled.

“I’m cumming!” Sora screamed, her ecstasy an earthquake throughout her asshole, reverberating throughout Mina’s own body and back into the cause of it all. Breath was a lost memory, her breasts crushed flush against Sora’s anus, while her muscles ached from resistance. Her face was mashed into the wall, smearing saliva over her cheek, yet a grin lit up her face. At last, this quest was over.

“What the fuck do you mean ‘it’s stuck’?!” Mina shouted upon her release from Sora’s ass. She stood on a small alcove in a nearby hill, glaring at Sora, who caressed her cock like it was a swollen leg. It resembled one, the flesh having shifted to a furious scarlet and bulging at the base. Spasms ran through it, lifting the behemoth off the ground, only to slam back down and leave a deeper imprint.

“It feels so good,” Sora moaned, then whimpered, “But it hurts. Oh fuck, Mina, please do something!”

“I-I-I… what am I supposed to do? If you can’t squeeze it out, there’s no way I could.”

“From the outside maybe,” Sora said.

Mina didn’t need further explanation. That day’s theme was clearly ‘fitting in places she shouldn’t’. First she fucked a nipple, then crawled through a pussy to fuck the giant’s cervix, and going up an asshole should’ve been the finale. She gawked at Sora’s cock, its head fat and purple, a gaping slit oozing what little seed could escape. It clenched, as if to beckon her. Gulping, she descended to the same level and looked into the slit.

Trepidation didn’t restrain her. Nor did fear or disgust. She was torn between jerking herself to the very idea, and diving inside. The ground was already covered in Sora’s cum, thick globs of the stuff wriggled about in search of holes to impregnate. Mina picked one up in curiosity and focused on it, feeling how firm it held in her hands, then gasped as she saw the sperm swimming about. That made sense for a giant.

But these were the dregs, the tiny amount that could eke its way outside. The real stuff had to be massive, Mina thought, further sinking into a spiral of depravity that had become her life. Her cocks jerked and spewed pre-cum by the bucket load, none of her balls empty despite the multiple orgasms, while an ever-growing stream poured from between her legs. She brought her hands to lips, inhaling the scent for a moment, then slurped it up.

Like bolt of magic struck her, Mina’s cocks leapt to full attention and erupted once more. Her feet moved, unbidden, and her hands sank into Sora’s cock hole. Once again, the light of day was left behind as she embraced the slimy abyss of a Monster’s insides. Sora’s member jerked up and gravity had performed its duty. Cocks gushing seed the whole way, she slid down.

