Janet Robinson
1 min readFeb 18, 2017


Senator McCain, thanks for writing a stirring and hopeful article. I never thought there would ever be a time when I could agree with anything you said but I do agree with your article.

However, if you really believe those things then you must stop being a Republican lapdog and going along with everything your fellow Republican Congressmen are doing to screw the middle class out of everything we have worked for our whole lives. Otherwise, it’s just hot air.

America is a nation of immigrants and includes Trump and those in Congress. Immigrants have made America great. So, let’s try to respect that. America should be the nation people want to get to, not the nation people want to get away from.

Senator McCain, thank you for your service to America. I hope you will consider the views presented here when votes come up for things that directly affect the American people like abolishing the EPA or repealing ACA with no replacement or privatizing Social Security, etc.

