Metropoly, Easiest Way To Invest in Real Estate Blockchain

bocah genius
7 min readNov 19, 2022


The blockchain is a new and revolutionary technology that will continue to change the world in ways you can’t even predict. One way it will likely change the world is with property ownership. Property ownership has been a cornerstone of civilization for thousands of years, but now, with the blockchain, there is an opportunity to modernize the process and make it more secure for everyone involved.

Blockchain technology offers a decentralized, tamper-proof way to store information about property ownership. This could help reduce instances of fraud and property scams. It could also improve security and reduce instances of fraud by making it more difficult for criminals to steal information from government records or falsify documents.

Additionally, a blockchain-based system would be more transparent than current systems, which could allow citizens to easily verify that their government is operating legally. This is where Metropoly comes in. Metropoly is a blockchain-based platform that makes investing in real estate easy. Using its NFT system, you can buy and sell your properties easily and quickly.

Even better, since it’s all digital, you don’t have to deal with the hassle of paperwork or the headaches that come with doing business with other people. With Metropoly, you can get started right away and begin making passive income right away.

And when you’re ready to sell your property, instead of having to wait months or years like in the traditional market, you can sell within seconds! All of this is possible because have put property ownership on the blockchain. The blockchain allows us to digitize property ownership and ensure transparency throughout the process — from purchase to sale to management of your property.


Looking to invest in real estate but don’t know where to start? Metropoly is a decentralized platform that allows you to invest in properties from all over the world. In Metropoly, rental income is a consistent and reliable way to increase cash flow, which helps you achieve financial freedom. With Metropoly, you can invest in real estate without all the hassle and stress that comes with traditional methods. So why not give it a try today? You could be on your way to financial freedom sooner than you think!


As cryptocurrency backed asset (NFT), you don’t have to worry about any inflation or market fluctuation. #NFTs are always liquid as they can be easily exchanged for their underlying assets which are backed by real world properties with expected appreciation. You can invest with as little as $100 (or equivalent in other cryptocurrencies). In Metropoly you can start your own journey to financial freedom within minutes.

Metropoly gives investors an easy way to invest in income-generating real estate without the hassle associated with traditional investing in this sort of asset class. With Metropoly, you can invest small amounts in a variety of properties using your ETH. You don’t need to be based anywhere near the investment location, and you don’t need to deal with banks or any other third-parties that might slow things down.


At Metropoly, we are working to take this paradigm shift even further with our decentralized real estate NFT marketplace. Rather than using centralized servers or third party transactions processors like most other NFT marketplaces today, at Metropoly every transaction is performed directly on the Ethereum blockchain.

This is not only faster and more secure, but also gives both buyers and sellers complete control over their own data, ensuring privacy and protecting them from potential data breaches. With this platform you can easily make your own NFTs by snapping a picture of an existing building with your phone or drawing one on a piece of paper.


Metropoly takes transparency very seriously. All the listed properties will have their third-party valuation report updated regularly and made available to investors on the platform. You can always view the estimated market value of your NFTs on the listing page, which is based on the latest valuation reports of your properties.

With this platform, you can see transparent market data on all the properties available in your city. You can view detailed information like estimated market value, recent updates, and other handy analytics to help you make the best decisions on your investments. Metropoly using blockchain technology to make all aspects of this game secure and transparent for everyone who participates.


Renting out personal property is always an interesting endeavor. It’s not for everyone, but for those who want to try it, the benefits are many. The most obvious benefit is extra cash flow. If you live in a city with high demand for housing, such as San Francisco or New York City, you’ve no doubt seen how much landlords can charge for renting a property.

Depending on where your rental property is and how much rent you can charge, it can be quite lucrative. If you’re looking to diversify your investments into non-traditional assets with high liquidity and low volatility, real estate is the way to go.

Voting is a key part of how a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), like the one implemented in Metropoly, works. DAOs are run by consensus, and the voting process helps to make sure that everyone who’s affected by an organization’s decisions has an opportunity to have their voices heard.

A smart contract is a way of executing a transaction. It’s an algorithm that runs on the blockchain and it’s a set of rules dictating how a transaction will occur. These contracts are usually used for making transactions between two parties, but they can be used to run an entire company.

Smart contracts are at the heart of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs). DAOs are logically coded agreements that dictate decision-making based on underlying activity on the blockchain. For example, on the token marketplace Metropoly, when you buy a fractionalized real estate NFT, you’re given DAO rights.

When the rent is up for review, or a property is put up for sale, rarely does the owner do it alone. In a blockchain setting, decisions are made by the owners of digital assets and not by any one individual.

This means that when an action like raising the rent or putting a property up for sale is proposed, in order to pass it must be accepted by 75% or more of all owners (in Metropoly, a real estate blockchain game where players buy virtual properties and rents are paid in ETH).

This system ensures that owners have their say — but also that no one person can make unilateral decisions. In addition to this, in order for the proposal to pass 50% of all owners must vote for it.
This means that if there are 100 owners and only 51 vote for the proposal, it will not succeed.

However, enough people voting for a motion can show support and can prove that there is interest in passing it — even if not everyone votes with them.

These rights include voting rights, which allow you to propose a vote. For instance, if you wanted to make an amendment to increase rent prices or sell your property entirely, you could create a proposal that would go out to all other NFT owners in the Metropoly ecosystem and get passed or denied depending on their votes.

Finally, Easy Way To Invest in Metropoly, Connect Wallet, Make Transaction In Second And Make Profit

If you are looking to buy real estate or finance processes, look no further than Metropoly. It is definitely the marketplace that provides everything you need in one place.

Metropoly aims to make buying real estate a reality for the masses while providing security, transparency, and building intrinsic value in these NFTs. Through its marketplace and platform, Metropoly fosters innovation in the real estate industry by harnessing the power of blockchain technology. This platform very well could be proving grounds for the next generation of forever-grows, with the potential to create new opportunities and value that have never been seen before in real estate.

Team Behind Metropoly

The Metropoly team is working hard to create a completely transparent and secure platform that will make the real estate industry a lot more efficient. As it stands today, the real estate industry is still very much a paperwork-heavy business that requires you to spend thousands of dollars on up-front costs before you even have a chance of making money.

By using blockchain technology, Metropoly can ensure that all transactions are safe and go through quickly.


The international real estate market is inaccessible, illiquid, and complicated for most people. However, the US citizens have shown their approval of the real estate market being the best long-term investment. Metropoly is the first decentralized real estate platform that allows users to invest in real estate in a simplified way, with low costs. Their users can invest in real estate from anywhere in the world, 24/7, through the blockchain.

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