Criminal Defense Lawyer Boca Raton


Our firm has more than 20 years of experience in the legal field. We have worked on thousands of cases, whether they are criminal or civil. Whether you need a Boca Raton Criminal Defense Attorney or any other type of help with your case, we can provide assistance to get your life back on track. Our team consists only of experienced attorneys who know what it takes to win these types of cases and how to handle them properly while still fighting for the best possible outcome for our clients. If you find yourself facing some sort of trouble that may lead into something worse where you might need representation from an attorney , please do not hesitate to contact us immediately!

Best Boca Raton Criminal Defense Attorneys

If you’ve ever found yourself in need of legal representation, then finding the best Boca Raton criminal defense attorneys is probably at the top of your to-do list. Whether you are facing misdemeanor or felony charges, hiring a reputable attorney can make all the difference when it comes to achieving a positive outcome for your case.

If someone is arrested by authorities in Florida, there are certain rights that they have. The first of these rights is the right to an attorney, and not just any lawyer will do so for such a serious matter.

Criminal Defense Law Firm Boca Raton

Some of the different types of criminal cases include: Assault & Battery — the crime involves physical injury against another person, such as pushing and shoving or punching someone in the face. This could result in temporary injuries that require no medical attention or more serious injuries that land you into the hospital for several days and cause permanent damage to your body. In some states, assault can also be charged by an attempt to physically injure someone else even if there was not any actual contact made between parties involved. For example, if one party tries to throw a punch but misses their target and hits somebody else instead then it would still qualify as an assault charge since an intentional act was taken.

Criminal Defense Lawyer Near Me

The criminal defense Lawyers at Boca Law know how to investigate all aspects of our client’s case; we understand each step involved in this process. We believe that everyone has a right to quality legal representation regardless of their background or economic situation.

We provide criminal defense services throughout Boca Raton. Call us today at 561–395–0000



Boca Law -Lavalle, Brown & Ronan P.A

The law firm of Lavalle, Brown & Ronan, P.A. provides experienced, aggressive representation to all our clients in Palm Beach County.