Decoding Quantum Computing: Unveiling the Quantum vs. Classical Difference

Sebastian Bochoniuk
7 min readSep 19, 2023


An abstract image representing the quantum realm

Quantum computing, often hailed as the future of computation, represents a paradigm shift in our understanding of how information can be processed. To fully grasp its potential and limitations, it’s crucial to distinguish between what quantum computing truly is and what it is not. In this article, we will explore its defining features, dispelling common misconceptions, and comparing it to classical computing.

Let’s split the waters

The evolution of computing technology has witnessed significant advancements in specialized processors that work in harmony to enhance overall performance. Initially, the mathematical coprocessor (in 1980) emerged to assist the central processing unit (CPU) in handling complex mathematical calculations efficiently. This specialized coprocessor allowed the CPU to offload arithmetic tasks, speeding up processes that required intensive mathematical computations.

In a similar vein, the introduction of the graphics processing unit (GPU, in 1999) marked another milestone. The GPU was designed to handle the specific demands of rendering graphics and accelerating parallel tasks, which are fundamental to gaming and complex visual simulations. By dedicating a separate processor for graphics-related tasks, the CPU was freed to focus on general-purpose computing, resulting in significant performance gains.

These advancements in specialized processors represent an evolution within the same technology architecture. They cater to specific computational needs while working cohesively with the CPU, effectively optimizing the overall computing experience.

However, the emergence of quantum computing represents a profound shift in technology and paradigm transcending the concept of specialization. Unlike traditional processors, quantum computers harness the principles of quantum mechanics. While specialized processors like mathematical coprocessors and GPUs enhance certain aspects of computing, quantum computing promises to revolutionize entire industries by addressing problems previously deemed unsolvable with classical technology. This paradigm shift signifies a complete departure from traditional computing and opens doors to a realm of once-unimaginable possibilities.

What is this significant paradigm shift about?

What sets it apart, is its departure from the binary world of classical computing. Instead of the familiar 0s and 1s, quantum computers operate with qubits that can exist in multiple states at once, thanks to the principles of superposition.

This monumental shift in the very essence of information processing ripples through the entire landscape of computation. It takes us to a new era where algorithms are redefined, traditional problems are approached from fresh perspectives, and the boundaries of what’s computationally feasible are pushed beyond imagination.

Let’s delve into some of the most critical characteristics that make quantum computing truly unique and its potential to catalyze transformative developments across various domains.

Before we jump into the technical stuff, let’s put some mind-bending quantum concepts into practical terms you can easily grasp. Think of a Qubit as the quantum cousin of the classical bit but with a superhero twist. Instead of being confined to 0s and 1s, a qubit can be in multiple states simultaneously — we call this superposition. And it doesn’t stop there; qubits can be entangled, instantly mirroring each other’s changes across the quantum realm.

Now, to make sense of all this quantum magic, imagine the Bloch sphere as your trusty XY chart, helping you visualize and understand these quantum concepts, much like a chart helps you grasp an equation’s meaning.

With this practical foundation, we’re ready to dive a little deeper.

Qubits and Bloch Sphere: Visual Understanding

A qubit’s state is a marvel of quantum physics, transcending the binary realm. Its state is defined by its position within the Bloch sphere. The Bloch sphere, a vital concept in quantum mechanics, is a powerful tool for visualizing and understanding the quantum states of qubits. It provides a 3D representation, allowing us to intuitively grasp key aspects of a qubit, like its state, understanding superposition, entanglement, exploring phase, etc.

In a future article, we’ll dive deeper into the Bloch sphere and explore how it’s used to decode the state of the qubits, but for now, let’s keep it at a high level.

Qubits and Superposition: A Quantum Leap

Within this sphere, a qubit can exist in a continuum of states, navigating the complex landscape of superposition and entanglement.

When a qubit is in a superposition of states, it doesn’t have a definite value until measured. Instead, it has probabilities associated with each possible outcome. This probabilistic nature is a fundamental departure from classical computing, where bits have deterministic values.

Let’s take a moment to understand what it means “until measured”. When a qubit is in a superposition of states it has probabilities associated with the possible outcomes, this also means that it doesn’t have one of its defined basis states (|0> or |1>), for this we need to measure it, forcing to collapse to one of these states. When the qubit collapses, it loses the information regarding the probabilities associated, and the qubit is not in superposition anymore, this is also a reason why the measurement is considered to be destructive.

Quantum Algorithms: Beyond Traditional Coding

Quantum computing is not merely about writing new code in a different language. It involves the development of specialized quantum algorithms that leverage the unique properties of qubits. These quantum algorithms are designed to solve specific problems more efficiently than their classical counterparts.

Quantum algorithms are like paths through a maze. Instead of taking one route at a time, as classical algorithms do, quantum algorithms explore multiple paths simultaneously, thanks to the superposition of qubits. This ability to process numerous possibilities in parallel is where quantum computing’s power lies.

Existing languages like Qiskit and Cirq serve as an interface to program quantum computers, allowing developers to leverage their coding skills. However, behind a familiar interface lies an entirely new way of algorithmic thinking that challenges us to think in fresh and exciting ways, it is like our minds are free from the constrained boundaries of classical computing limitations.

We need to embrace that the very essence of algorithms is transforming, an algorithm will have probabilistic outcomes instead of deterministic, the qubits can be correlated (entangled) instead of independent bits, and algorithmic thinking will not be enough without quantum mechanics domain knowledge, but in exchange, break-through innovation is around the corner with possibilities that are still beyond our comprehension.

Where does quantum computing excels

Quantum computing excels in scenarios where classical computers face immense complexity. Consider situations where you need to simulate the behavior of large molecules in drug discovery, optimize intricate supply chains, or tackle uncrackable codes. While it’s true that classical computers can use GPUs to parallelize calculations across thousands of processors, there’s still a limit to how much parallelization can help. Quantum computers, on the other hand, leverage the unique properties of qubits to explore an astronomical number of possibilities simultaneously. This isn’t just parallelization; it’s a different league altogether. It’s like comparing a fleet of sports cars (GPUs) to a teleportation device (quantum computers). While both can cover ground quickly, quantum computers can effectively teleport to the solution, making them unbeatable in certain problem domains.

Factorization stands as the tip of the iceberg, showcasing its incredible potential. Factoring large numbers is the foundation of many encryption methods, and has long been a challenge for classical computers. This breakthrough has profound implications for cryptography, potentially rendering many existing encryption schemes obsolete.

Another remarkable promise comes from solving complex optimization problems. From supply chain management and logistics to portfolio optimization and drug discovery, quantum algorithms can efficiently navigate the vast landscape of possibilities. This speed and efficiency could revolutionize industries by saving time and resources in finding the best solutions.

These are just a glimpse of the groundbreaking applications of quantum algorithms. As we continue to explore this uncharted territory, we may discover even more domains where quantum computing can redefine what’s possible, making the seemingly impossible, well, possible.

Clarifying Misconceptions

Understanding what quantum computing is also involves dispelling common misconceptions:

Not a Magical Solution: Quantum computing is not a magical solution for all problems. It’s well-suited for specific tasks like factorization, optimization, and quantum simulation, but not necessarily for every computational problem. Identifying which problems can benefit from quantum computing is an ongoing area of research.

Not Widely Accessible Yet: Quantum computing is still in the research and development phase. Practical, scalable quantum computing is a work in progress, and quantum computers are not yet widely accessible for everyday use. It’s an evolving technology with tremendous potential but not yet ready to replace classical computing on a broad scale.


In conclusion, the world of quantum computing is a journey into uncharted territory, where the rules of classical computing no longer apply. It’s a realm where qubits are opening doors to computational power that was once unimaginable. Our exploration today has only scratched the surface of this.

For now, let’s keep our minds open to the transformative potential of quantum computing. Embracing this technological evolution means accepting probabilistic outcomes, acknowledging the power of entangled qubits, and recognising that algorithmic thinking alone may no longer suffice. While the future may be uncertain, it is undoubtedly filled with breakthrough innovations that are yet to be fully comprehended.

As we wrap up this article, it’s essential to recognise that while we’ve shed light on the fundamental concepts of quantum computing, there is much more to uncover. Questions abound: How will quantum computing impact cryptography and data security? What new algorithms will emerge to tackle complex problems in chemistry, finance, and beyond? And when will quantum computers become as ubiquitous as their classical counterparts?

I appreciate your time reading this article, and I hope it provided a clear introduction to quantum computing. The aim was to demystify rather than overwhelm. Quantum computing may be complex, but understanding its core concepts doesn’t have to be. In upcoming articles, we’ll continue our exploration, making sure to keep things down-to-earth and practical.



Sebastian Bochoniuk

With over 8 years in electronic design and 18 years crafting high-performance systems, data, and AI, I lead digital transformation and tech innovation.