How to tie Infinity Scarves styling guide

4 min readMay 27, 2024



Ditch the boring tie, dudes! Infinity scarves are your new best friend for effortless style. These aren’t your grandma’s scarves — they’re versatile bad boys that can be worn like a shawl, a casual top, or even a way to add some texture to your everyday look.

Plus, they’re timeless, so you won’t have to worry about them going out of style. Ready to level up your outfit game? We’ve got 13 awesome ways to rock an infinity scarve, so keep reading!

How to Wear an Infinity Scarve… as a Scarf?

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to wear an infinity scarf as a regular scarf:

First of all you have to select an infinity scarf that complements your outfit and provides enough length to wrap comfortably around your neck.

  1. Then hold the scarf in both hands, ensuring that the loop is in front of you and the ends are hanging down.
  2. After holding in both hands Place the loop around your neck, making sure that both ends are hanging evenly.Then take one end of the scarf and cross it over the other end, forming a simple knot at the front of your neck.
  3. After making a knot, tighten or loosen it to achieve your desired snugness and style. Then gently fluff and adjust the scarf around your neck to create a cozy and stylish look.
  4. Finally, tug on the ends or adjust the loop to make sure everything looks symmetrical and balanced. Remember, there’s no strict rule on how much time to rotate or how to hold the scarf. Experiment with different styles and find what works best for you and your outfit!s

How to Wear an Infinity Scarve Shawl?

  1. Start by holding the scarf in both hands with the loop resting on your arms, after holding it, place the looped part of the scarf around your neck, with one end hanging down in front and the other behind you.
  2. Then Adjust the length of the scarf by pulling one end down slightly longer than the other, depending on your preference for style.
  3. Then rotate the looped part of the scarf so that it twists once around your neck, creating a stylish draped effect. Make sure the twists are evenly distributed around your neck for a balanced look. Once you’re satisfied with the twists and drapes of the scarf, make any final adjustments to ensure it’s comfortable and secure. You’re now ready to rock your infinity scarf shawl with style and confidence!

How to Wear an Infinity Scarve as a Necklace?

  1. Start by holding the scarf in both hands with the loop hanging down in front of you. Cross the right side over the left side at the top of the loop, creating a simple twist in the scarf.
  2. Hold onto the twisted portion of the scarf with one hand and use the other hand to rotate the loop of the scarf around your neck. As you rotate, ensure that the twist remains in place and adjust the loop so that it sits comfortably around your neck.
  3. Continue rotating the loop until you’ve completed a full circle around your neck. Once you’ve completed the rotation, adjust the scarf to your desired length and style. You can leave it loose for a casual look or tighten it up for a more snug fit. If your scarf tends to slip or come undone, you can secure it in place with a small pin or clip at the back of your neck.

How to Wear an Infinity Scarve as a Sweater?

  1. Begin by holding the scarf in both hands, one end in each hand. Bring one end of the scarf across your body and over your shoulder, while keeping the other end in your opposite hand. Continue to wrap the scarf around your body, crossing it over your back and bringing it around to the front again.
  2. Adjust the scarf so that it sits comfortably on your shoulders and covers your torso like a sweater. You can play around with the drape and positioning of the scarf to achieve the desired look. There isn’t a set time for each step; it mostly depends on how tightly or loosely you want the scarf to fit and how many times you want to wrap it around your body. Experiment with different rotations and adjustments until you achieve the desired style and fit.

Remember to keep checking back on our site for more fashion accessories catering to both men’s and women’s clothing needs.

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