Bodhi Beta alive on Qtum testnet -Developer Update Jan. 26, 2018

Bodhi Prediction Market
2 min readJan 26, 2018

Hi Community! We have some exciting news to share with you all. We are glad to announce our first Bodhi Application beta version release on the Qtum Testnet!

Packaged Executables

With our alpha test feedback, we noticed there was one big barrier for you all. There was too many steps in order to get the application running!

We are happy to announce that we have packaged the Bodhi Application conveniently into a single executable file for Mac OSX & Windows operating systems. We got you covered!

All you will have to do to get it up and running is run the executable file, then your web browser should automatically open up to http://localhost:5555.

Removal of Invalidate

One of the important changes to know in the overall flow of our Prediction Market participation is that you can no longer invalidate Oracles. We felt this was an unnecessary extra step in the process to reach the proof of agreement.

In the previous flow, if the Centralized Oracle (or Result Setter) did not set the result before the Betting End Block, there would technically be no result yet and anyone could invalidate the Centralized Oracle and start a new round of Decentralized Oracle voting in which all the results could still be voted on.

Now in the beta flow, if the Centralized Oracle did not set the result before the Betting End Block, anyone can assume the role of the Centralized Oracle and set the result. This would in turn create a new Decentralized oracle (as expected), and participants could vote against the Centralized Oracle’s set result.

Addition of Betting Start and Result Setting Start Blocks

Previously, the only block numbers that would be required to be filled out were the Betting End Block and Result Setting End Block. We now have added the Betting Start Block and Result Setting Start Block.

This will give participants greater control in the periods that will be allowed to place bets or set the result.

Invalid Result

In addition to user defined results for an event, we have added a default “Invalid” result to every created prediction event. This result signifies the ability to make the entire event invalid as a whole. This result will be treated as another result that can be bet or voted on.

A good use case for this would be say if a sporting event was cancelled due to bad weather. It wouldn’t make sense to reveal a winner when no one won, which is where the Invalid result would come into play.

Leaner Contracts

We have stripped out all the unnecessary code from our contracts to make it leaner and thus made the gas transaction fees lower for you all. This should make you and your Qtum wallets happy.

Intuitive UI/UX Redesign

We are listening to your feedback and are trying to make the best possible product for you all! We are in process of redesigning our Bodhi Application to make it more intuitive and user friendly.

Keep the comments coming and we will keep on listening and improving!

