What can Bodhi do as a prediction market symbolizes “freedom”?

Bodhi Prediction Market
2 min readSep 7, 2018

The Bodhi prediction market is based on the next-generation decentralized prediction market built on blockchain technology. Bodhi is a symbol of freedom in the market under blockchain technology. On this open, free and autonomous platform, users can create and participate in all predictive events of interest. So what kind of events can users create in the Bodhi prediction market?

Bodhi prediction market platform gives users the greatest freedom. Unlike the traditional centralized prediction market, their creation mechanism is controlled by the center, and most of the traditional prediction events are random luck events with no practical application value. The prediction market under the control of the mechanism is prone to black box operations, unfairness, and cheating.

However, users can create all the prediction events of their own interest in Bodhi, and because of the technical characteristics of the blockchain, the whole event is open and transparent, and can be checked on the chain. The freedom of user creation is beyond imagination, for example:

Current news, prediction events become questionnaires.

Company’s product research.

Product promotion and red envelope distribution.

Economic hot spot: GDP data analysis.

Civil bioprice prediction.

Movie sales prediction.

Sports event analysis and predict.

As you can see, Bodhi prediction market is not a pure quiz prediction platform. In a completely open, transparent, and free blockchain technology, users only need to combine their creativity and needs to create new predition events. And then combined with Bodhi’s own open and transparent prediction participation and arbitration mechanism, let the event prediction proceed under the sun. Break the traditional centralized control, black-box operation, and dishonest prediction.

Bodhi predicts the market, gathers you and me, and predicts the future. Start the era of innovation, open and transparent, next-generation prediction market based on blockchain technology.

