How Do I Activate Velo on Wix? Using Advanced Development Tools

3 min readJul 5, 2024


To activate Velo on your Wix site, head to the Wix Editor, click the Settings icon, select the ‘Advanced’ tab, and locate the ‘Velo’ section. Toggle the Velo switch to ‘Enabled’ and save your changes. This enables Velo’s powerful development features, allowing you to write custom JavaScript, leverage built-in APIs, access site-specific data, and automate various tasks to deliver unique, engaging experiences for your audience. Explore how Velo can help you create dynamic, personalized solutions that set your website apart.

#1 Website Builder: Wix 🏆


Enabling Velo on Your Wix Site

To harness the power of Velo on your Wix site, you’ll first need to enable the feature within your site’s settings.

Navigate to your Wix Editor, then click on the Settings icon. In the ‘Advanced’ tab, you’ll find the ‘Velo’ section. Toggle the switch to ‘Enabled’ and save your changes.

Once Velo is activated, you’ll gain access to a robust set of development tools that allow you to add custom functionality, integrate external APIs, and create dynamic content. This empowers you to build advanced, feature-rich websites without the need for extensive coding knowledge.

Take advantage of Velo’s intuitive interface and powerful capabilities to elevate your Wix site to new heights.

Exploring Velo’s Development Features

With Velo activated, you can now explore the robust development features it offers to enhance your Wix site. These tools empower you to add custom functionality, integrate external APIs, and create dynamic content, elevating your website’s capabilities beyond the standard Wix offering.

You can use the Velo code editor to write JavaScript and leverage built-in APIs, allowing you to manipulate data, interact with third-party services, and automate various tasks.

The Velo Data API gives you access to site-specific data, letting you build advanced features like personalized content, real-time updates, and custom data management.

Additionally, the Velo Events API enables you to respond to user interactions and trigger specific actions, fostering a more engaging and interactive user experience.

#1 Website Builder: Wix 🏆

Leveraging Velo for Custom Experiences

Velo’s versatility allows you to create custom experiences that cater to your unique website requirements, from personalized content to automated workflows.

By leveraging Velo’s powerful development tools, you can build dynamic features that engage your audience and streamline your operations.

For instance, you can integrate Velo with your database to fetch and display personalized data, or create custom forms that automate lead capture and follow-up processes.

Additionally, Velo’s serverless functions enable you to build complex backend logic without the need for a dedicated server.

Harness your creativity and build tailored solutions that set your website apart from the rest, all while harnessing the flexibility and ease of use that Velo offers.

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