How Do I Add a Logo to My Wix Website? Branding Your Site

3 min readJul 5, 2024


To add a logo to your Wix website, first consider your brand’s personality, values, and target audience. Keep the logo simple, memorable, and unique to help it stand out. Access the Wix editor and locate the logo placement area, then upload your logo file. Resize, rotate, and reposition the logo to complement your website design. Customize the logo further by adjusting its size, applying transparent effects, or adding a drop shadow. Make certain the logo perfectly aligns with your website’s branding. Following these steps will help you effectively brand your online presence and make a lasting impression on your audience. Let’s dive deeper into the process.

#1 Website Builder: Wix 🏆


Choosing the Right Logo

Selecting the right logo is a critical decision that can make or break your Wix website’s visual impact. Your logo serves as the first impression for your brand, so choose it wisely to capture your audience’s attention and convey your business’s identity.

Consider your brand’s personality, values, and target audience when designing or selecting a logo. Keep it simple, memorable, and unique to stand out from the competition.

Uploading and Positioning Your Logo

Now that you’ve chosen the perfect logo for your Wix website, it’s time to upload and position it.

Start by accessing the Wix editor and locating the section where you can add your logo. This is typically found in the header or top area of your site.

Simply click on the logo placeholder and upload your logo file. Wix supports a variety of file formats, including JPG, PNG, and SVG.

Once your logo is uploaded, you can resize, rotate, and reposition it until it looks just right. Adjust the sizing and placement to guarantee your logo complements the overall design of your website.

With a few clicks, you’ll have your brand-new logo proudly displayed on your Wix site.

#1 Website Builder: Wix 🏆

Customizing Your Logo on Wix

Beyond simply uploading and positioning your logo, Wix offers a range of customization options to guarantee your brand’s visual identity shines on your website.

Once you’ve added your logo, you can easily adjust its size, crop it, and even change its shape — from square to circle, or any other geometric form.

Wix also allows you to play with the logo’s opacity, applying a transparent effect that creates a subtle, sophisticated look.

Moreover, you can add a drop shadow or outline to make your logo pop off the page.

With these powerful customization tools, you can finesse your logo to perfectly complement your website’s overall design and branding.

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