Ryan Reynolds Deadpool Workout Routine — How to get ripped like Deadpool and Green Lantern

4 min readOct 17, 2017

BONUS: Download the FREE Ryan Reynolds Workout Routine PDF

So we’ve seen Reynolds pretty ripped before, and it’s safe to say he’s doing something right!

I mean, the guy has played Hannibal King (as shown above), Green Lantern, and is now in a huge role as Deadpool after portraying Wade Wilson in X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Hats off to you Mr. Reynolds.

Now the question of the day becomes…How do we all get as Superhero Jacked as Reynolds?

Well that’s what we’re here to find out damn it!

Before we get on with it, I want to point out that just because Reynolds has the shredded body of these superheroes, he wasn’t always that way. We all start somewhere and if you want to kick-ass and get a Deadpool body then you can. Here’s a quote from Mens Fitness from the Reynolds interview:

Ryan Reynolds lived like a frat boy. “I was pretty unhealthy,” he admits. “I didn’t care what I ate or what I drank.” Then came Blade: Trinity, and the comic actor got serious. After three months, six-day-a week workouts, and a 3,200-calorie daily diet, Reynolds gained 25 pounds of muscle.

While you may have to bulk up or even cut down, these celebrities don’t have a magic Superhero pill that they take. You can do it too.

Now I’m starting to sound like an off model of Thomas the Tank Engine.

While Reynolds gets to be multiple Superheroes in his lifetime [like Brandon Routh and Chris Evans], he REALLY wanted to role as Deadpool. Here’s what he had to say about it:

“I’ve been a fan of Deadpool all my life, so i was gonna murder someone if it wasn’t me [who played him],” Reynolds recalls. “He was a last-minute addition to Wolverine, so I had to gain muscle quickly. I was eating, like, live children as they passed in order to bulk up.”

Hats off to everyone who needs to bulk like this. Everyone who’s used to just cutting thinks it’d be so easy to gain the weight if we needed to bulk the same way, when in reality — you guys actually have to shove your face full until you feel like you’re going to explode!

For help with dieting [bulking or cutting] for lean muscle — make your first stop intermittent fasting and/or cyclical ketosis. You can also check out the article on paleo.

Reynolds in Training

Reynolds posted this picture of a post Deadpool workout on March 30 to Twitter. He said:

“This stud out-benched me in the gym Sunday. Nice meeting you Adley,”.

Reynolds is even rockin’ a nice slash in his eyebrow during the workout, which he’ll use to portray a better Deadpool.

He also tweets:

“I want #Deadpool to be R. Always have. Fighting the good fight still. Lotta yelling today,”

So…before you start yelling at your computer screen, let’s make our way to the Deadpool Workout Routine!

Looking to step it up a notch?
Check out The Superhero Academy and start unleashing your inner SuperHuman.

The Deadpool Workout Routine

Last Chance: Download the FREE Ryan Reynolds Workout Routine PDF

Reynolds has been shredded for multiple movie roles, not just the ones he portrays a Superhero (although those are always the most badass). This workout will be a mixture of the new workout material we’ve seen from him, combined with other routines he’s been said to use.

Mens Fitness tells us that every workout will begin with an Ab Circuit. Here’s what it will entail:

Do one of each set then repeat 4 times.

And now for the rest of the workout:

Training Volume: 3–6 days per week

You will receive 5 days of training to cycle through

Workout One:

Incline Chest Press


Dumbbell Bicep Curls


Back Squats


Skull Crushers


Front Raises (Shoulders)


Dumbbell Rows


Workout Two:

Jog 3 Miles

500 Total Reps:

100 Pull Ups

100 Push Ups

100 Lunges

100 Air Squats

100 Ring Dips

Workout Three:

Shoulder Presses (Barbell)


Preacher Curls


Barbell Bench Press


Inner Bench Press (Light)


Lateral Pull Downs


Weighted Step Ups


Workout Four:

5 Rounds:

400m run

5 Burpees

15 Power Cleans

25 Push Ups

15 Sit Ups

5 Pull Ups

Workout Five:



Incline Cable Flyes


Weighted Lunges


Overhead Tricep Extension


Arnold Presses


Dumbbell Hammer Curls


