Bodybuilding diet plan — Which foods best for building muscle mass ?

Bodybuilder Foods
3 min readNov 12, 2016

Properly formulated diet for weight complements the workout weight. Thanks to it much faster will be the results of our exercise. By subjecting the body physical exertion increases the demand for calories. How much we will have to provide extra calories it is a matter of individual and depends among other things on the intensity of training, our personal circumstances.

Preparing a diet for weight we must remember to providing the body with balanced bodybuilding diet plan containing adequate proportions of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and trace elements.

The amount of bodybuilding diet plan consumed per day should vary between 5 and 6 fixed portions. Let us remember that our body consists mainly of water, we should drink at least 3 liters of still water, on hot days, up to 5 liters.

If you are not able to provide the body with sufficient doses of carbohydrates and protein diet should be supplemented mutant mass gainer.

It is the primary source of energy for our body. Foods rich in carbohydrates give us the strength for longer. However, avoid processed carbohydrates contained in candy.

Most accept them in the morning, the meals before and after training. What products should be included in our bodybuilding diet plan?

grain products — cereals, rice
vegetables — beans, potatoes
fruit — bananas
whole wheat bread
The daily dose of carbohydrates should be between 5 g — 7 g / 1 kg of body weight.
mutant mass gainer

1g carbohydrate is approx. 4 kcal.

White is an essential component of muscle. The recommended daily dose is 2 grams per kilogram of body weight. The last consumed from our bodybuilding diet plan of the day should contain the most protein and the least carbohydrates.

What, then, will contain a lot of protein?

meat — poultry, beef
White cheese
The daily dose of protein should be between 2 g — 3 g / 1 kg of body weight.

1g protein is approx. 4 kcal.

1g protein consumed should correspond to intake of 24 kcal carbohydrates and fats of which fats should be approx. 25%.

They are an essential nutrient. Also a source of energy for our body and are essential in the process of building muscle mass.

What is best to eat?

olive oil
oily fish
The daily dose of dietary fat should be approx. 1g / 1 kg body weight.

1g fat is approx. 9 kcal

HOW FAST gain weight 10KG?

If you have not trained any sport and have not done a diet in the beginning relatively easy to gain a few extra kg. Having had a training exercise and healthy bodybuilding diet plan assumption consecutive kilos does not occur so easily. Let’s see how to fix this.

Building muscle mass you need to spread out in time. Weight gain is a predisposition of each individual body, but gain additional 10kg in a very short period of time will be difficult. First it was associated to it with the need to consume a very large amount of calories, which could cause an increase in body fat, which in effect would have to be burned.

Why is it difficult to gain weight?
poorly chosen bodybuilding diet plan
the type of body
health problems

Meals must be larger than before, so that all the time to provide your body with excess calories. At the stage of bodybuilding diet plan should be rich in complex carbohydrates. It should also take care of supplementation in the form of protein and carbohydrates like mutant mass gainer that will be a perfect complement eating bodybuilding diet plan.

The first meal — 7:00
100g rolled oats
300ml milk 0.5%
2 eggs chicken
tablespoon olive oil
The second meal — 10:00
100g tuna
100g wholemeal bread
Third meal — 13:00
150g trout
100g rice
30g cheese
10g butter
150g of vegetables
The fourth meal (before training) — 16:00
150g chicken breast
100g rice
The fifth meal (after training) — 19:00
100g buckwheat
100g lean meat
The sixth meal — 22:00
100g cream cheese
100g wholemeal
tablespoon olive oil

Calories: 2940kcal (36,75kcal / 1kg)
Protein: 202g (2,53g / 1kg)
Carbohydrates: 445g (5,56g / 1kg)
Fat: 76g (0.95 g / 1kg)

