Bodybuilder Foods
4 min readOct 18, 2016
Bodybuilding diet plan

Great bodybuilding diet plan.

Bodybuilders succes is based on food. Everybody knows, that chicken with rice and wegetables is the best dish for gaining muscles. But there are some worse known such an oysters or grapefruits. I will show you both good and less-known food which can help you with getting strenght and being fit. Bodybuilding diet plan don’t have to be boring. You can eat lots products, not only healthy and protein-rich products. Even fats helps you with gaining muscles. Of course you should pay attention what you eat, but cheat meats or cheat days will not affect on your body. Your mind should be open for new tastes.

Bodybuilding diet plan— Oysters


People don’t know that oysters plays huge role in hormone production. Everyone who lifts should eat it often, many bodybuilders loves this food. The research have shown that oysters increases level of testosterone. Similar function has for example chicken liver or pumpkin seeds.

Bodybuilding diet plan — Oatmeal


Oatmeal is one of the most popular food in bodybuilding diet plan. Oatmel is rich in complex carbohydrates and fiber. You can also add proteins or drink protein shake with it. Oatmeal is easy to cook so if you don’t have much time it’s good choice. Adults should eat about 30–40 grams of fiber every day, but bodybuilders need more calories in their diet so at the same time they need more fiber. It is very important, because it helps with digestion and regeneration process. Best way to include fiber in diet is to eat meals like oatmeal, beans or peas for a healthy snack. There are also more fiber-rich products such seeds and all vegetables.

Bodybuilding diet plan— Fruits


Fruits should be obligatory snack of every bodybuilder. For example bananas boots man’s libido and are rich in B vitamins. Similar effect has pineapple. Also grapes are great for sportsmens. Skin of red grapes contain resveratrol. Resveratrol helps when someone needs to reduse estrogen in favor of promote testosterone. Resveratrol you can find also in red wine, but in skin of grapes is more. Grapefruit and other citrus has a lot of vitamin C. It helps with burning fat and regulate metabolism.

Bodybuilding diet plan — Meat


Of course one of the best in bodybuilding diet plan is meat, because it contains lot of proteins. Meat should be base of bulking bodybuilding diet plan. But there are some meats, like steak which has saturated fats. Even saturated fats can help you with testosterone level. If you have problem with it, you should eat steaks and eggs instead of chicken.

Bodybuilding diet plan — Dairy


If you lifts, I am sure that you eat lot of dairy products every day. Milk, yogurts and cheese are reach in proteins so is very importent in bodybuilding diet plan. They have also fat, but when you are gaining mass, take it easy. For example greek yogurt has high concetration of casein. Casein helps your body with protein synthesis. You can also add milk to your protein shake instead of water to get more proteins. Every bodybuilder should know how important is to have dairy products in his bodybuilding diet plan.

Bodybuilding diet plan— Fish


Fish meat is the most healthy meat. It is rich in good fats, like Omega-3 and proteins. Fish are cheaper than beef or steak, so you should get more interested in meat like that. It fits with vegetables and rice. It is easy to prepare, so you don’t have waste your time preparing well done steak or complicated dishes. You can eat your fish after training. It helps with regeneration after hard workout.

Good bodybuilding diet plan is not as simple as it looks. You should have control of everything what you eat but also don’t be afraid of eating fast food one time per week. Everything is for people. If you want have not only good body but also healthy mind, eat sometimes cheat meat or go to the party with friends and drink alcohol. But everything within reason.