Body Nutrition
4 min readJun 24, 2017

Trevo is a multilevel marketing company that has only one product, its Trevo juice supplement.

It comes pre-mixed in ready-to-drink bottles, and the company claims it is the most superior superfood supplement on the market.

So did I get on board with the company? This explains everything:



Just because they only have one product doesn’t mean that there isn’t a whole lot to learn about the company, though–Trevo has over 170 ingredients, and you’ll need to brush up on the benefits and uses of them are before you are ready to sell the product.

Trevo is also currently a market darling in the health and wellness supplement world. Search engine traffic is increasing admirably with no sign of reversal. Thus far at least, the company has stayed clear of some of the legal and regulatory scuffles that have plagued many of its competitors.

To effectively sell Trevo, you’re going to have to get to know the product pretty well, familiarize yourself with the compensation plan, and plot how you’ll build enough repeat customers to keep your cash flow high.


Getting to know Trevo on an intimate level is going to take some perusing of the nutrition label. The ingredients are far too numerous to analyze in-depth, but the ingredients do fall into a few categories.

As a superfood drink, one of the principal components is a fruit and vegetable concentrate. Trevo contains over 18 grams of a proprietary fruit, vegetable, and herb extract blend.

The ingredients in this blend range from the commonplace to the exotic. You’ll find that the drink contains pineapple, lemon, grape, and cherry, but also more obscure or exotic foods like mangosteen, sea buckthorne, bacopa monieri, Chinese wolfberry, and camu camu.

The company wrote an entire book on the selection of the ingredients for this blend, which you can read at your leisure.

The upshot of this is that there is some evidence that fruit and vegetable concentrates like this are beneficial for your health. One study, for example, looked at the effects of a fruit and vegetable drink on antioxidant levels in the blood.

Researchers at the University of Austria provided 59 older men and women with either a fruit and vegetable concentrate (not Trevo, but a supplement built on similar principles) or a placebo drink, and the researchers followed the test subjects for seven weeks, then swapped the groups. For the next seven weeks, the former placebo group received the superfood supplement, and vice versa.

After the researchers analyzed the data, they found that the superfood supplement raised the levels of important antioxidants like beta carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E, and folate compared to the placebo.

These nutrients and their antioxidant effects have been connected with better overall health and resistance to chronic disease.

A scientific review study which examined several smaller experiments also highlights the utility of fruit and vegetable concentrates.

The review, written by researchers at the University of Toronto in Canada, concluded that fruit and vegetable concentrates can be particularly useful for people who fail to achieve their recommended five daily servings of fruit and vegetables.

In addition to the fruit, vegetable, and herbal extracts in Trevo, the drink also includes a mineral blend with trace elements like silver, nickel, cerium, and barium.

The biological necessity of each of these minerals is debatable–most mineral salts of barium are actually toxic–but Trevo claims these are nevertheless necessary ingredients. The scientific utility of these ingredients is less defensible.

Compensation plan

To become a “Life and Health Coach,” Trevo’s term for a distributor, all you need to do is pay the $25 sign-up fee.

You don’t have to actually make a purchase, though of course the company would like it very much if you did. This barrier of entry is lower than in other MLMs, which is a good thing.

The compensation plan is very unusual. It uses a purely vertical structure, where all distributors are in a one-dimensional “column” with compensation and commissions that “roll” upwards through the stack.

The actual nuts and bolts of this are very complicated, but the outcome is not all that different from how a traditional unilevel MLM structure would work.

You need to maintain a certain level of sales or personal purchases to be eligible for any commissions (34 product volume, or $39 of sales, which is equivalent to one bottle of Trevo). You also need to increase your monthly sales to be eligible for commissions deeper than the distributor immediately below you in the stack.

As you sell more and more product, you get deeper wholesale discounts as well. As a distributor, you start out with a 20% discount, but this can increase as high as 40% if you sell enough.


Trevo is perhaps the ultimate example of “shotgun supplementation.” It’s pretty much every blockbuster superfood, vitamin, or mineral, loaded into a concentrated drink and sold at a pretty steep price.

There’s no direct research on the effects of Trevo, but there is some evidence that similar fruit and vegetable concentrates can boost your antioxidant status and your overall health, especially if you are deficient in fruit and vegetable intake.

Not all of the ingredients in Trevo make a whole lot of sense, but in terms of popularity, it’s currently in a pretty good place.

The compensation plan is a real monster of an enigma to figure out; the only way to determine if you can make any money is to get out a spreadsheet and run a realistic example of what you can expect from your business model, and iterate your sales through the unusual structure that Trevo employs and see what you come up with for possible earnings.

Only thereafter can you make the call on whether this MLM is right for you. It’s got a lot going for it, but there are definite risks in the complex compensation plan.

If you’re just doing it for the money, there are better ways to kill your day job.

You might like this coaching because it shows you the good life without peddling products to your family and friends.

Body Nutrition

Body Nutrition provides a research-based approach to foods, diets, supplements and trending health news.