How to use AI to improve at programming!

Leonardo Bogatinov
3 min readOct 18, 2023

I think AI can really improve your programmng skills, but i also think you should still try as much coding on your own just with a little help of AI. But AI is still definetly a really useful tool to use.

Programming is a dynamic and challenging field that requires constant learning and adaptation. With the rapid advancement of technology, programmers are constantly striving to improve their skills to stay relevant in the industry. Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be a valuable tool for those looking to enhance their programming abilities. In this article, we will explore how you can correctly use AI to get better at programming and take your coding skills to the next level.

  1. Code Analysis and Optimization

One of the most direct ways AI can help you become a better programmer is through code analysis and optimization. There are various AI-powered tools and IDE extensions available that can analyze your code, identify potential issues, and suggest improvements. These tools can help you write cleaner, more efficient code and adhere to best practices.

For example, static code analyzers can pinpoint code smells, security vulnerabilities, and performance bottlenecks. By addressing these issues early on, you can improve your code quality and become a more effective programmer.

2. Automated Code Generation

AI can assist programmers in generating code automatically. While it may not replace the need for human programmers, it can certainly help speed up the development process. Code generation tools can help you write repetitive code segments, reducing the chances of errors and enhancing productivity.

Additionally, some AI models can assist in creating complex algorithms or even provide code suggestions based on natural language queries. This can be a valuable resource for programmers looking to implement advanced functionality in their applications.

3. Debugging and Troubleshooting

Debugging is an integral part of the programming process. AI-powered debugging tools can help streamline this often time-consuming and frustrating task. These tools can quickly identify and locate bugs in your code, saving you hours of manual debugging.

Some AI-powered debugging tools can even predict potential issues by analyzing code patterns and alert you before a bug occurs. This proactive approach to debugging can help you become a more efficient and effective programmer.

4. Personalized Learning

AI can personalize your learning experience, helping you acquire new programming skills at your own pace. Educational platforms and applications powered by AI can tailor content to your specific needs, ensuring you focus on areas where you need the most improvement.

These platforms can track your progress, adapt their content to your skill level, and provide relevant exercises and challenges. This personalized approach can significantly accelerate your learning curve.

5. Natural Language Processing (NLP) for Documentation

AI-powered natural language processing (NLP) tools can assist programmers in understanding and creating documentation. You can use NLP to search for information in documentation, blogs, and forums quickly. It can also help you generate documentation or comments for your own code, making it more accessible and maintainable.

6. Predictive Analytics

AI can provide valuable insights into your programming habits. By analyzing your coding history and patterns, it can predict potential issues, such as code duplication, over-complication, or inefficient use of libraries. These insights can help you become more mindful of your coding practices and make informed decisions to improve your coding skills.


Artificial Intelligence is becoming an increasingly valuable ally for programmers looking to improve their skills. By using AI tools for code analysis, optimization, debugging, and personalizing your learning journey, you can become a more efficient and effective programmer. Embracing AI in programming not only enhances your abilities but also allows you to stay competitive in the ever-evolving technology landscape. As AI technology continues to advance, integrating it into your programming practice can help you reach new heights in your coding proficiency.

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Leonardo Bogatinov

I Write About Technology and Programming. Here you can also learn, How to take advantage of tools like ChatGPT in the Modern World.