How Can You Cut App Development Costs?

Bohdan Vasylkiv
4 min readSep 9, 2022


If you are reading this, you are probably in the estimation stage of your application creation. And you realize that if you do not optimize your budgets, you gonna have meaningless extra payments all down the road. But, lucky you, we are going to deepen into this topic and help you save your spending on an app.

However, first things first. Wouldn’t you agree that to manage cost-effective approaches, you need to better understand the whole image of the major spending during development and production? So, let’s have an outlook on the factors, which influence the development cost.

What Factors Influence The App Development Cost?

The team members and app content are only two examples of the particular aspects that affect development cost, but what else?

  • Team for Development.

Although the MVP development team won’t be as large, even the most basic positions — such as team lead, frontend and backend developers, UX/UI designers, QA, and project manager — must be filled. The first item that should be included in the assessment is unquestionably the hourly rate that each member of the workforce is paid.

  • Technology stack.

The length of time the team needs to complete a task depends on how difficult it is. Some features make it necessary to develop their own algorithm because there is no template for them, which will take more time.

Second, more than one backend programming language is required due to the complicated app architecture. You’ll need to recruit additional developers with a variety of technological backgrounds for that. Of course, a larger staff requires greater money.

Thirdly, there are API integrations that may prove to be a costly roadblock to the development of your ideal project. Whether they are required for the core functionality or you need them to provide customers with special features, cloud APIs, payment APIs, CPaaS APIs, and other third-party connectors all increase the estimated development time and have an impact on the cost of the app.

  • Supported iterations.

Making software compatible with each version of the operating system is necessary for keeping it current. Make sure your app is applicable to everyone if you want people to use it and spread the word. However, it will take time to adapt an app to the varied resolutions and system requirements.

  • Costs for the services involved.

DevOps is one of the services that must be implemented in order for the development process to function properly, and it obviously costs extra for its subscriptions.

  • Post-production.

You should also think about the costs associated with post-production. Remember that your work isn’t done after the development is complete; instead, you should concentrate on marketing, legal operations, updates, the support staff, and other things. Pay attention to this section since, without it, there is a very good probability that the development was ineffective, even though the cost of such activities is not included in the development estimate.

Obviously, the price is ultimately determined by the development time multiplied by the hourly rate of each team member, even though the primary elements impacting the pricing may change.

How Can You Cut App Development Costs?

You should be careful with the cost-efficient strategy. Make sure you consult with tech specialists not to omit something really essential while cutting budgets.

However, if talking generally, there are 2 ways I think are effective enough for cheaper development.

  1. Employ a team for outsourcing. Certain regions may have cheaper hourly rates, therefore you may think about hiring a team of specialists there. Find the prices that best suit your needs, but make sure to find out whether the firm has completed projects comparable to those you are interested in in the same sector. Investigate their work, and without thinking twice, begin working with them. By then, you must be certain that we have the same objective.
  2. Begin with MVP. Test the critical assumptions while implementing just the necessary functionalities. After gathering input, implement the extra functionality that the target market will genuinely require. You’ll avoid wasting money on market fit testing in this method.

End Thoughts

As you can see, there are so many nuances that can affect the cost of your software. You can use the 2 methods I’ve offered you earlier, or just go through the list of possible spending and consult a CTO or your development team to keep it cheaper. Still, it depends on your functionality and what exactly you can cut out, or not.



Bohdan Vasylkiv

As a founder of software development company, I always have a few insights to share. Here you’ll find what the IT space hides!