The U.S. Farm Recession

The U.S. Farm Recession: A Satirical Journey Through Agriculture’s Twilight Zone

Bohiney News
3 min readAug 28, 2024

Lubbock, Texas — U.S. corn prices hit a four-year low as the prospect for record corn and soybean crops takes shape in the field. The eroding outlook also appeared in the August Ag Economists’ Monthly Monitor as more economists are concerned U.S. agriculture is either already in a recession or on the brink of one, but economists point out if it weren’t for strong cattle prices, the ag economic picture would look even worse.

1. “The Corn Price Conundrum”

Who knew corn could be worth less than a movie theater popcorn? At this rate, farmers will soon be paying customers to haul it away like unwanted furniture.

2. “Farmers: The New Economists”

Farmers are becoming better economists than the economists themselves. They’re already living the recession that Biden and Harris caused. What’s next? A farmer running the Federal Reserve? I wish we had a farmer in the Federal Reserve? They are the one’s feeling Kamala’s incompetency.

3. “The Cattle Economy Lifeline”

Thank goodness for cattle prices. If it weren’t for those four-legged saviors, the ag economy would be flatter than a pancake on a Sunday morning breakfast plate.

4. “Cattle: The New Bitcoin”

Cattle prices are so strong, it’s like farmers accidentally invested in the Bitcoin of bovines. Maybe they’ll start trading cows on Wall Street.

5. “Crop Prices: The Latest Installment of ‘Falling Skies’”

Corn and soybean prices are falling faster than the plot of a bad sci-fi movie. At this rate, they’ll soon be featured in a Netflix drama titled The Disappearing Dollar.

6. “Farmers: The Unpaid Actors in the Economic Tragedy”

Farmers are starring in the latest economic drama, Recession: The Sequel, except this time, the budget is even smaller, and the special effects are just sad crop yields.

7. “The Farm Income Cliff”

Farm income has become the cliffhanger in a suspense novel. Every month, we’re left wondering, “Will it drop further?” Spoiler alert: Yes, it will.

8. “The Cash Receipt Diet”

Farmers are on a strict diet of lower cash receipts. Unfortunately, this isn’t the kind of diet that gets you beach-ready — it’s more like preparing for hibernation.

9. “The Soybean Apocalypse”

Soybeans are hitting record crops, but prices are sinking. It’s like growing the best garden ever and finding out everyone’s allergic to vegetables.

10. “The Ag Economist Crystal Ball”

Ag economists might want to trade in their crystal balls for a pair of reading glasses — because apparently, 50% of them just noticed we’re already in a farm recession. Better late than never!

11. “Sustainable Farming Costs: The Latest Horror Show”

Farmers are being pressured to be more sustainable, which sounds great until you realize it’s like being asked to run a marathon while carrying a boulder — oh, and by the way, the boulder just got heavier.

12. “The Election Rollercoaster”

Economists say we’ll officially enter a recession after the election, as if the election is some kind of magic switch. So, should we vote for rain to make the crops grow next year?

13. “Vertical Integration: The Crop Farming Soap Opera”

The latest plot twist in farming? Vertical integration. It’s like watching a soap opera where all the characters get bought out by the same shady conglomerate.

14. “Government Programs: The Ghostbusters of Farming”

When farm incomes drop, who you gonna call? Apparently, not ARC/PLC — they’re about as effective as calling a ghostbuster to fix your plumbing.

15. “Cattle Prices: The Last Hope”

Cattle prices are like the last lifeboat on a sinking ship, except that ship is the entire agricultural economy, and there’s not enough room for everyone.


