Meetup Venue Feature

2 min readJul 23, 2017


Meetup is a great application for users to connect to other users who have similar interests. Whether it be a finding some players for a soccer game, or just simly new friends. Whatever your goal may be Meetup is a great networking applcation. However it does not come with some pitfalls. One of the biggest fearure that Meetup offers to there users is the ability to search and find any type of event. Its great for the memebers, but can become cumbersome for the organziers. For organziers to find a place to host their events they need to know, or find a place. There is no simple feature where organizers can connect to venue locations.

Through user research I found that organziers biggest annoyance with Meetup, was its lack of ability to simply connect to venues. Since the feature was never implemented I decided to create it.

Starting out by understanding where the user came from I created a problem statment “Meetup organizers need a way to connect to venue owners in order to simplify the process of organizing a successful event.” The process was simple. Create a new feature within meetup that allows venue owners to create a profile, from there they are able to describe their location and what they can offer. Organizers then will be able to see that venue location and connect to them.

Going foward I would like to create a better flow of screens to connect to the venue location. In addition to this I would like contiune to second round of usability testing. This would help give me further insight into the design that I created, and help change things.




UI/UX Developer based in Brooklyn