A Warm Welcome To Our Newest Hydrogen Family Members!

Bojana Ninkov
3 min readMay 20, 2019


We are so pleased to announce that we have some new family members at Hydrogen and we’re excited to introduce them!

Niral Patel, Senior Product Manager

Niral Patel

Prior to Hydrogen, Niral was a Senior Product Manager at ADP, responsible for tax modernization initiatives in the small business space, development of features for a brand new product called Accountant Connect, and developing a new vision for managing Certificates of Insurance for mid-market and small business ADP clients with P&C insurance.

A sunny weekend for Niral would consist of his wife and 1-year old daughter taking a road trip to one of the many beaches in either New Jersey or along the New England coastline.

When asked what he looks forward to working on the most at Hydrogen, he said:

Executing on the Hydrogen product vision to develop simple and intuitive products for customers that delight and provide exponential value!

Umur Basar, Blockchain Product Manager

Umur Basar

Before joining the Hydrogen team, Umur was a product manager at Cryptonomic, where he launched a desktop wallet called Galleon, and a block explorer called Arronax, for the Tezos project. He is also one of the co-founders of Pheme, a decentralized publishing platform.

His favorite way to spend a sunny weekend is running a lap or two around Prospect Park and finishing it off with a picnic with his wife.

When asked what he looks forward to working on the most at Hydrogen, he said:

I am excited to work on Molecule because I believe it will have a big contribution to the adoption efforts of blockchain technology. With Molecule, many traditional finance companies will be able to add blockchain components to their existing products, which will onboard their existing users to this awesome technology!

Eli Mernit, Blockchain Product Manager

Eli Mernit

Eli previously worked at BlockApps, where he helped to build an enterprise version of Ethereum.

His favorite way to spend a sunny weekend is a picnic in Prospect Park. Seems like he and Umur already have a lot in common :)

When asked what he looks forward to working on the most at Hydrogen, he said:

Enterprise blockchain!

Eli is also apparently a man of few words.

Chelsea Maresca, Business Analyst

Chelsea Maresca

Chelsea previously worked at Oliver Wyman as an Actuarial Consultant, where she analyzed P&C insurance risk, and provided valuations of insurance liabilities for numerous Fortune 500 clients. She began her career at Arch Insurance Group, where she developed and brought a cyber insurance product to market.

In her free time, Chelsea loves getting outdoors — whether that’s going for a run in Central Park, kayaking on the Hudson, or making a quick escape to the beaches and vineyards of Long Island. She can’t get enough of the sun!

When asked what she looks forward to working on the most at Hydrogen, she said:

At Hydrogen, I look forward to learning more about fintech and blockchain, and playing a big part in bringing new insurance and financial solutions to our platform.

