Bojana Bogojević
2 min readOct 8, 2018


At its session held on September 14, 2018, the Government of the Republic of Serbia adopted a Decision on the amount of minimum wage to the period from January to December 2019. Minimum wage, excluding taxes and contributions for compulsory social security for the next year, will be RSD 155.30 (net) per working hour and will apply from 01.01.2019.

Pursuant to the aforementioned Decision of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, published in the "Official Journal" of RS No. 69/2018, the net minimum wage for payments in 2019 will be as follows:

for the month with 160 hours: 24,848 dinars.
for the month of 168 hours: 26,090.40 dinars.
for the month with 176 hours: 27,332.80 dinars.
for the month with 184 working hours: 28.575,20 dinars.

It is important to note that the amount of the gross minimum wage for payments in 2019 is not yet known, as it depends on the non-taxable amount of the profit that will be changed from 01.01.2019. year, and the release is expected in December 2018.

In nominal terms, the average net wage in Serbia totalled 417 euro in June, according to the latest official data available.

It is necessary to emphasize that the General act, the labor contract determines the reasons for adopting a decision on the introduction of a minimum wage. After the expiration of six months from the date of the decision to impose a minimum wage, the employer will inform the union representatives about the reasons for continuing to pay the minimum wage.

The employer is obliged to pay the minimum wage to an employee in the amount determined on the basis of the decision about minimal wage valid for the month in which the payment is made.

In accordance with the aforementioned adopted amendments, all payments of minimum wage, as of December 31, 143 dinars are made net per working hour, while all payments will be made from 01.01.2019. in the amount of RSD 155.30 per working hour regardless of the month for which the payment was made.

At the end, we can conclude minimum wage currently is 143,00 RSD per working hour and it is valid until end of December of the current year. New minimum wage of 155,30 RSD per working hour will be valid from 01.01.2019. and Government Decision mentioned at the beginning would increase the minimum wage in the Republic of Serbia for 8.6% .

Bojana Bogojević

Lawyer - passed Bar exam

Specialist for Corporate Governance

Global Goodwill Ambassador