Were the Freemasons Involved in the Titanic Sinking Disaster?

Bojan T
3 min readFeb 21, 2018


The Titanic sinking disaster may have been affected by the Masons according to newly revealed evidence.

The secret archive, which has two million Freemasons, was first publicly posted on the site Ancestry. It discovers to what extent the Freemasons have been involved in the controversial British investigation of one of the worst disasters of our time.

The archive confirms that not only the judge who oversaw the British commission on the disaster. As well as the main investigator, but also those who escaped censorship — were in fact Freemasons.

While the US Senate investigation showed that the British merchant board was responsible for the Titanic sinking disaster. Poor regulation that allowed the Titanic ship to have such a small number of rescue boats. The British investigation led by Lord Mercy did not blame the board.

But Lord Mercy or John Charles Bigam was, as it is now known, a mason who approached the London lodge in 1881. It was also board chairman Sydney Buxton, who became a member of the same year in Limehouse in eastern London.

The director of the shipyard and the company which manufactured the Titanic were Freemasons.

At least two of the five members of the experts who participated in the investigation are also found in the Masonic archive. This were Professor John Harvard Bills, Marine Architecture Specialist and Edward Cheston who was a former engineer.

In the meantime, it was learned that Lord Pirrie, who was the director of the Harland and Wolff shipyard in Belfast, which is the shipyard where the Titanic was built and one of the directors of the company “White Star” (a company which owned the ship Titanic), were also Masons .

The Titanic expert, Nick Compton, author of the book “Titanic on Trial”, said:

The Titanic investigation in the United Kingdom is labeled as legitimate. It’s because a large number of involved people have been thrown out of it.

Only three passengers were examined, with all belonging to the first class. Captain Smith was also excluded.

This was because most of the ships at that time usually went through ice without major problems. The only person to whom the two investigations were conducted was the captain of the 13-kilometer-long California ship.

Whose crew watched crafted rocket flares from the Titanic, but did nothing until it was too late.”

The rich had the advantage?

Compton claims that the British were more focused on populist problems. Problems such as whether rescue boats were given only to the wealthy passengers. They offered bribes to ‘buy’ the boats.

Otherwise, the passenger ship that sank at the bottom of the Atlantic early morning on April 15, 1912. The Titanic sinking remained one of the largest maritime disasters which killed more than 1,500 people and only 700 survived.

The British investigation was led by a trade board that granted approval to the ship. Many believed that the investigation didn’t want to find the culprit, because the board was responsible for White Star too.

The investigation concluded that Captain Smith done what would and any other capable person in his place would do, writes “Telegraph”.

But the association with the masons sheds a new light on the entire Titanic sinking disaster investigation. It also points to the extent to which mason was involved in the British high society, and to what extent they managed to do so.

Originally published at theperfectimprovement.com on February 21, 2018.

