Welcome to the World of Boki

7 min readMay 2, 2022


The Boki Vision

Welcome to our World, where child-like imagination runs free and fantasy is celebrated.

Boki is a community-focused art project centered around collaboration and connection. Our goal is to attract imaginative Dreamers and Adventurers who are passionate about our art and Web3. To those who live with their heads in the clouds: welcome home. The World of Boki is home to anyone and everyone.

Boki is a collection of 7,777 unique non-fungible tokens (NFTs) that will reside on the Ethereum blockchain. Our team has designed a diverse and inclusive selection of traits, including hair styles, outfits, accessories, and more to best represent both our World and our wonderful community. Each Boki is hand-crafted during a thorough generative process, creating unique characters for everyone.

Boki’s Values


At Boki, we are co-creators of this World and we value what each unique member brings to the collective experience. We are continually impressed by the talent within our community and plan on collaborating with our community members to achieve the goals we set. By engaging with our community with activities, games, and challenges, we will build a hub where unique minds merge, come together, and create a respectful and loving place that anyone can call home.


Our goal is to continue improving the collective experience. We are always looking for opportunities to grow the community treasury (more on that below) and take our financial responsibility to the brand, team, and collectors very seriously. We will seek out partners who can help add value to the Boki community.


We believe in facing challenges head-on. Our team is prepared to be creative problem solvers in order to overcome any obstacles that may arise and to preserve the value and integrity of the project.


In addition to exploring the intersection of Web2 and Web3, the Boki adventure will expand to real-life events and exclusive merch. We are committed to a versatile plan that leaves room for creativity and adaptability in a space that moves as quickly as Web3.

Boki as a Brand

The magic of Web3 is that it gives us the freedom to live like locals in a global community. The Boki world exists outside of borders and nations; friends on the other side of the globe can be our neighbors. We want Boki to exist as a world of free-flowing communication, because the spirit of adventure knows no language. This philosophy will define Boki as a brand. Over time, the Boki brand will evolve and adapt as we explore new mediums, partnerships, and ways to grow our community.

An Ongoing Narrative

In the World of Boki, dreams, adventure and escapism are the songs of the land, and compasses, maps, packs and comfortable shoes are the melodies. The Boki revel in charting new lands, scaling snowy mountains, uncovering unturned stones, and making new friends with fellow Boki and their World’s creatures alike.

We have created a cast of core characters with interconnecting storylines to build out the World of Boki. The opportunities to play with these characters are endless; we plan to bring them to life in animations, art pieces, official lore, and other mediums in the future. We have begun teasing the official World of Boki in our Discord channel; stay tuned for future updates!

Funding & Community Wallet

30% of mint revenue and 25% of secondary revenue will be allocated to a community wallet to invest in our events, upcoming merchandise drop, future artwork, and more.

Boki IRL — Events & More

We plan to merge Web2 and Web3 through live Boki events. We are currently in the midst of planning an event around this year’s NFT.NYC (2022), with the goal of achieving an immersive gallery experience for our holders to connect with each other and experience the world of Boki. This will mark the first of many live events to come from the World of Boki.


We plan to release a collection of physical merchandise as part of our journey to expand the Boki brand. Our merchandise will be unique, both capturing specific traits from our 7,777 Boki collection and evoking a style appealing for everyone. Our first collection is in the beginning steps of production and will be set to launch sometime this summer. For a rough idea/preview, see the Boki-branded clothing traits generated in the sneak peek below.

Community Moderation Team

A team of enthusiastic mods will be available to our community to support our world and make lifelong connections with our community members. We will also organize ongoing AMAs in both our official Discord server and on Twitter Spaces with the Boki team to update on our plans and developments for the project.

The Boki NFT Launch

Launch Structure

The 7,777 Boki NFT collection will launch on May 12. Minting will only be available through the official Boki website, which will be shared shortly. Our development team has created an anti-bot, secure smart ERC721A contract to guarantee our Dreamers — mint listed community members — their mints as well as the remaining allocation for the public sale to follow.

Mint Pricing

Each Boki NFT will cost 0.066 ETH. Our secondary royalties will be 5%.

Dreamer Presale — Premint

All Dreamers will be required to register with our official Premint page. The Premint will open on May 6th and close on May 9th. All Dreamers must register directly with our Premint during this period to mint their Boki. Anyone who does not register will lose their Dreamer mint; we strongly encourage all our Dreamers to sign up as soon as possible after the Premint goes live. Please check our Discord for an announcement regarding our Premint link once it becomes available.

Mint Schedule

The mint schedule will proceed as follows:

Dreamer Presale

May 19th at 6 AM PST — May 19th at 6PM PST

May 19th at 1 PM UTC — May 20th at 1 AM UTC

Public Sale

May 19th from 6 PM — 8 PM PST

May 20th from 1 AM — 3 AM UTC

Whitelist Collab & Bonus Dreamer Sale

May 19th from 8 PM — 11 PM PST

May 20th from 3 AM— 6 AM UTC

Final Sale

May 19th at 11 PM PST

May 20th at 6 AM UTC

Dreamer Presale

  • Our Dreamer Presale runs from May 19th at 6 AM PST — May 19th at 6PM PST.
  • A total of roughly 1,400 NFTs will be available for Dreamers to mint — 1 Boki per Dreamer wallet.
  • Any leftover mints will be allocated for the Public Sale. Dreamers can mint up to 2 additional Boki per transaction with no wallet limit during the Public Sale.
  • Dreamers can also mint another Boki during the Whitelist Collab & Dreamer Bonus Sale. This means Dreamers are reserved for up to 2 Boki mints: 1 during Dreamer Presale and 1 during Whitelist Sale.
  • If the Final Sale is required, Dreamers can mint up to 2 additional Boki per transaction with no wallet limit.

Public Sale

  • Our Public Sale follows the Dreamer Presale on May 19th from 6 PM — 8 PM PST.
  • A total of roughly 1,350 NFTs will be available for the public to mint — up to 3 Boki per transaction with no wallet limit.
  • Dreamers can also mint up to 2 additional Boki per transaction with no wallet limit during the Public Sale.
  • Whitelist Collab winners can mint up to 2 additional Boki per transaction with no wallet limit during the Public Sale in addition to their NFT from the Whitelist Collab Sale immediately following the Public Sale (more details on the Whitelist Collab Sale below).
  • Any leftover mints from the Public Sale will be rolled over into a Final Sale (if required).

Whitelist Collab & Dreamer Bonus Sale

  • Our Whitelist Collab & Dreamer Bonus Sale follows the Public Sale from 8 PM — 11 PM PST.
  • A total of roughly 3,500 NFTs will be available for our whitelist collab winners — 1 Boki per whitelist collab winner wallet.
  • Our Dreamers can also mint 1 additional Boki during this sale from a bonus 1,400 stock allocation.
  • Any leftover mints from the Whitelist Collab & Dreamer Bonus Sale will be rolled over into a Final Sale (if required).

Final Sale (if required)

  • If any Boki NFTs remain after our sales, we will open a Final Sale for the remaining stock allocations at 6 p.m. PST.
  • Limits will follow those of the Public Sale — 2 Boki per transaction with no wallet limit.

Team Mints

  • The Boki team will be reserving the first 150 tokens for future giveaways, partnerships, and team allocations.

Global Reveal Date

The global reveal for Boki will execute on an announced date after the sale has been completed. Any remaining NFT’s before our reveal date will be burned.

Reveal Transparency and Fairness

Boki’s reveal will be completely fair and random. We are using Chainlink VRF Offset technology to ensure full randomization upon execution of the reveal. This means no one — the team, our holders, etc. — will know their Boki, their traits, or rarity until the collection fully reveals.

We cannot wait to welcome our future Dreamers and Adventurers into the World of Boki. Follow along with our journey with our official social media links below:

Boki Discord server: http://discord.gg/bokiworld

Boki Twitter: https://twitter.com/BokiNFT

Boki Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bokinft/

Boki Website: https://boki.art




Boki is an art & community-focused project featuring a collection of 7,777 Dreamers & Adventurers. Join us on an adventure exploring our World!