Collecting Secrets

Chapter One

Pascale Kavanagh
8 min readFeb 14, 2018
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This was not the first time Camille had looked foolish, but it might have been the first time she didn’t care. Unable to find her room key or hold back the torrent of tears, she plunked down onto the ugly hotel carpet in front of her door and sobbed, loud and hard. With nothing but the back of her hand to wipe away the tears and snot, the scene quickly escalated from tragic to gruesome.

Heartbreak was no stranger. But this break-up was beyond humiliating. How dare he? She had given him everything and he claimed it wasn’t enough. He’d stood in the cold marble lobby and yelled at her. Accused her of cheating. In front of everyone.

Humiliation mingled with anger and desperation, halting any effort to pull herself together. They’d flown across the country to attend this wedding and now she’d be conspicuously dateless in a room full of happy couples. She tried to take a breath and choked on a new wave of tears.

A soft crush of footsteps stopped in front of her, but Camille had no interest in lifting her head off her knees to look.

“Hey, Cam. What’s wrong?”

She knew that voice, as well as the gentle stroke of his hand in her hair.

“Camille. You’re scaring me. What’s going on?”

His worry pierced through her pain and, with great effort, she tilted her head up to see her best friend’s face inches from hers.

His eyes flashed to fear. “Camille! What happened? Are you okay? Talk to me!”

It took so much energy to form words. “Calm down, Jack. I’m okay.”

“You don’t look okay. Did something happen with Charlie? Where is he?”

The questions were coming too fast for Camille’s throbbing, blurry head. “He dumped me.” There, she said it. Out loud.

The line of his lips flattened and his breath growled. Rage filled his expression. “That mother fu-”

Camille shook her head, trying to regain her composure. “We flew all the way here and that bastard couldn’t even wait one more day.”

Jackson’s mouth softened. “I’m so sorry.” He rubbed his thumb across her cheek.

She looked into the warm brown eyes of her closest friend, the man who’d been like a brother for the past ten years. This was how she knew him best — kind, caring, and sweet. She didn’t care how the world saw him. She had gotten to know the real man.

“Let’s get you up and into your room.” He slipped his long arms under hers and stood her up. She fell into his broad chest, melting into the arms that enveloped her.

“Where’s your key, love?” he whispered into the top of her head.

She mumbled into his chest. “I couldn’t find it.”

Keeping a firm grip around her with one arm, Jackson dipped down to pick her purse up off the ground. “Can I take a look?”

“Of course.” She had no secrets from him.

She winced when he had to unlock his arm from her waist to search through her purse. Of course, he knew exactly where she would have put the key: in the smallest zippered pocket.

He waved it in front of the magnetic pad and the loud click confirmed his success.

As expected, the room had been cleared of all Charlie’s belongings. His compulsiveness would have prevented him from forgetting anything. Camille stepped away from Jackson to look around, hoping to find a belt, or a tie, or even a tube of shaving cream. Any excuse to contact him again. But there was nothing, not even a stray hair.

Charlie had almost snuck out without her knowing. If she hadn’t had to leave the restaurant to go to the bathroom, she would never have seen him, bags in hand, striding across the lobby.

Jackson stepped in front of her, halting her examination of the room, and began wiping her eyes and nose with a tissue.

“I’m a mess.” Only the slightest tinge of self-consciousness colored the moment. This was who they were and had always been. He pressed the tissue across her nose and she blew, like a small child.

“No, Cam. You’re just hurting.” He balled up the tissue and flicked it into the small metal bin to his right. “I know you’re upset, love. But, personally, I’m glad he’s gone. He was never good enough for you. And he reinforced his complete lack of class by doing this here. I mean, he couldn’t have ended it before flying to Chicago with you?”

Camille dropped her head, another rush of tears pressing against her eyes.

His broad palms cupped her face, tilting her up to look at him. “Hey, hey, Cam. He has no idea what an amazing woman you are. There are better things in your future. I know it.”

His shoulders lifted as he took a deep breath. Something about the look on his face locked her attention on him. When he touched his lips to hers, a first in their relationship, a tiny spark of surprise jolted her awake. When he pressed in, more deeply, passionately and deliberately, gripping her and parting her lips, there was no question a line had been crossed.

A column of heat filled Camille’s body as his mouth explored hers. She could not have imagined anything as wonderful as that kiss in that moment. Until she remembered to whom that mouth belonged.

She pushed him away and covered her mouth with the back of her hand. Tears rolled down her cheeks. “Jack… what are you doing?”

He looked like a cornered animal, eyes darting, chest pulsing with quick, shallow breaths, expression frozen. “Cam…”

Her body began to shake. “Why did you do that?!”

“I… because… I…” He took two steps back and bumped into the desk behind him. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have…”

Camille dropped her hand away from her face and stared at her closest friend. Her lips tingled. She did not like the feelings consuming her body. He was not hers to have in this way.

Jackson pressed his lips together briefly before speaking. “I messed up. My timing sucks. I’m sorry.” He stepped toward the door. “I’m gonna go now, okay? I’ll see you at the rehearsal dinner. I’m sorry about what happened today.”

After the heavy door clicked shut, Camille stripped off her clothes, released the tight bedding, and laid her body down. It didn’t matter that it was the middle of the day.

She closed her eyes, avoiding the most obvious question and instead lingering on the least traumatic. What had he meant about his timing?

Camille threw off the blankets and grumbled. The last thing she wanted to do was get all dressed up and make nice with the large party assembled for the rehearsal dinner. As a bridesmaid, however, she had no choice but to attend. It had been a grueling day and not even burying herself under the covers for a couple of hours had brought relief from the double whammy. First, the tactless breakup, and then a surprise kiss from the one man from whom she would have never expected such a thing.

She hadn’t thought of Jackson that way since their earliest days, back when she had just entered Princeton. Of course, she’d had a crush on him. He had that effect on every woman he met. But when they built a relationship based on trust, respect, and friendship instead of sex, it felt exactly right.

He was a playboy, never without a glamorous woman on his arm, but her position as his closest friend was much more important and stable. She had no interest in being part of the temporary arm candy parade. But the kiss that lingered on her lips refused to be ignored.

The enormous wedding party was already seated when she arrived. All that hemming and hawing made her late.

Emma, the bride-to-be, scurried to meet her. “Cam, I heard what happened. I’m so sorry sweetie. Are you okay?”

Camille didn’t want her bad news to affect her friend’s wedding celebrations. “I’m perfectly fine, Em. It was for the best. And we’re here to celebrate you, anyway. Nothing sad today!”

Emma gave her a crooked smile. “Okay. But you let me know if you want to talk.”

Camille forced a grateful smile. “Sure will.”

She scanned the length of the immense rectangular table for her seat. It should have been easy to find: two empty seats next to each other. But the only opening was next to Jackson. He stood up abruptly as she approached the table. His chivalry did not make up for the fact he had clearly altered the seating arrangements.

He pulled out her chair and slid her into place. “You look beautiful, Cam. As always.”

She couldn’t look at him. Why wasn’t he keeping his distance after their awkward moment? And where was his date? She could have sworn she was supposed to have arrived that afternoon. “Where’s Anya?”

“She’s not coming.”

Camille spun around to glare at him. “What?!”

“I asked her not to come. She’s shooting in Europe next week and I told her she’d probably be bored hanging out with all these people she doesn’t know. It was never that serious, as you know.”

Rage burned in her chest as she hissed out her response. “Are you kidding me? You disinvited her the day she was supposed to get here? You’re no better than Charlie. Why would you do that?”

“I did it for you, Camille.”

Jackson’s calm deliberateness stood in stark contrast to the ruckus in Camille’s body. If it wouldn’t have caused a scene, she would have pushed away from the table, marched to her room, and spent the rest of the evening under her covers. She could not understand what had happened to the world around her.

Each course of the dinner, as delicious as it was beautiful, including a wonderful French plum tart, did nothing to counter the bitterness coating Camille’s tongue. She had successfully kept her eyes straight ahead and her attention anywhere but to her left. As soon as they were excused to the lounge for after-dinner drinks, Camille made sure to put as much space as possible between herself and Jackson. But everywhere she looked, he was there, watching, with a look in his eyes that screamed nothing she wanted to hear.

She was swirling the olive in an untouched martini when her best friend Jenna found her. “Jack told me what happened today.”

She couldn’t believe he had told his sister about the kiss.

“I’m sorry Charlie hurt you, but I’m glad he’s gone. He was a Grade A asshole. Good riddance, I say. So let’s drink to that!”

“Jack told you about Charlie? Did he say anything else?” Camille took an overly large sip of her drink as she tried not to panic.

“Not really, no. Was there something else?”

Camille didn’t want to lie to her friend, but this was not the time to get into it. “No, Jenna. Just that.”

“We’re all here for you, Cammy. You know that. And your date will now be the most handsome guy in the room.”

Camille shivered. “What?”

“Jack. He’ll be your date now. And nobody loves you more than he does.”

Camille willed her face to stay calm. “Jenna-”

“I’m a close second, I know. Go have fun with my brother and forget all about that loser, Charlie.”

Camille clinked the glass Jenna held up, then wiped out the remainder of her martini.

I hope you enjoyed this excerpt of my newest novel, Collecting Secrets. The whole story can be found here.

About Pascale…

I’ve drawn my inspiration from the many flavors of my life experience. Once a sad, shy girl, I’ve also been an MIT-educated engineer, biotech executive, professional dancer, yoga teacher and business owner, school founder, spiritual counselor, and entrepreneur.

These days, my favorite titles are author, mother, and hot stuff.

And I own a magic wand that I’m certain will work one day.



Pascale Kavanagh

Transformational teacher, soulful speaker, intrepid writer, spiritual adventure guide. Author of steamy novels. and