Get To Know About the Various Types of Rapid Prototyping

2 min readApr 30, 2024


While there are many different manufacturing methods used in rapid prototype, layered additive manufacturing is the most commonly used. On the other hand, high-speed machining, casting, molding, and extrusion are further technologies utilized in RP. Although the most popular rapid prototyping method is additive manufacturing, prototypes can also be made using more traditional methods.

Among these procedures are:



Various Forms of Rapid Prototyping

Vat Photopolymerization or Stereolithography (SLA) for

The first commercial 3D printing technology to be successful was this quick and inexpensive process. It makes use of a bath of photosensitive liquid that is gradually solidified with the aid of computer-controlled ultraviolet (UV) radiation.

Laser Sintering with Selectivity (SLS)

Using a powder bed and a laser to heat and sinter the powdered material, SLS is used for both metal and plastic prototyping. A prototype is constructed one layer at a time. Though the final product’s surface is typically rough and may take additional labor to polish, the components’ strength is not as strong as it is with SLA.

Material Jetting or Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM)

Most non-industrial desktop 3D printers employ this low-cost, simple-to-use method. These rapid prototyping services make use of a spool of thermoplastic filament that is melted inside a printing nozzle barrel and then applied layer by layer using computer deposition software to apply the liquid plastic. Although the early findings were often weak and of low resolution, this procedure is gradually improving and is inexpensive, quick, and perfect for product development.

Powder Bed Fusion or Selective Laser Melting (SLM)

This method, often referred to as powder bed fusion, is preferred for producing complicated, high-strength components. Several sectors, including aerospace, automotive, defense, and medical, employ selective laser melting. Using a strong laser or electron beam, a fine metal powder is melted layer by layer in this powder bed-based fusion process to create prototypes or production pieces. Cobalt chrome alloys, titanium, aluminum, and stainless steel are common SLM materials used in RP.

Sheet lamination or Laminated Object Manufacturing (LOM)

Compared to SLM or SLS, this low-cost method is less complex, but it doesn’t need specifically regulated environments. To construct the CAD pattern design, LOM stacks a succession of thin laminates that have been precisely cut using laser beams or another cutting tool. Until the component is finished, each layer is supplied and bonded on top of the one before it.


This method is used by product designers to quickly produce rapid prototype pieces that are representative. This can help with the manufacturing process’s design, development, and visualization before it goes into mass production.

Rapid prototyping was initially employed in the automobile sector to produce components and scale models, but it has since found widespread usage in a variety of industries, including the aerospace and medical fields.

Another usage for RP is rapid tooling, which is the act of creating a part — like an ultrasonic sensor wedge or injection mold plug — that is then utilized as a tool in another process.




BOLE RP & M CO.,LTD is a high-tech rapid prototyping and precision CNC machining facility that was founded in 2007.